HCV Notification Date?

Re: HCV Notification Date?ua

if you are qualified, you would not be asking here.

More than qualifications are considered in the hiring process. A very qualified internal candidate may not be chosen over an external candidate if the hiring manager wants an external candidate--they can always justify their decision. Also a more qualified candidate may not be chosen over a less experienced/qualified internal candidate if the company has a strong push to place internal candidates. Not arguing the right or wrong of either decision. Just wanted to know if internal HCV reps --if in good standing-- were getting open positions.

What a joke! These fatcats save their ass and could care less about the rest of the highly qualified HCV reps still here at Genentech...

One day IMPACT will be strong- it is a shame it seems like it is imploding....

What a joke! These fatcats save their ass and could care less about the rest of the highly qualified HCV reps still here at Genentech...

One day IMPACT will be strong- it is a shame it seems like it is imploding....

I'm sorry to hear that. It was pretty evident back when I left this year that this was happening. The meeting in CA last fall was a final hurrah for reps and anyone who didn't think they were being used by the fearless leaders to build their resume's was not being realistic. So sad to see this as the finale for a great group of people. Somehow I'd like to believe that there is karma out there that will bite the leadership in their asses. Keep the faith

I'm sorry to hear that. It was pretty evident back when I left this year that this was happening. The meeting in CA last fall was a final hurrah for reps and anyone who didn't think they were being used by the fearless leaders to build their resume's was not being realistic. So sad to see this as the finale for a great group of people. Somehow I'd like to believe that there is karma out there that will bite the leadership in their asses. Keep the faith

...and they had to showcase us to other franchises to convince them that we are good enough for them...we are doing EVERYTHING they are asking us.

HCV RPM got promoted to Lucentis DM in NE. Biggest dingbat ever. She can't manage her way out of a paper bag and has a nasty disposition. Gender imbalance in management team drove the decision; not qualifications. Feel bad for the other candidates that were much better qualified and for the team that has to report to her.

HCV RPM got promoted to Lucentis DM in NE. Biggest dingbat ever. She can't manage her way out of a paper bag and has a nasty disposition. Gender imbalance in management team drove the decision; not qualifications. Feel bad for the other candidates that were much better qualified and for the team that has to report to her.

She was fast tracked from a CS to and RPM and then to a DM all within 7 months - total crap, her manager made her her development project

She was fast tracked from a CS to and RPM and then to a DM all within 7 months - total crap, her manager made her her development project

I want to start this off by stating that I am a male. Now, isn't it a shame that all too often, when a female gets promoted, rumors start that its because of some "imbalance". I mean really, is she the only female in all of Genentech that could have been promoted? If she was promoted likely went through the GEM management development program, which is years robust leadership development, in addition to the time that she spent as a CS/RPM. In addition, she was likely evaluated over and over and, and determined to be ready for DM promotion. Lastly, I doubt that there was no competition for the DM job that she received.

Do you remember a guy named mike smalls, who had two years of DM expereince, + less than two years of RSD exeperience (for a pre-launch product that never came to market), but was promoted to NSD for HCV. He had no MBA, Nno Marketing, No other in house operational experience, yet he was promoted to NSD. Where were all of the white guys complaining about this unqualified promotion? Huh??