HCV Notification Date?

How dare you use MS' name in vain; greatest leader this franchise knew, no disrespect to past or current but he held reins during the most critical time for the brand.

Yup, he was so great, that he got busted down from NSD to a DSM level position. Ohh!, I forgot he "voluntarily" to the "assignment" to get "managed care" experience. Wink, Wink :) Right??

Anyway, no post launch RSD experience, no mba, no marketing experience, no managed care experience, no sales operation experience, no training experience. These are all stated requirements for NSD, most (except RSD) are requirements for DSM.

With this said, how exactly was MS qualified to be an NSD? Where were the complaints from the white guts, about this clearly unqualified individual?

There are reasons why many people left and some will stay and turn off the lights.
But look at the number of GREAT reps/managers who left because Genentech wanted to hire from the outside - don't I put my pants one leg at a time like every Genentech rep does? oh, I forgot they are special and we are nothing. silly me.

Clarification to a prior post. The woman fast tracked to DSM for lucentis did not go through GEM, that I know for a fact. Sometimes all who you know and who they know is all you need here. As for M Small, a cheerleader at best without any real substance.

Hey offended "white guy", maybe he just wanted to move back to NJ

Assuming he really wanted a demotion to DM level, so that he could move back top NJ; that still does not address the core issue. Why were there no outcries, from the same people who are crying out about this "unqualified" women, when he got the NSD job while being totally unqualified.

Again, he was subjectively unqualified just based on the Roche "preferred" qualifications for DM.
- MBA,
- Training, Sales Ops, Marketing, or MCO Experience,
- Significant experience at the level below (for a DM thats means rep, for an NSD one would expect significant RSD experience)

Mike did not check any of the above boxes, yet where was the complaint of "not being qualified". By the way, Mike did not "volunteer" for his dramatic demotion. The point is that very unqualified white guys get promotions all the time with no complaints.

In this case you have a women who did everything that was asked to be done, everything that the company has documented as being was important:
- Go through years of formal leadership development (introspect, RAAMP, GEM)
- Succefully execute at CS level
- Home Office Operations Role

This is the precise profile of a new DM at Roche (including genentech); so this makes her at least as qualified as anyone else who pursued the job. She is infinitely more qualified to become a DM, than MS was to become an NSD. Thats an objective fact! If you dont believe me, when you see a job posting for NSD, or even RSD compare it against mikes history; he was qualified for neither when he became NSD. NO DOUBLE STANDARDS PLEASE! White guys, this is not the 50s anymore; youre just gonna have to learn to share!

Clarification to a prior post. The woman fast tracked to DSM for lucentis did not go through GEM, that I know for a fact. Sometimes all who you know and who they know is all you need here. As for M Small, a cheerleader at best without any real substance.

She went through RAAMP, which was the same thing. I known that for a fact, as she was in my cohort. She also has an MBA, got inside operations experience as RPM, and was quite good at CS position. She checked all the boxes, and was promoted; good for her! And yes, ms was charasmatic, but not very bright at all. Again, I dont say this as a CS who knew him from afar; I actually worked very closely with him for multiple years. He was a pure empty suit. Lets just say that he was like George W. Bush, while Walt was his Dick Cheney (the competent one). Virtually every bright idea he had came from walts mouth to his ears.

Funny the old Roche DM's got the email and they don't care anymore, they have a job...they do what Papa Genie says....what a total fuck you from our managers...they sure did acclimate quickly didn't they.

The worst was Brian Rear-Dong...he didnt hire any Ex Roche reps ..he didn't care just wanted to move up.....Your day will come Rear-Dong

She went through RAAMP, which was the same thing. I known that for a fact, as she was in my cohort. She also has an MBA, got inside operations experience as RPM, and was quite good at CS position. She checked all the boxes, and was promoted; good for her! And yes, ms was charasmatic, but not very bright at all. Again, I dont say this as a CS who knew him from afar; I actually worked very closely with him for multiple years. He was a pure empty suit. Lets just say that he was like George W. Bush, while Walt was his Dick Cheney (the competent one). Virtually every bright idea he had came from walts mouth to his ears.

Big F U with the George Bush crap..guess you orgasmed to Madeleine Albright didn't you?

She went through RAAMP, which was the same thing. I known that for a fact, as she was in my cohort. She also has an MBA, got inside operations experience as RPM, and was quite good at CS position. She checked all the boxes, and was promoted; good for her! And yes, ms was charasmatic, but not very bright at all. Again, I dont say this as a CS who knew him from afar; I actually worked very closely with him for multiple years. He was a pure empty suit. Lets just say that he was like George W. Bush, while Walt was his Dick Cheney (the competent one). Virtually every bright idea he had came from walts mouth to his ears.

She was fast tracked.....pure and simple. As CS, not so "quite good" - did what anyone who is moving on through would do. Not a team player either

She was fast tracked.....pure and simple. As CS, not so "quite good" - did what anyone who is moving on through would do. Not a team player either

I dont know what "fast tracked" means. All of us are constantly evaluated, even you. At some point, the leadership (not just her DSM) would have evaluated her as a leadership candidate, she then would have been put in a leadership develop program (with no gaurantees of anything coming out of it), she would have been asked and encouraged to work on special projects in division and/or home office, she would have had to interview for a semi-required operations role in house or acting DM. She would have applied for a DSM role (maybe turned down for one or more), the company would have checked to ensure all of the above boxes were checked including having an MBA. She would have competing with many others, including external candidates.

The problem is that you seen the RPM role as the beginning of some sort of "fast track", but RPM is not the beginning, it is really the last box to be checked (also same level as training, Sales Ops, MCO, Marketing) in the DSM development process. No she was not "Fast Tracked", the process actually took several years, not months.

You too are part of the evaluation process. Literally every single CS is evaluated by the leadership team. They literally sit around a room, and discuss promotable, not promotable, ready for DSM now, 2 years, 5 years, etc.

Mike smalls had less than two years as an RSD for a product that never even launched; he had no MCO, Marketing, Sales OPs, Training experience, he had no MBA, yet despite all of this he was promoted to NSD. Why no outcry? Why do we never hear about a white guy "he got the job, but he was not qualified"? THINK ABOUT IT!

Cronyism = fast tracked. She had a manager who she was quite tight with, she did squat as a sales rep, never took leadership in the annual round table workshops at NSM or sales meetings, always had a long puss about minutia,..... Clearly someone who felt that she was above being a rep and better suited as a manager.

Cronyism = fast tracked. She had a manager who she was quite tight with, she did squat as a sales rep, never took leadership in the annual round table workshops at NSM or sales meetings, always had a long puss about minutia,..... Clearly someone who felt that she was above being a rep and better suited as a manager.

Cronyism = fast tracked. She had a manager who she was quite tight with, she did squat as a sales rep, never took leadership in the annual round table workshops at NSM or sales meetings, always had a long puss about minutia,..... Clearly someone who felt that she was above being a rep and better suited as a manager.

Cronyism = Look at our own leadr. Fastracked preferential treatment based on self-promotion.

Cronyism = Look at our own leadr. Fastracked preferential treatment based on self-promotion.

You just expresses your ignorance. First off what does "fast tracked mean"; this women was a rep for years. Again, she punched all the tickets that are required for DM promotion, MBA, In house Operations, Leadership training. I see that you keep ignoring this, but it matters.

Lastly, your ignorance of how people get flagged for promotional development is palpable. DM DO NOT GET PEOPLE PROMOTED, period!. Being "tight" with your DM does not get you promoted, although having their support is essential. The decision to devlop a DM candidate is made as a group, by the leadsership team. ALL DSMs are part of this process, and they don't just evaluate their own people. ALL RSDS are part of this process, all levels are involved in the lady at the top.

The amount of vetting and evaluation is very high, and on going. This is very much a group decision for support, and her DMs influence is very, very, small. Remember, each DM has their own "star", and they want their star to get "fast tracked". This is very competitive. Their is no "insult" in being "fast tracked". Obviously 10 DMs, 3 RSDS, 1, NSD, multiple inhouse directors, a VP, etc all disagree with your assessment of this woman.

By the way, Mike Small went from DM (in another company) to RSD at Roche (for a product that never launched), 18 months later he was the NSD for HCV. He had no RSD experience, No MBA, no operations experience. Where was your complaint on CF. Where was your outrage! Hmmmm, sound like a double standard.

Cronyism = fast tracked. She had a manager who she was quite tight with, she did squat as a sales rep, never took leadership in the annual round table workshops at NSM or sales meetings, always had a long puss about minutia,..... Clearly someone who felt that she was above being a rep and better suited as a manager.

Whats your favorite flavor pf "haterade"? Dont hate the payer, HATE THE GAME!

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