HDL to close doors in Q2

Randox is in talks to buy HDL on account of HDL being just a hair more effective than Randox has been in the states. Now, be on notice, you will have to be brilliant, and grand, and lack basic knowledge to join the group. The interview process will be a crack, the experience of no experience will be the end all, and no one, anywhere, everywhere, where listen to you.

Eat lots of leafy greens and raise your HDL

Could be a Bio Diagnostics Part II....good thing you are all contract, less liability for Blue Wave health.

I just saw two of their management at the G@ meeting 3 weeks back, they did not act like they were folding? However with the 3k req of unneeded, unwarranted tests on every req with no data to proof utility for the larger population, probably they should, it is companies like HDL which has brought all the cuts and magnifying glasses on the lab industry.

You all are slow....the way to bring HDL down is not to argue the draw fee and reimbursement....it is their leadership and the lack thereof!

CEO is a walking HR nightmare, Chief Scientific Officer is an old perv who uses the staff as his dating pool...they got rid of the only guy who had any business sense, they get rid of anyone who tries to talk sense into the CEO....I could go on, but that place has been run so loosey-goosey it is just a matter of time that any contractor brings a lawsuit demanding the benefits given to the regular employees. CEO threw a small fit when HDL didn't get one of the best places to work in VA....as a matter of fact they dropped a few points....she can't stand losing ANY award, not gracious at all....

Oh, you know all that stuff about the VA governor......he has ties to HDL too....just saying where there is smoke.....sniff a little deeper

And the new building....ha! a logistical nightmare! no thought at all given to processes and how to get samples from point A to B before the build began. Phew! Be glad you are NOT at HDL!

I just saw two of their management at the G@ meeting 3 weeks back, they did not act like they were folding? However with the 3k req of unneeded, unwarranted tests on every req with no data to proof utility for the larger population, probably they should, it is companies like HDL which has brought all the cuts and magnifying glasses on the lab industry.

HDL has not closed its doors but it is interesting that since moving to their new building and their aggressive sponsorship of the VCU Rams basketball team and the Redskins training camp partner they are suffering from a shortfall of cash. A hiring freeze has been announced and the employees have been sent an email stating the company must find a way to save 5 million dollars a month. We grow increasing anxious about the amount of money being spent during a time when the projected revenue has fallen short. There is also the investigation by the Department of Justice who is very interested in the contracted sales team, BlueWave who is at liberty to offer freebies at their leisure to include physicians and their friends and family as well as patients. Employees want to see HDL get on the right track because they know that this way of doing business is a problem. Recently a new company has been developed by Mallory called Innovative Diagnostic Lab. We are wondering if this is set up to replace HDL.

Not to mention that they are getting their a** kicked in some of the states where they are now required to send statements and bill patients for the copay. Many providers are dropping them like a hot potato because they aren't in network and their patients are complaining about getting billed.
As far as Bluewave, what comes around.... A group of schmucks out to make some quick bucks with no regard to integrity.

I'm constantly asked about the "draw fee" they pay.

This is from Dr's who use them and want to know if I can offer the same.

Are there any states this is legal in? Maybe I just don't understand.

HDL pays a process and handling fee. Referral fees are illegal but so far P and H is not unless an individual state prohibits it. The doc should know the laws in their states. P and H is getting looked at.