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Haters gonna hate, looking damn good Takeda NO LAYOFFS!


Reed it and weep haters. Our company grew 5.7% last year. Not too shabby when you consider every other pharma company is losing money year after year. Things are looking damn good at Takeda, if you don't believe me then read below. There are no layoffs, no doom and gloom. Sorry haters.

Takeda posts rise in full-year profit, sales, as emerging markets, new products offset Actos decline
(Ref: Takeda, NASDAQ, MarketWatch, PR Newswire)
May 9th, 2013
By: Matthew Dennis
Tags: Corporate Affairs Takeda Actos Azilva Blopress Daxas Dexilant Leuplin Nesina Prevacid Reminyl Takepron Uloric Velcade

Takeda announced Thursday that net income for the 12 months ended March 31 reached 131.2 billion yen ($1.3 billion), up 5.7 percent on the prior year, boosted by a one-time tax refund of 57.4 billion yen ($581 million) and sales growth in emerging markets. However, the figure fell below analyst estimates of 165.8 billion yen ($1.7 billion) and the company predicted a drop in net income and sales for the current year below its earlier expectations.

For fiscal 2013, the drugmaker said it now forecasts a 28 percent drop in net income to 95 billion yen ($962 million), with sales of 1.59 trillion yen ($16.1 billion), below a previous estimate of 1.63 trillion yen ($16.5 billion). Analysts had been predicting an outlook of 146 billion yen ($1.5 billion) in net income, with revenue of around 1.63 trillion yen. "In terms of the medical product environment in Japan and Europe, there is a clear tendency for each country to control medical costs," said Iwaaki Taniguchi, Takeda's senior vice president in charge of corporate finance. The executive also attributed its lower forecasts on delayed market penetration of Daxas, which the company gained via its acquisition of Nycomed.

Takeda noted that in fiscal 2012, overall sales grew 3.2 percent 1.6 trillion yen ($16.2 billion), with gains from new products in Japan, the US and Europe, including Nesina, Reminyl, Azilva, Dexilant and Uloric, offsetting a decrease in Actos revenue due to the entry of generic competition. Annual sales of the diabetes therapy slipped 58.5 percent versus the year earlier to 122.9 billion yen ($1.2 billion).

For other products, sales of Blopress declined 21.6 percent to 169.6 billion yen ($1.7 billion), with revenue from Leuplin falling 3.5 percent to 116.5 billion yen ($1.2 billion). Meanwhile, sales of Prevacid, which is marketed as Takepron in Japan, fell 9.7 percent to 110.2 billion yen ($1.1 billion). In addition, sales of Velcade jumped 25.4 percent to 72.9 billion yen ($738 million).


Emmm ... Go back and read the detail

Operating income dropped by over 50%

Although sales we up 3% the SG&A was up 25%. That's a disaster.

And the footnotes talk explicitly about layoffs in US and EU

These financial results are a disaster.

You're a fu*king moron if you believe no layoffs.

Let me guess, you're 24 or 25, think you have the "World by the Balls" as you make maybe $60k in salary and another $12k (If you're lucky) in Bonus..... Drive a Jeep Liberty or VW micro car. Enjoy the ride now, you really should ask the people you call on what they think of "Alo and Actos, or the gout meds. They wouldn't even use Dexilant if it wasn't the only PPI that is oversampled. Ironic how AZ barely samples Nexium and they still have the dominate market share...

Now go pick up your snacks, or lunch and have your sign in sheet properly filled out like a good little boy. Then, if you ever grow a set of balls, ask the people you are paid to speak to what they really think of the new products and more importantly, will they use them?

Do some research little boy, then make a post on here and say again that Takeda will have "No Layoffs"....

Balls in your court now son.....

You're a fu*king moron if you believe no layoffs.

Let me guess, you're 24 or 25, think you have the "World by the Balls" as you make maybe $60k in salary and another $12k (If you're lucky) in Bonus..... Drive a Jeep Liberty or VW micro car. Enjoy the ride now, you really should ask the people you call on what they think of "Alo and Actos, or the gout meds. They wouldn't even use Dexilant if it wasn't the only PPI that is oversampled. Ironic how AZ barely samples Nexium and they still have the dominate market share...

Now go pick up your snacks, or lunch and have your sign in sheet properly filled out like a good little boy. Then, if you ever grow a set of balls, ask the people you are paid to speak to what they really think of the new products and more importantly, will they use them?

Do some research little boy, then make a post on here and say again that Takeda will have "No Layoffs"....

Balls in your court now son.....

What really causes your anger? Is it your receding hairline or the fact that your wife is repulsed by your existence? You've served way too many office slobs my friend, you're gonna snap one day.

Takeda forecasts 28% slide in profit on weak sales

Keep looking back at 2012 dummy, seems like your executives and Wall Street are painting a different picture for 2013...

Takeda forecasts 28% slide in profit on weak sales

Keep looking back at 2012 dummy, seems like your executives and Wall Street are painting a different picture for 2013...

Aggressive restructure on the way! Shareholders want answers to why the 4 year plan is not working. 28% is below Takeda's own estimate! Big trouble ;-(

Takeda forecasts 28% slide in profit on weak sales

Keep looking back at 2012 dummy, seems like your executives and Wall Street are painting a different picture for 2013...

Go to the site and read the entire article and footnotes. teh 28% forecast slide in profit is only the tip of the iceburg. Footnotes state significant reduction in forces for US and Europe in 2013 needed and lack of any notable compounds in the pipeline.

The analysis of the financial proforma's is even more grimm.

OP read the entire article before you post exerpts. You just look like a fool when you don't.

Go to the site and read the entire article and footnotes. teh 28% forecast slide in profit is only the tip of the iceburg. Footnotes state significant reduction in forces for US and Europe in 2013 needed and lack of any notable compounds in the pipeline.

The analysis of the financial proforma's is even more grimm.

OP read the entire article before you post exerpts. You just look like a fool when you don't.

Where is the footnote? I tried to find it, do you have a link?

Even worse, read the transcript of the of the analysts questions and YH's responses.

YH actually sites the big bonuses of the "overseas" executives as a reason that profit numbers are so low, seemingly oblivious to the fact that with company performance this bad, the so called execs shouldn't be getting a bonuses at all.

Talk about a downwards spiral

You TAPpers and Takeda legacy people still employed at TPUSA should be embarrassed. I'm laughing my ass off watching you guys brag about 1 year of single digit growth. TAPpers can't find a new job because all they know how to do is sell a PPI and the Takeda legacy leftover are worst of the worst in diabetes.
Not a bad week at Novo for me. Got a nice message from our VP, we just hit our 44th consecutive quarter of double digit growth. We're having our national sales meeting in Denmark this summer. I got an Apple TV, Itunes gift card and Tiffany Wine Glasses as my xmas present from papa Novo. What did Takeda give you guys? The opportunity to sell the 8th ARB? Bahawawaha! Did I mention I'm making approximately 25% more in total comp, have a sweet choice of fleet vehicles...I'm driving the fully loaded Ford Explorer. I love coming back onto this site and reading how things are "damn" good at Takeda or the "blunting" talk of your new constipation competitor. Speaking of competitors, I've been talking to my docs. NONE OF THEM plan on writing your DPP4 with Actos. They are laughing that you guys are seriously going to bring that crap to market. I'll be laughing all the way to the bank with my Victoza business, you'll be lucky to get .05% of my business. We'll have weight loss indication before Contrave even hits the market, I'll kick your ass in that arena too.

I'll be thinking of you all when I'm in Denmark this summer. I got the job at Novo, I'm sorry your still at Takeda!

You TAPpers and Takeda legacy people still employed at TPUSA should be embarrassed. I'm laughing my ass off watching you guys brag about 1 year of single digit growth. TAPpers can't find a new job because all they know how to do is sell a PPI and the Takeda legacy leftover are worst of the worst in diabetes.
Not a bad week at Novo for me. Got a nice message from our VP, we just hit our 44th consecutive quarter of double digit growth. We're having our national sales meeting in Denmark this summer. I got an Apple TV, Itunes gift card and Tiffany Wine Glasses as my xmas present from papa Novo. What did Takeda give you guys? The opportunity to sell the 8th ARB? Bahawawaha! Did I mention I'm making approximately 25% more in total comp, have a sweet choice of fleet vehicles...I'm driving the fully loaded Ford Explorer. I love coming back onto this site and reading how things are "damn" good at Takeda or the "blunting" talk of your new constipation competitor. Speaking of competitors, I've been talking to my docs. NONE OF THEM plan on writing your DPP4 with Actos. They are laughing that you guys are seriously going to bring that crap to market. I'll be laughing all the way to the bank with my Victoza business, you'll be lucky to get .05% of my business. We'll have weight loss indication before Contrave even hits the market, I'll kick your ass in that arena too.

I'll be thinking of you all when I'm in Denmark this summer. I got the job at Novo, I'm sorry your still at Takeda!

Shut up Shayne Wormsbaker!!!!! What comes around, goes around.

Even worse, read the transcript of the of the analysts questions and YH's responses.

YH actually sites the big bonuses of the "overseas" executives as a reason that profit numbers are so low, seemingly oblivious to the fact that with company performance this bad, the so called execs shouldn't be getting a bonuses at all.

Talk about a downwards spiral

Where did you see the transcript of analyst questions to Yasu? I can see the footnotes when I go to the original article and the analysts reaction to the proforma's (I'd agree, not good for us!!) but not able to find the questions and responses.

stock price down 7% already.

Tells you what the market thinks of our management

Nice job Takeda leadership.

Sure glad I did not move my family from beautiful Southern Georgia for a promotion to Chicago. If I had, I would feel like a complete dumbass right about now for believing in this company.

Roll Tide! Bama all the way again baby!

That headquarters must have cost a fortune to build and must continue to cost a great deal to run on a day to day basis. Other big pharma companies have moved away from such largess, Takeda will have to do the same.

Mark my words. There will be layoffs.

Bullshit. Stop spreading lies and fear on here. We just dropped 250 million to buy a vaccine company. Contrave is around the corner and we are launching the first ever OAD with CVOT data. Negative people like you just need to leave this company. No way Takeda is laying off during all these product launches, moron.

Bullshit. Stop spreading lies and fear on here. We just dropped 250 million to buy a vaccine company. Contrave is around the corner and we are launching the first ever OAD with CVOT data. Negative people like you just need to leave this company. No way Takeda is laying off during all these product launches, moron.

Yes, just like Takeda bought Millennium and Nycomed. And look what happened, a lot of cost and very little return. Contrave is a waste of money, just like Alo was.

Debora Dunshire is laughing all the way to the bank, she knew when to get the hell out. And she's probably the smartest person on the board. What does that tell you about Takeda?

Layoffs are a certainty, the fold in of Millennium is just the beginning. They needed a public lynching to go along with the stunningly bad financials to make it look like they have plan to control costs.

The screws will be turned over the next 12 months and positions eliminated. Yasu knows he fucked up this year big time, and so to save his reputation he's going to sacrifice a lot of good people. So much for "no more layoffs" ... dishonest liar like the rest of Takeda's leadership. They will save their own skin first.

You mean nothing to Takeda. They don't care about you or your not so bright future. Take care of you and yours and fuck Takeda.

Yes, just like Takeda bought Millennium and Nycomed. And look what happened, a lot of cost and very little return. Contrave is a waste of money, just like Alo was.

Debora Dunshire is laughing all the way to the bank, she knew when to get the hell out. And she's probably the smartest person on the board. What does that tell you about Takeda?

Layoffs are a certainty, the fold in of Millennium is just the beginning. They needed a public lynching to go along with the stunningly bad financials to make it look like they have plan to control costs.

The screws will be turned over the next 12 months and positions eliminated. Yasu knows he fucked up this year big time, and so to save his reputation he's going to sacrifice a lot of good people. So much for "no more layoffs" ... dishonest liar like the rest of Takeda's leadership. They will save their own skin first.

You mean nothing to Takeda. They don't care about you or your not so bright future. Take care of you and yours and fuck Takeda.

This is all your speculation and paranoia. I laid my case why Takeda is looking damn good and all you do is bring negativity, paranoia and no facts to the table. We have so much on our plate right now, don't be surprised if you see an expansion in the future. Take a look at our blunting strategy with Linzess, we have had nothing but an increase of sales with Amitiza and that's without the OIC indication. Haters are going to hate, not matter how much logic and truth you tell them.