
Yeah the Gilead folks are trashing us on here. I guess Gilead board is dead like their stock. HARVONI is dropping steadily while Viekra is increasing by 53% in last 8 weeks. Watch a Gilead mole answer this thread and claim to work at Abbvie So easy to spot them.

Thanks but why are we still pumping $s in HCV? Who is leading the charge? Doe anyone speak the truth anymore to senior management? Miles would have dumped this fiasco a long time ago! Where are the tough leaders?

Its all about not wanting to get a big black eye on the HCV failure and causing stock sell-off amongst other internal political angst. The earlier reference to a house of cards is very appropriate in my eyes as well as it pertains to ABBV revenue growth and mismanagement.
Too many crazy dependencies and assumptions have been used by the CEO as a basis for future growth potential. HCV is just one of them. Humira patent protection exposures, $20B investment in half interest of CA drug is another and on it goes.
I am appalled by lack of resource/expense management as well regarding the bloated nature of many sales forces. That's the icing on the cake when you take a step back and evaluate the truth of the health and optimistic blather that is being espoused by upper mgmt.

I made a life mistake by joining Abbvie HCV. My health went south with excessive drinking to relieve my anxiety and depression. Sleeping was sporadic, eating unhealthy, yelling at my family, losing my faith! Since leaving the toxic environment, my life has turned for the better. Lessons learned - - - don't believe the BS, realize that you are just a disposable player in the corporate game of deceit, and don't worship the almighty sales number!! Good luck in 2016 and recommend you consider my advice. Will your management protect you when Gilly, Merck and BMS launch in 2Q/3Q 2016?

Unfortunately we are all a bunch of whores in Pharma, and we all know it. We sold our souls for the paycheck and put up with the bullshit incompetent management for the paycheck and when we can't take it anymore we leave. We're all a pathetic bunch.

I made a life mistake by joining Abbvie HCV. My health went south with excessive drinking to relieve my anxiety and depression. Sleeping was sporadic, eating unhealthy, yelling at my family, losing my faith! Since leaving the toxic environment, my life has turned for the better. Lessons learned - - - don't believe the BS, realize that you are just a disposable player in the corporate game of deceit, and don't worship the almighty sales number!! Good luck in 2016 and recommend you consider my advice. Will your management protect you when Gilly, Merck and BMS launch in 2Q/3Q 2016?

Everyone I talked to in the sales force felt exactly what you describe, myself included. The good news is, once you get out, you can resume your life. Consider it a really bad dream.

Everyone I talked to in the sales force felt exactly what you describe, myself included. The good news is, once you get out, you can resume your life. Consider it a really bad dream.

I heard you're the Gilead ass sucking out of work disgruntled pussy.

Everyone I talked to in the sales force felt exactly what you describe, myself included. The good news is, once you get out, you can resume your life. Consider it a really bad dream.

I heard you're the Gilead ass sucking out of work disgruntled pussy.

Wow! Talk about someone that could use some medication...

Its all about not wanting to get a big black eye on the HCV failure and causing stock sell-off amongst other internal political angst. The earlier reference to a house of cards is very appropriate in my eyes as well as it pertains to ABBV revenue growth and mismanagement.
Too many crazy dependencies and assumptions have been used by the CEO as a basis for future growth potential. HCV is just one of them. Humira patent protection exposures, $20B investment in half interest of CA drug is another and on it goes.
I am appalled by lack of resource/expense management as well regarding the bloated nature of many sales forces. That's the icing on the cake when you take a step back and evaluate the truth of the health and optimistic blather that is being espoused by upper mgmt.

Revenue weakness is one thing that competitive pressures, you can argue, sometimes make it very tough to manage. Internal staffing and ridiculous field sales levels is a whole other story. Those are handled completely by internal forces. But once again, ABBV is all about appearances and not showing weakness by playing along with the crazy assumptions being given to analysts. As time passes in the near term, actual numbers will be our death knoll. What have they done to trim expenses other then release a handful of HIV and Neuro reps? When will the obscene staffing in places like Metabolics be addressed?
Humira reps are sick of taking all the pressure for presuming to be Herculean and supporting the entire company's bottom line. Morale here sucks and the reps are tired of being the sole whipping posts.

What is confidential ? The data is public and all over a dozen investment sites. Are you really that stupid. Every investment firm buys the data. All you need to do is ask your investment firm for the data. You guys really are stupid. No wonder your sliding down the sewer drain to the shit tank.

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