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Read it and weep haters! TPUSA is back in the business of diabetes!

These drugs will be a flop!! Go ask BI/Lilly how just being third to market does for sales.

This is just the first of other diabetes products coming over the next few years. BI reps didn't have any relationships with the right people for diabetes. Lilly is over-rated and they couldn't help an agent with a .6 drop in A1c. Our 2 combo products won't change the world, but will be our best growth options of the 3.

This is great news, the haters need to stuff it. Drs have been waiting for the alo/Actos combo for over 5 years now. This will revolutionize how they manage their type 2 diabetes. Feels damn good to work for Takeda right now!

Right On, My Brother/Sister! I am totally pumped now!! Will now be a good 2013!!

This is just the first of other diabetes products coming over the next few years. BI reps didn't have any relationships with the right people for diabetes. Lilly is over-rated and they couldn't help an agent with a .6 drop in A1c. Our 2 combo products won't change the world, but will be our best growth options of the 3.

And when you fail again, please quit.

You have to be good at something to have haters.

Doctors could already prescribe a dpp4i with Actos, metformin, etc.
Nothing new, except last year you were telling docs ddp4s burn out the pancreas
And this year you're launching one.

You have to be good at something to have haters.

Doctors could already prescribe a dpp4i with Actos, metformin, etc.
Nothing new, except last year you were telling docs ddp4s burn out the pancreas
And this year you're launching one.

No we were not saying that. We were always positioning Actos before a DPP4. Sulfs burn out beta cells. And what are DDP4's anyway? Go back to the IW boards because you are def not at novo.

Except THEY are the team that made Actos what it was and provided the cash flow to establish the great "Takeda relationships" that you now speak of. Check back with me in a year and tell me how Takeda has done on it's own with these exciting new products.

I knew that would get your Lilly panties in a bunch. Lilly wasn't around when we could have lost all scripts when Avandia got hit by Nissen. I'll keep saying it, Lilly is overrated on the impact of Actos to docs. Did they help? Yes, but come on give it a rest, buttercup.

Well it's great that you guys are excited. Milk that feeling for as long as you can. These are me too diabetes products in a saturated therapeutic market that's already passed you by. Oh, and the 8th ARB to market.

Well it's great that you guys are excited. Milk that feeling for as long as you can. These are me too diabetes products in a saturated therapeutic market that's already passed you by. Oh, and the 8th ARB to market.

It's too bad, b/c Actos was 2nd to market w/i class....Alo should have been...but now, it's what the 4th, 5th? Bummer. Would still be ok had pio combo been useful (would still have been if Alo was 2nd to market back when!). If they have high expectations in goal, senior leaders will have to set em straight, or your pockets will look like what those who carry Edarbi do, from what I hear..

The next huge failure for Takeda Legacy. You gotta wonder, when do you pull the plug on these idiots?

unfortunately all of the sr. management is from TAP who supposedly keep the best of the best. if the best of the best can't sell, maybe sr. management should be let go.

it seems you Tappers just want to someone to blame for your shortcomings, it's your baby now, so own it.

Well it's great that you guys are excited. Milk that feeling for as long as you can. These are me too diabetes products in a saturated therapeutic market that's already passed you by. Oh, and the 8th ARB to market.

And don't forget the 9th PPI to market,with that revolutionary?,dual release mechanisim that is knocking the socks off the competition.LOL.When you don't have a better product,you gotta have a gimmick.The "new" Takeda is very good at that.I can't wait to see what Alo's will be.

This is great news, the haters need to stuff it. Drs have been waiting for the alo/Actos combo for over 5 years now. This will revolutionize how they manage their type 2 diabetes. Feels damn good to work for Takeda right now!

You obviously have no idea about the treatment of T2DM. Docs and the ADA will tell you that metformin does a good enough job to help overcome insulin resistance. Medications for diabetics are going towards injectibles. Managed Care is the worst ever and major PBM's are not covering branded drugs where there are multiples in the class...Then there is the lack of efficacy with your drugs...Huge copay for a drop in A1C less than 1.0%...Good luck