having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sales


The next person who sends this fact up to the VP level will be the first. This company will not survive with such an antiquated and wasteful business model, and no one has the balls to change it.


Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

The next person who sends this fact up to the VP level will be the first. This company will not survive with such an antiquated and wasteful business model, and no one has the balls to change it.

Don't know where you work, but this isn't how Pfizer does it anymore.

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

you're surprised ar such despirate measure by this ass of a company? Man are you stupid! It was time to move on years ago!

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

you're surprised ar such despirate measure by this ass of a company? Man are you stupid! It was time to move on years ago!

Seriously, are you so stupid that you can't spell "desperate"????? Seriously? We have truly hired some stupid people.

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

Mgrs. dont care because they have nothing better to do. It helps to fuel the fire of I am your boss and I know best. Unless, you are lucky and have a realist that has not drank the Kool-aid. This company has always been to top heavy with management give someone a title and you gain their trust or loyality. If Pfizer is all you have know then it is all you will ever know. Cut jobs of people that make the company better and buy 3 more helis for the needs of doing business? Doctors cringe at the sight of a rep with a boss. Most are decent people and will give you some extra time. They know the routine show the boss you know one line from the sales piece and give one objection so it can be handled. It's more like they are there to make sure they dont talk off label. Can you say 2.3 billion? I hear they have a field coach. Don't these people have a job to do themselves? Now doctors might give more time if they see you with a manager some will say don't bring your manager here again when it's over. Silly little game to get more time with the customer like having to witness the signature for the samples. Bring the field rides if it makes us better in a sales presentation but, when the end of the day comes around and you must ask yourself have I made a case for them to choose my products vs. the comp. Let the reps sell. You can't see what works in the field when you are never there yourself. The view from the helicoptor can't let you see it either.

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

Mgrs. dont care because they have nothing better to do. It helps to fuel the fire of I am your boss and I know best. Unless, you are lucky and have a realist that has not drank the Kool-aid. This company has always been to top heavy with management give someone a title and you gain their trust or loyality. If Pfizer is all you have know then it is all you will ever know. Cut jobs of people that make the company better and buy 3 more helis for the needs of doing business? Doctors cringe at the sight of a rep with a boss. Most are decent people and will give you some extra time. They know the routine show the boss you know one line from the sales piece and give one objection so it can be handled. It's more like they are there to make sure they dont talk off label. Can you say 2.3 billion? I hear they have a field coach. Don't these people have a job to do themselves? Now doctors might give more time if they see you with a manager some will say don't bring your manager here again when it's over. Silly little game to get more time with the customer like having to witness the signature for the samples. Bring the field rides if it makes us better in a sales presentation but, when the end of the day comes around and you must ask yourself have I made a case for them to choose my products vs. the comp. Let the reps sell. You can't see what works in the field when you are never there yourself. The view from the helicoptor can't let you see it either.

As a DM, I can understand your point to a degree. However, after several years as a DM, you would be surprised at how much help reps need with their presentation skills and actually selling. Most think they are much better than they actually are. To your point, I think there are alot of DMs who do not know how to coach or really understand the business to be able to offer help.

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

As a DM, I can understand your point to a degree. However, after several years as a DM, you would be surprised at how much help reps need with their presentation skills and actually selling. Most think they are much better than they actually are. To your point, I think there are alot of DMs who do not know how to coach or really understand the business to be able to offer help.

The real question is, does a DM's idea of "presentation skills and actually selling" truly correlate with what really works?

I find that it's the DM's way or the highway. I also find that my DM has only hampered our calls and is counterproductive.

I would be willing to bet that almost all reps feel the same way. If the DMs carried a bag and actually called on docs and had numbers to maintain, I guarantee that they and this job would be a million times better. Especially if we rode with our managers and watched them in action with their hcp customers.

Until then, this awful system we have now is broken.

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

I love having my DM every two weeks. We always meet up for breakfast at 7am so I can practice my detailing. My DM is really good at role playing different personalities which helps me in the field adapt to different selling situations and delivering the best value I can for my customers.

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

I love having my DM every two weeks. We always meet up for breakfast at 7am so I can practice my detailing. My DM is really good at role playing different personalities which helps me in the field adapt to different selling situations and delivering the best value I can for my customers.

You are so ready to be a VP here.

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

I love having my DM every two weeks. We always meet up for breakfast at 7am so I can practice my detailing. My DM is really good at role playing different personalities which helps me in the field adapt to different selling situations and delivering the best value I can for my customers.

Crackin' me up! I love the optimism...just watch Charles Charles on Youtube, and pick out "The Grinder" episode. Nails detailing at POA/IEM...

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

I can talk circles around my DM and he has zero selling skills. Period. I think it's humorous when he "coaches" me. W-A-S-T-E

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

I will become a DM and destroy the syhstem from within. I'm thinking about doing it anyway as a rep. I am formulating a plan in the next 3 months. It'll be so subtle they won't even realized it's happening. Why not?

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

The real question is, does a DM's idea of "presentation skills and actually selling" truly correlate with what really works?

I find that it's the DM's way or the highway. I also find that my DM has only hampered our calls and is counterproductive.

I would be willing to bet that almost all reps feel the same way. If the DMs carried a bag and actually called on docs and had numbers to maintain, I guarantee that they and this job would be a million times better. Especially if we rode with our managers and watched them in action with their hcp customers.

Until then, this awful system we have now is broken.

Just my point. A good experienced DM knows how to reach the customer vs presentation skills. In addition, the DM worth his or her weight has carried the bag for many years prior and is not afraid to take over a call to demonstrate. Unfortunately, there are few of these left.

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

I love having my DM every two weeks. We always meet up for breakfast at 7am so I can practice my detailing. My DM is really good at role playing different personalities which helps me in the field adapt to different selling situations and delivering the best value I can for my customers.

Ask them to take on a real call to demonstrate. See if they can handle it.

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

As a DM, I can understand your point to a degree. However, after several years as a DM, you would be surprised at how much help reps need with their presentation skills and actually selling. Most think they are much better than they actually are. To your point, I think there are alot of DMs who do not know how to coach or really understand the business to be able to offer help.

Right (sarcastically)!!! This is exactly why offices DON'T want us to bring our managers. DMs add zero value. Period.

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

The DM who hired me could sell his ass off! Only in recent years have these non-selling DMs come into power. These newer DMs were promoted based on false reports and lies on the part of the old VP. For years the sales reports were manufactured. RMs and above know it. They don't say anything about it because they all profited from it and don't want to be taken to court. Pathetic liars. They allowed whoever they wanted to promote to look good on the sales reports. Totally manipulated! Ask some of the old VPs. This is true.

Re: having your DM with you in the field every 12-15 business days does not drive sal

You must be high, or one of the teenagers they hired. There has never been a good dm at pfizer in ten plus years.

The DM who hired me could sell his ass off! Only in recent years have these non-selling DMs come into power. These newer DMs were promoted based on false reports and lies on the part of the old VP. For years the sales reports were manufactured. RMs and above know it. They don't say anything about it because they all profited from it and don't want to be taken to court. Pathetic liars. They allowed whoever they wanted to promote to look good on the sales reports. Totally manipulated! Ask some of the old VPs. This is true.