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Read it and weep haters! TPUSA is back in the business of diabetes!

I knew that would get your Lilly panties in a bunch. Lilly wasn't around when we could have lost all scripts when Avandia got hit by Nissen. I'll keep saying it, Lilly is overrated on the impact of Actos to docs. Did they help? Yes, but come on give it a rest, buttercup.

Can we give buttercup a rest? Eh sparky?

There are a couple things this drug WILL do for us:

1. Delay the layoffs for a bit. We should be safe through summer so enjoy working 20 hours a week worry free for 5 or 6 more months.

2. When the next downsizing hits in fall only 15 to 20% of us will be chopped insteadof 30%.

I can hardly wait to the the unreasonable sales goals they will set for yet another retread completely not needed or wanted product. Too bad we couldn't have been the first or second one on the market. We suck.

I'm afraid the above post is right on point. Not so sure about the percentages or the time frames but here's what I've heard.

a. If it wouldn't have been approved this go round or there would have been any delay we would have had a rather large layoff.

b. Everyone was kept around waiting for this because this is our last ditch effort to keep the company the size we are currently at.

So all you field sales team peeps out there better buck up and get this drug skyrocketing or there WILL be layoffs in the future. We lost over $8 billion in gross sales in the past few years with Actos and Prevacid going genric. What we've been plugging that $8B hole with is deeply discounted $1.8 Billion grossing me too products. That means we should have severed over 75% of our company and we only made a little of 30% reduction if forces.

So there you go. Ramp this drug up to a trend line that will take it to $1.8Billion in 2 years or major cuts will be coming by late summer or early fall from what I hear. Now get to work and hit the goals that will be coming out to you in the coming couple months and quit your bitching!

You obviously have no idea about the treatment of T2DM. Docs and the ADA will tell you that metformin does a good enough job to help overcome insulin resistance. Medications for diabetics are going towards injectibles. Managed Care is the worst ever and major PBM's are not covering branded drugs where there are multiples in the class...Then there is the lack of efficacy with your drugs...Huge copay for a drop in A1C less than 1.0%...Good luck

And if you knew anything about the guidelines you will know that they will start to include Pio as a first line treatment by next year because it is generic and cost is the #1 driving force behind the guidelines. In addition to that, Alo will be the only combo with Pio and the copay will be $4. Plus, only DPP4 with CV data in there PI. And it is only suppose to be a $30 million drug. Shall I continue??

I'm afraid the above post is right on point. Not so sure about the percentages or the time frames but here's what I've heard.

a. If it wouldn't have been approved this go round or there would have been any delay we would have had a rather large layoff.

b. Everyone was kept around waiting for this because this is our last ditch effort to keep the company the size we are currently at.

So all you field sales team peeps out there better buck up and get this drug skyrocketing or there WILL be layoffs in the future. We lost over $8 billion in gross sales in the past few years with Actos and Prevacid going genric. What we've been plugging that $8B hole with is deeply discounted $1.8 Billion grossing me too products. That means we should have severed over 75% of our company and we only made a little of 30% reduction if forces.

So there you go. Ramp this drug up to a trend line that will take it to $1.8Billion in 2 years or major cuts will be coming by late summer or early fall from what I hear. Now get to work and hit the goals that will be coming out to you in the coming couple months and quit your bitching!

lol. By late summer or fall??? I am confused because you say we have 2 years to ramp it up but cuts are coming by late summer early fall???? By your calculations, that gives us 3 months to get our sales up but we are not promoting this until the summer. lol

But I have to give you credit because you have been the only person to actually give detail reasoning as to why we might have layoffs. And where did you hear this because its obvious you are not in the field???

And if you knew anything about the guidelines you will know that they will start to include Pio as a first line treatment by next year because it is generic and cost is the #1 driving force behind the guidelines. In addition to that, Alo will be the only combo with Pio and the copay will be $4. Plus, only DPP4 with CV data in there PI. And it is only suppose to be a $30 million drug. Shall I continue??

LOL, you are too funny! How is a $30 million drug going to replace the $8 billion in sales Takeda just lost between Actos and Prevacid? Takeda gave away Dexilant for free for 3 years, look at where that got them. What is Dexilant, maybe at $300 million drug at best? Good luck getting a profit with that $30 million drug, but at least it's only costing the patient $4. Who do you think pays the rest, buttercup?

I'm sorry Novo didn't interview you. I got the job and I'm sorry you're still at Takeda.

LOL, you are too funny! How is a $30 million drug going to replace the $8 billion in sales Takeda just lost between Actos and Prevacid? Takeda gave away Dexilant for free for 3 years, look at where that got them. What is Dexilant, maybe at $300 million drug at best? Good luck getting a profit with that $30 million drug, but at least it's only costing the patient $4. Who do you think pays the rest, buttercup?

I'm sorry Novo didn't interview you. I got the job and I'm sorry you're still at Takeda.

Who is trying to replace 8 billion? We are going to be a 1.2 billion company for the next 2 years. I am glad you are working in a 4 man pod......

LOL, you are too funny! How is a $30 million drug going to replace the $8 billion in sales Takeda just lost between Actos and Prevacid? Takeda gave away Dexilant for free for 3 years, look at where that got them. What is Dexilant, maybe at $300 million drug at best? Good luck getting a profit with that $30 million drug, but at least it's only costing the patient $4. Who do you think pays the rest, buttercup?

I'm sorry Novo didn't interview you. I got the job and I'm sorry you're still at Takeda.

So you are working for Novo but still feel the need to vent out on your previous employers thread? That sounds like someone still harbors a grudge, isn't that right bittercup?

Agree that we won't have to get by with just 1/3 of our current sales force, but unfortunately the state of the industry (all pharma companies) are in the process of getting by with fewer & fewer reps to cover a larger area as well as promoting more products in each bag than previously. Put that together with the contract sales force factor plus the Affordable Healthcare Act regulations & restrictions and most certainly all pharma companies are going to be leaner in the future, including Takeda. Think probably will be more like a 20-30% reduction, but that could be a year or so out, but all will hope will be a little longer for us.

And if you knew anything about the guidelines you will know that they will start to include Pio as a first line treatment by next year because it is generic and cost is the #1 driving force behind the guidelines. In addition to that, Alo will be the only combo with Pio and the copay will be $4. Plus, only DPP4 with CV data in there PI. And it is only suppose to be a $30 million drug. Shall I continue??

Pio will never be a first line treatment. If I had a nickel for every time I heard "I like Actos, I used to use it all the time, I still have a few patients on it, but I do not write it much anymore" I would make more than the bonus for Edarbi reps.

Doesn't matter about 3 new so-so drugs getting approved. All pharma companies are now & will be in the future getting by with fewer & fewer reps doing the job. Physician access, formulary restrictions, etc. are just a couple of many factors that mandate that as many reps won't be necessary. Of course you may think that Takeda is going to be different from the rest & not mind paying out extra salaries in order to see just the fewer & fewer docs who will still see reps. Dream a little dream for me!

Bladder cancer: Data suggest an increased risk of bladder cancer in pioglitazone users. Data also suggest that the risk increases with duration of use. Do not use OSENI in patients with active bladder cancer. Use caution when using in patients with a prior history of bladder cancer. Tell patients to promptly report any sign of hematuria or other symptoms such as dysuria or urinary urgency as these may be due to bladder cancer.