Hate working at Galderma, no options keep me here

Yes. The ipo will absolutely happen. It just might not happen in 2024 and it might not create the lucrative financial windfall that Fleming expects. The only people that benefit an ipo are directors and above. Nobody else will get jack sheyat. The reps and managers are human capital and slaves to people in leadership. Galdemas name has been tarnished by the way they have been treating their employees and the entire aesthtics industry knows what dirtbags run this place. Flemming had to do a $1 billion capital call a few months ago to keep this place afloat which shows the market has no faith in the long term viability and growth of Galderma.

Just ask yourself one question. If Galderma’s stock was traded on the open market would you be purchasing shares? You would need to be a moron to own Galderma stock. This place has been destroyed by Fleming.

Nestle took aesthtics to the next level and made this place amazing. Fleming took over and destroyed this place on purpose.
IPO is long overdue but Flemming keeps blaming external factors as to why it hasn’t happened yet. He is so self centered that he hasn’t yet realized that the root cause of Galderma’s issues is him. His incompetence and disregard for employees (and customers) have created this terrible situation. Flemming is destroying this place every step of the way.

Are all the complaints about the company coming from aesthetics division or Derm? Considering an aesthetics position but wow there are so many negative comments on this page. I know cafepharma is a place to complain but does anyone like it here? Have anything nice to say?

Are all the complaints about the company coming from aesthetics division or Derm? Considering an aesthetics position but wow there are so many negative comments on this page. I know cafepharma is a place to complain but does anyone like it here? Have anything nice to say?

ask your hiring manager “Tell me about all the negative posts on cafelharma” and see what they say. Then do some homework and reach out so some current and former reps and ask them direct questions about the corporate culture here. Ask they how often they don’t get laid. Ask them if they absolutely love their job. Ask them if they think our leadership is amazing. All companies have issues but Galderma is absolutely not in a good place now, nor will be even after their imaginary IPO.
If you can find more than 2 people in this company on the sales side that say they love Galderma than they are lying to you.

Are all the complaints about the company coming from aesthetics division or Derm? Considering an aesthetics position but wow there are so many negative comments on this page. I know cafepharma is a place to complain but does anyone like it here? Have anything nice to say?
YES!!! They just had a 5% lay off with over saturated markets. The average pay out USED to be $50k a qtr and now most likely the average is half that - IF YOUR LUCKY! If you want to break into aesthetics - they take the job. Work here for no more than 2 years and move on. Good luck

The aesthetic sales position is the worst job in all of injectables. Just a few years it was the best in the industry. When we were making money, we tolerated a lot of BS. Now, with a struggle to hit unreachable goals and barely earn in the teens, the BS is not worth it. Sales Directors and RSM's push "account plans", six calls per day, events, fire drill promotions, pre call plans, aspire engagement, portfolio utilization, inventory on the last day of the month, constant field travel from RSM's and the Vice President/General Manager is paranoid that we aren't working enough. I also heard from my RSM that at NSM EB is going to ask us to disclose anything that is taking us from a 100% Galderma commitment and asked legal to send out a questionnaire that we will have to sign. This company is BS and DO NOT COME HERE!

Very accurate post. I also heard that stricter non-competes will be rolled out at nsm. KH and EB paranoid that we are selling other aesthetic products on the side. I know many are. I am considering this to offset low qtr bonus. It’s the right thing for my family.

The aesthetic sales position is the worst job in all of injectables. Just a few years it was the best in the industry. When we were making money, we tolerated a lot of BS. Now, with a struggle to hit unreachable goals and barely earn in the teens, the BS is not worth it. Sales Directors and RSM's push "account plans", six calls per day, events, fire drill promotions, pre call plans, aspire engagement, portfolio utilization, inventory on the last day of the month, constant field travel from RSM's and the Vice President/General Manager is paranoid that we aren't working enough. I also heard from my RSM that at NSM EB is going to ask us to disclose anything that is taking us from a 100% Galderma commitment and asked legal to send out a questionnaire that we will have to sign. This company is BS and DO NOT COME HERE!
I have a side gig and will not be signing another non-compete.

Nobody should disclose anything. When quotas are nearly unachievable on a quarter to quarter basis why should anyone give a 100% commitment to Galderma? They are trying to hold reps hostage by decreasing income significantly at a time when costs of everything is exploding while simultaneously telling you that you cannot earn outside of your Galderma gig. This is asinine thinking from leadership.

I signed Galderma non compete years ago when they paid us $10k to sign this bs contract. I quit last year and got a job with a direct competitor. Galderma didn’t do anything as they know they can’t. They will only go after you if you walk away with intellectual property. Just don’t dowload customer lists, veeva insights data, tableau data etc. Dont email yourself documents or print stuff 45 days before quitting. They can’t track your IT stuff. That’s the stuff that Galderma will come after you for. If you just leave and walk away without baggage you will be fine.

Galderma is absolutely the worst and the most F-ed up company ever. They pretend like they care but if you heard what they say behind every reps back and how decisions are made you will want to throw up. Two GMs out of the 4 are the worst - a newly acquired company and a drug about to be launched. Politics, backbitching, pissing money away and then saying there’s no money is the name of the game at the G. They IPO’ed, they are saying it was a great IPO but they paid everyone 77 cents on the dollar and made up some bullshit last minute saying you have to stay 18 months to get the rest of the 23%… they are no better than thugs. I hope this company literally f’ng falls apart and takes the entire leadership team down with it. These mofos think they rule the world when they are actually b talent players that would get rejected everywhere else. It’s like someone decided to make a leadership team out of rejected r*****s

Are you talking about AL? Heard she did some shady stuff in previous roles to get promoted. CM is another one who doesn’t know jack but just throws around tantrums like a little kid. Is the “Igor”- the financial controller that’s been around since the CFO left and they haven’t been able to find a replacement still around? He is literally single handed the person who has gotten many Ax sales and Cx people fired.

I was one of the individuals laid off earlier this month. As much as I hated being let go I was truly unhappy at Galderma but stayed on because of my team and manager. I already have a job offer - same industry (aesthetics) I will make more money and be happier in the long run. I would have never known about this opportunity if it wasn’t for being laid off. You will end up better in the long run. Get your commission check for q4 and leave!!
I’m trying to get into aesthetics sales, can you tell me how you did? What you need on resume?