Hey offended "white guy", maybe he just wanted to move back to NJ
Assuming he really wanted a demotion to DM level, so that he could move back top NJ; that still does not address the core issue. Why were there no outcries, from the same people who are crying out about this "unqualified" women, when he got the NSD job while being totally unqualified.
Again, he was subjectively unqualified just based on the Roche "preferred" qualifications for DM.
- MBA,
- Training, Sales Ops, Marketing, or MCO Experience,
- Significant experience at the level below (for a DM thats means rep, for an NSD one would expect significant RSD experience)
Mike did not check any of the above boxes, yet where was the complaint of "not being qualified". By the way, Mike did not "volunteer" for his dramatic demotion. The point is that very unqualified white guys get promotions all the time with no complaints.
In this case you have a women who did everything that was asked to be done, everything that the company has documented as being was important:
- Go through years of formal leadership development (introspect, RAAMP, GEM)
- Succefully execute at CS level
- Home Office Operations Role
This is the precise profile of a new DM at Roche (including genentech); so this makes her at least as qualified as anyone else who pursued the job. She is infinitely more qualified to become a DM, than MS was to become an NSD. Thats an objective fact! If you dont believe me, when you see a job posting for NSD, or even RSD compare it against mikes history; he was qualified for neither when he became NSD. NO DOUBLE STANDARDS PLEASE! White guys, this is not the 50s anymore; youre just gonna have to learn to share!