HDL to close doors in Q2

don't know if any do. the practice is questionable at best but legal for now. with all of the other regs related to being transparent, this cannot last. docs are going to have to be very careful--look at what is happening in the pharma industry when it comes to reporting.

Could be a Bio Diagnostics Part II....good thing you are all contract, less liability for Blue Wave health.

I heard that the contract reps are making a million plus a year selling their tests and draw fees to docs. If you dont believe them just ask what they make in a month. They will try to downplay it. This seemed like fraud from the start. Just wait until the media gets ahold of this. We have legitimate test with a medical purpose and you guys are peddling excessive "draw fees".

I heard that the contract reps are making a million plus a year selling their tests and draw fees to docs. If you dont believe them just ask what they make in a month. They will try to downplay it. This seemed like fraud from the start. Just wait until the media gets ahold of this. We have legitimate test with a medical purpose and you guys are peddling excessive "draw fees".

I agree. They all have made mounds of money at the expense of patients, docs, insurance carriers etc. It is wrong what they are doing. They deserve some type of major fine to pay back the money that HDL has stolen. Its called Karma people. When you go into your doctors office and they tell you they need many tubes of blood for these tests that you just had its just not right.

You may be laughing all the way to the bank.... But so was Bernie Madoff and the execs at Enron before tears streamed down their faces on the way to prison! Bank... Just a pitstop... Laugh it up! All good things esp those destructive to government systems and funding ...come to an end. Medicare will want a chunk back of the 100M $ a year for the last 4 years billed out.... Easy come.... EASY GO! Enjoy! :)

read the entire OIG memo. HDL does not violate any of the items. FMV is a non issue cuz avg of reimb on draws is about equal to their doc fees. Pays per patient, not per test. Does not place draw people inside office. Does not carve out Fed patients. HDL pays the practice, not the doc. Not sure how HDL would be made accountable if another lab placed an employee there to draw, and physician collected fee. Would that really stand up in court? So HDL is supposed to monitor what another labs employee does?

It's all smoke. HDL will live on just like all the other businesses follow the law to the letter. Loopholes are made to be jumped through.

Its simply Quid Pro Quo! You can try to explain it away anyway that you want to. You are currently being investigated for violations of the law and rightfully so. You had to know what you were doing was wrong. Greed just took over for y'all. HDL and its many arms induced docs with excessive draw fees (sometimes paying them multiple times for the same patient). I wish you luck. Please dont try to pull the wool over our eyes anymore.

read the entire OIG memo. HDL does not violate any of the items. FMV is a non issue cuz avg of reimb on draws is about equal to their doc fees. Pays per patient, not per test. Does not place draw people inside office. Does not carve out Fed patients. HDL pays the practice, not the doc. Not sure how HDL would be made accountable if another lab placed an employee there to draw, and physician collected fee. Would that really stand up in court? So HDL is supposed to monitor what another labs employee does?

It's all smoke. HDL will live on just like all the other businesses follow the law to the letter. Loopholes are made to be jumped through.

What color is the sky in your world?

Its simply Quid Pro Quo! You can try to explain it away anyway that you want to. You are currently being investigated for violations of the law and rightfully so. You had to know what you were doing was wrong. Greed just took over for y'all. HDL and its many arms induced docs with excessive draw fees (sometimes paying them multiple times for the same patient). I wish you luck. Please dont try to pull the wool over our eyes anymore.

Good point. I think that HDL will be used to make an example of what happens when you cheat patients because they were the biggest offender.

Heard the same thing, except it is Blue Wave paying the fine not HDL. Sounds like Blue Wave guys are going to jail, but HDL convinced government they didn't know that Blue Wave acted illegally. We should be able to continue our goal of serving patients and MDs with our innovative technology.

What is all this crap about? HDL has done nothing wrong. These are just competitors jealous of how much money we make selling our tests. Go get better tests, dudes

Yeah, BlueWave reps need to keep telling themselves this. I suggest you find a good hiding place for "all that money" you made because once the OIG starts freezing your assets, you a** is gonna be out in the street freezing!

And "your" better tests weren't even "your" tests...not sure what you're referring to there.

I'm reading the most recent posts and believe there needs to be some clarification. Patient's were often not billed. If the doc wrote free on the accession, the patient didn't get billed. The docs also leave off information so the insurance cannot be billed. Even if we request the information the practice won't send it. Thousands and thousands of cases. There are also patients that go to the doc 4 times a year so they can get the check the insurance company sends them because HDL is out of network. The patients love the type of reporting hdl provides and they were not charged. I don't agree with patient being harmed.

Does anyone know if a fine has IN FACT been levied and this case settled? Is it BlueWave or HDL? I see speculation but like so much on these sites there is a lot to sift through. Is there a public website that reveals the details of this case?