
Happy Holidays to all the Medical Directors, MSLs, Marketing, AEs, AE Managers, DMs, and HCV reps. Abbvie is treating us good. We aren't exactly storming the market, but a steady check is a good thing. Greetings to Metabolics too. We are all one big happy Abbvie family

I started bright eyed and enthusiastic. After 3 months, I was drinking every night to fall asleep and obsessing over sales numbers and the political cesspool of management. I went to see a psych who put me on antidepressants and a sleeping aid. I woke up one morning and said F This! I am now exercising daily, eating right, enjoying my new job, and stopped the excessive drinking! Oh by the way, don't need Viagra anymore! F Abbvie HCV!

I started bright eyed and enthusiastic. After 3 months, I was drinking every night to fall asleep and obsessing over sales numbers and the political cesspool of management. I went to see a psych who put me on antidepressants and a sleeping aid. I woke up one morning and said F This! I am now exercising daily, eating right, enjoying my new job, and stopped the excessive drinking! Oh by the way, don't need Viagra anymore! F Abbvie HCV!

Thx Louie Louie!!

I started bright eyed and enthusiastic. After 3 months, I was drinking every night to fall asleep and obsessing over sales numbers and the political cesspool of management. I went to see a psych who put me on antidepressants and a sleeping aid. I woke up one morning and said F This! I am now exercising daily, eating right, enjoying my new job, and stopped the excessive drinking! Oh by the way, don't need Viagra anymore! F Abbvie HCV!

Flipping burgers and cleaning car windows is certainly less stressful. Bottom line is you were weak and couldn't cut it. You left out the part where you terminated.

Love and Compassion Ahhhhh yes, I'm full of both. Now take them Meds and lay down on the couch and tell your shrink your story. Then go home and get drunk, and post sympathy seeking thread. Good Luck !

Abbvie Retiree here - - - should we worry about Gilead's new regimen that will approved no later than June 28th (FDA statement)? In three Phase III trials, a daily dose of Sovaldi and velpatasvir achieved 98% 12-week cure rate among patients with hep C genotypes 1 through 6! Do we know anything about AEs or SEs? When is our next gen scheduled to be launched? Should I sell my ABV stock?

yes be very worried. The Vpak came out of the gate as a big disappointment and remains one. All we can do is try to whittle price down as much as possible to gather the few crumbs left behind by Gilly. Their new drug will annihilate us and we will go quietly into the night as our revenue becomes even more insignificant. This venture is not even coming close to recovering its base expenses at the current level of sales.

yes be very worried. The Vpak came out of the gate as a big disappointment and remains one. All we can do is try to whittle price down as much as possible to gather the few crumbs left behind by Gilly. Their new drug will annihilate us and we will go quietly into the night as our revenue becomes even more insignificant. This venture is not even coming close to recovering its base expenses at the current level of sales.
Thanks but why are we still pumping $s in HCV? Who is leading the charge? Doe anyone speak the truth anymore to senior management? Miles would have dumped this fiasco a long time ago! Where are the tough leaders?

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