Happy Juneteenth Gilead!!!!

Shouldn’t we get this week off too - give more undereducated, undeserving promotions?

More misguided, racist nonsense! Name ONE business sector/unit at Gilead that a black person has been hired/promoted into a decision-making and authority role who gives direction for meeting corporate and/or revenue objectives? Name just ONE!!!!! I’m waiting…. !!!! Shouldn’t take you too long to figure out the number is ZERO.

More misguided, racist nonsense! Name ONE business sector/unit at Gilead that a black person has been hired/promoted into a decision-making and authority role who gives direction for meeting corporate and/or revenue objectives? Name just ONE!!!!! I’m waiting…. !!!! Shouldn’t take you too long to figure out the number is ZERO.

All by design

More misguided, racist nonsense! Name ONE business sector/unit at Gilead that a black person has been hired/promoted into a decision-making and authority role who gives direction for meeting corporate and/or revenue objectives? Name just ONE!!!!! I’m waiting…. !!!! Shouldn’t take you too long to figure out the number is ZERO.

Robin Washington, Clifford Samuels... sure they aren’t here anymore but they helped shap Gilead. Last I checked Merdad, Jyoti and Taiyin weren’t white males either. Bonus points if you take the time to now go look to see how many black people sit on the BOD and are in director positions in commercial or other wise... Now beat it you race baiting nerd.

Robin Washington, Clifford Samuels... sure they aren’t here anymore but they helped shap Gilead. Last I checked Merdad, Jyoti and Taiyin weren’t white males either. Bonus points if you take the time to now go look to see how many black people sit on the BOD and are in director positions in commercial or other wise... Now beat it you race baiting nerd.

Turn your whiteness down a few decibels! I said Black people clown! Your reply was two Black persons no longer with Gilead. Seriously???? You perfectly proved both my point and your idiocy. I won’t spend/waste my time arguing/debating fools. You don’t live in reality! Btw, there are a helluva lot more white people (many unqualified) in executive/senior management and the BODs than the two no longer employed black persons and three other current persons of color you noted. A white woman from the UK with minimal experience in HIV was hand chosen to lead the company’s most important business unit currently? US HIV?

Turn your whiteness down a few decibels! I said Black people clown! Your reply was two Black persons no longer with Gilead. Seriously???? You perfectly proved both my point and your idiocy. I won’t spend/waste my time arguing/debating fools. You don’t live in reality! Btw, there are a helluva lot more white people (many unqualified) in executive/senior management and the BODs than the two no longer employed black persons and three other current persons of color you noted. A white woman from the UK with minimal experience in HIV was hand chosen to lead the company’s most important business unit currently? US HIV?

that is correct because SHE is the most qualified and proven in one of the most challenging business units with anti-viral experience. Any questions? Do you have someone else in mind? Skin color doesn’t matter when responsible for a multi-billion dollar growth franchise. Our Vp’s manage to the bottom line and if they don’t produce they are put out to pasture. These aren’t jobs you dish out to balance your skin color portfolio. They are to balance the gilead check book. May I suggest retaking unconscious bias and inclusion training once more?

that is correct because SHE is the most qualified and proven in one of the most challenging business units with anti-viral experience. Any questions? Do you have someone else in mind? Skin color doesn’t matter when responsible for a multi-billion dollar growth franchise. Our Vp’s manage to the bottom line and if they don’t produce they are put out to pasture. These aren’t jobs you dish out to balance your skin color portfolio. They are to balance the gilead check book. May I suggest retaking unconscious bias and inclusion training once more?

Clearly the black guy on this post will never assume a leadership role. Too obsessed with race. Stop judging people by the color of their skin. Judge them by the content of their character. You probably don’t even know who said that.

Clearly the black guy on this post will never assume a leadership role. Too obsessed with race. Stop judging people by the color of their skin. Judge them by the content of their character. You probably don’t even know who said that.

First, you’re right! I won’t “assume a leadership role” because I’m not white. Comfort with one’s own racial group and promotions means waaayyyy more in America than qualifications. Unfortunately, whites have a say in EVERY promotion/hire at Gilead and throughout Corporate America.

Oh, I definitely know who said it! Problem is he’s surely the ONLY Black person in history you can quote ONE line and he was never respected by whites when he lived. It’s ironic that the ONE line quoted whites weren’t trying to hear it when he said it. Now it’s cliche and the white race’s favorite tag line from a black person to justify their denialism, privilege and continued unfair advantages. Go figure! Yet White America loved the man so much they assassinated him. Now y’all quoting him like you loved him from day one. That’s called FAKE! Sure there’s not a race issue to you because whites land all the jobs so inequity means nada to you. How many times do we hear “race doesn’t matter?” I’ll let you in on a lil’ secret, RACE MATTERS in everything in America. Always has, ALWAYS will!

that is correct because SHE is the most qualified and proven in one of the most challenging business units with anti-viral experience. Any questions? Do you have someone else in mind? Skin color doesn’t matter when responsible for a multi-billion dollar growth franchise. Our Vp’s manage to the bottom line and if they don’t produce they are put out to pasture. These aren’t jobs you dish out to balance your skin color portfolio. They are to balance the gilead check book. May I suggest retaking unconscious bias and inclusion training once more?

Spare me! How do we know she was the most qualified? Was the job posted? Was there a fair interview process? She was handed the job before the ink dried on CF’s resignation letter.
It just so happens that “these jobs that aren’t dished out” are ALWAYS dished out to whites.

Spare me! How do we know she was the most qualified? Was the job posted? Was there a fair interview process? She was handed the job before the ink dried on CF’s resignation letter.
It just so happens that “these jobs that aren’t dished out” are ALWAYS dished out to whites.
The public is tired of your whining - look in the mirror and improve your community and yourself instead of always pulling out the victim card.

The public is tired of your whining - look in the mirror and improve your community and yourself instead of always pulling out the victim card.

Because the topic makes you uncomfortable doesn’t mean that what’s noted isn’t true. Get over yourself and your denial! I know giving back those unearned benefits and privilege based solely on possessing white skin is difficult and your clearly having a hard time. EVERY STEP OF THE WAY throughout American History whenever black folks have tried to “improve our communities” YT has been there to ensure they’re kicked right back into the hole (too many examples to share but Tulsa is a good place for you to start). We cannot even get basic voting rights legislation considered let alone passed! I have a better idea for you. You look in the mirror and acknowledge/recognize the role your race played in the perceived “victim card” you claim me to “always” play. I know you like to believe that everything you stole or gained was earned but it wasn’t. My apologies that the facts get in the way of your denialist opinions. Race matters in America in EVERYTHING. ALWAYS HAS!

Leave now. Gilead is Evil. You are Gilead since you work here. That means you are evil.

No! I’d rather you leave! Notice there’s no contention to the truth of the posts. Just white rage and denial. Why? Because those not born or GIVEN privilege seek equality so you’re mad because you want EVERY DAMN THING!

No! I’d rather you leave! Notice there’s no contention to the truth of the posts. Just white rage and denial. Why? Because those not born or GIVEN privilege seek equality so you’re mad because you want EVERY DAMN THING!
Sad all those successful blx that have raised families and had successful careers and lives have to fear being grouped with victims like you - trust me I know because I am one of them.