Happy Juneteenth Gilead!!!!

White fragility, privilege and rage is incredible to witness in 2021. They have such disdain both recognized and unrecognized for “others” to the point they’re tearing down the country with their hatred. Why do they hate us? Because we demand humanity and equality. What a terrible thing to expect! It has always been said racism would be the demise of America. Looks like that prediction is coming to fruition with every passing hour. I guess when you’re used to undeservedly controlling and taking 100% of everything to have only 98% feels awfully oppressive.

White fragility, privilege and rage is incredible to witness in 2021. They have such disdain both recognized and unrecognized for “others” to the point they’re tearing down the country with their hatred. Why do they hate us? Because we demand humanity and equality. What a terrible thing to expect! It has always been said racism would be the demise of America. Looks like that prediction is coming to fruition with every passing hour. I guess when you’re used to undeservedly controlling and taking 100% of everything to have only 98% feels awfully oppressive.

You’re anger and disdain is getting a bit worn out. Barack didn’t help the black cause over 8 years and now Kamala has the opportunity to be a leader, nothing so far. Are you claiming repression of thought and voice here?
You must be a hell of a lot of fun to be around at the POA’s (if you actually work here). You must want to scream when one of the white folk gets on stage. I’ll be looking for you in the future, probably hanging as far from the crowd as possible whenever possible.

White fragility, privilege and rage is incredible to witness in 2021. They have such disdain both recognized and unrecognized for “others” to the point they’re tearing down the country with their hatred. Why do they hate us? Because we demand humanity and equality. What a terrible thing to expect! It has always been said racism would be the demise of America. Looks like that prediction is coming to fruition with every passing hour. I guess when you’re used to undeservedly controlling and taking 100% of everything to have only 98% feels awfully oppressive.

the life of the party!

You’re anger and disdain is getting a bit worn out. Barack didn’t help the black cause over 8 years and now Kamala has the opportunity to be a leader, nothing so far. Are you claiming repression of thought and voice here?
You must be a hell of a lot of fun to be around at the POA’s (if you actually work here). You must want to scream when one of the white folk gets on stage. I’ll be looking for you in the future, probably hanging as far from the crowd as possible whenever possible.

You’re anger and disdain is getting a bit worn out. Barack didn’t help the black cause over 8 years and now Kamala has the opportunity to be a leader, nothing so far. Are you claiming repression of thought and voice here?
You must be a hell of a lot of fun to be around at the POA’s (if you actually work here). You must want to scream when one of the white folk gets on stage. I’ll be looking for you in the future, probably hanging as far from the crowd as possible whenever possible.

You’re clearly not too bright! Yes I am claiming repression of thought and voice for the two Black subjects you selected. If Barack had uttered just ONE word regarding the racial disparities and how legalized, historical wrongs by the US needed to be righted for Black people there is NO WAY in hell he would’ve ever become Prez. You know it but would never admit it! In other words, he wasn’t allowed to do shit for Black folks even if he wanted. Kamala has been VP for 6 months and her situation is the same as Barack. The Blackest sh!t she’s allowed to say without risk of being ousted is she went to an HBCU. You probably believed Mike Pence could overturn the results of the election. Why didn’t Mike overturn the results? It’s because there is a Constitution with laws and boundaries clown.

You’re clearly not too bright! Yes I am claiming repression of thought and voice for the two Black subjects you selected. If Barack had uttered just ONE word regarding the racial disparities and how legalized, historical wrongs by the US needed to be righted for Black people there is NO WAY in hell he would’ve ever become Prez. You know it but would never admit it! In other words, he wasn’t allowed to do shit for Black folks even if he wanted. Kamala has been VP for 6 months and her situation is the same as Barack. The Blackest sh!t she’s allowed to say without risk of being ousted is she went to an HBCU. You probably believed Mike Pence could overturn the results of the election. Why didn’t Mike overturn the results? It’s because there is a Constitution with laws and boundaries clown.

Once elected,Barack apologized for every hangnail and pimple that ever emanated from within the US and he still couldn’t implement policies that helped the black community. Mike was spot on for not overturning the election results so don’t think I was a Trump-ete.
Like I said your voice is yours and no one is trying to stymie whatever truth or crap you are spewing. Your anger is another story which is a you issue. See you soon

Once elected,Barack apologized for every hangnail and pimple that ever emanated from within the US and he still couldn’t implement policies that helped the black community. Mike was spot on for not overturning the election results so don’t think I was a Trump-ete.
Like I said your voice is yours and no one is trying to stymie whatever truth or crap you are spewing. Your anger is another story which is a you issue. See you soon

You’re being disingenuous! Don’t let your opinion get in the way of facts (though I know it’s difficult for you cult-following ReTrumplicans). Barack couldn’t implement policies because of Mitch “Toby Turtle” McConnell’s constant gridlock and blocking even to this day. Even with that he had a FAR GREATER presidency than the clown fool who followed him. My “anger?” My “anger?” The nerve of YOU! How dare Black folks be “angry” regarding their mistreatment and having their humanity disrespected since they first stepped off of the slave ships in 1619. We wouldn’t need Black Lives Matter if we didn’t have 302 years of Black lives “don’t matter!”

You’re being disingenuous! Don’t let your opinion get in the way of facts (though I know it’s difficult for you cult-following ReTrumplicans). Barack couldn’t implement policies because of Mitch “Toby Turtle” McConnell’s constant gridlock and blocking even to this day. Even with that he had a FAR GREATER presidency than the clown fool who followed him. My “anger?” My “anger?” The nerve of YOU! How dare Black folks be “angry” regarding their mistreatment and having their humanity disrespected since they first stepped off of the slave ships in 1619. We wouldn’t need Black Lives Matter if we didn’t have 302 years of Black lives “don’t matter!”

What a miserable asshat.

You’re being disingenuous! Don’t let your opinion get in the way of facts (though I know it’s difficult for you cult-following ReTrumplicans). Barack couldn’t implement policies because of Mitch “Toby Turtle” McConnell’s constant gridlock and blocking even to this day. Even with that he had a FAR GREATER presidency than the clown fool who followed him. My “anger?” My “anger?” The nerve of YOU! How dare Black folks be “angry” regarding their mistreatment and having their humanity disrespected since they first stepped off of the slave ships in 1619. We wouldn’t need Black Lives Matter if we didn’t have 302 years of Black lives “don’t matter!”

Clearly you have a gripe and can’t be civil. The poster you’re replying to is factually accurate, you not so much regarding current political outcomes. The gridlock started as a result of the one sided ACA legislation that was forced through before the next midterm elections that balanced the power in the senate. You can thank BO for setting the tone which exists today.
Are you expecting Joe to issue reparations to black Americans?? Will that make you happy?
Since your optics are one sided, keep on being miserable.

Is “Best” Code for White? Sales is 95% white.
Perform and work hard and stop being an entitlement free loader expecting handouts. If your skills & success are exceptional then you will be promoted. Only the affirmative action people get things easy in life.
Outperform and stop whining and you might also become a Obama, Tyler Perry, and many others. Dont be free loader bum

Clearly you have a gripe and can’t be civil. The poster you’re replying to is factually accurate, you not so much regarding current political outcomes. The gridlock started as a result of the one sided ACA legislation that was forced through before the next midterm elections that balanced the power in the senate. You can thank BO for setting the tone which exists today.
Are you expecting Joe to issue reparations to black Americans?? Will that make you happy?
Since your optics are one sided, keep on being miserable.

What is exactly “factually inaccurate” about what I’ve posted? You’re the one posting opinions regarding your AOC white rage rants based upon nothingness. Because it makes you uncomfortable doesn’t make what I noted “factually inaccurate.” Your TRUE feelings are starting to show as they do with most white Americans when the topic is race/racism. You can’t handle the truth! Equity, fairness and the humanity of Black folks has never obviously been in your DNA. America is changing whether you want to accept it or not. To borrow a frequently quoted tagline from white America, get over it or move somewhere else!

Perform and work hard and stop being an entitlement free loader expecting handouts. If your skills & success are exceptional then you will be promoted. Only the affirmative action people get things easy in life.
Outperform and stop whining and you might also become a Obama, Tyler Perry, and many others. Dont be free loader bum

You mean like the privilege…..errrrr “entitlement” white skin has afforded you? You mean a “free loader” like your pathetic slave-owning forefathers? You mean like the unearned land handouts whites were given to move west to set up settlements on stolen land? Surely you haven’t considered or factored those unearned handouts and welfare as most whites don’t. As long as you were the beneficiary of the fruits due to your white skin that’s all that matters, huh? The atrocities that whites have inflicted upon humanity is endless. Surely you’re a proud beneficiary! You’re so proud that your actually delusional and will tear down this country to maintain your unearned privilege simply because you’re of the white race. How ridiculous! You’re a delusional fool!!!!!!!!

You mean like the privilege…..errrrr “entitlement” white skin has afforded you? You mean a “free loader” like your pathetic slave-owning forefathers? You mean like the unearned land handouts whites were given to move west to set up settlements on stolen land? Surely you haven’t considered or factored those unearned handouts and welfare as most whites don’t. As long as you were the beneficiary of the fruits due to your white skin that’s all that matters, huh? The atrocities that whites have inflicted upon humanity is endless. Surely you’re a proud beneficiary! You’re so proud that your actually delusional and will tear down this country to maintain your unearned privilege simply because you’re of the white race. How ridiculous! You’re a delusional fool!!!!!!!!
You seem to be a perfect fit for BLM/communist Cuba

You mean like the privilege…..errrrr “entitlement” white skin has afforded you? You mean a “free loader” like your pathetic slave-owning forefathers? You mean like the unearned land handouts whites were given to move west to set up settlements on stolen land? Surely you haven’t considered or factored those unearned handouts and welfare as most whites don’t. As long as you were the beneficiary of the fruits due to your white skin that’s all that matters, huh? The atrocities that whites have inflicted upon humanity is endless. Surely you’re a proud beneficiary! You’re so proud that your actually delusional and will tear down this country to maintain your unearned privilege simply because you’re of the white race. How ridiculous! You’re a delusional fool!!!!!!!!

Since you have all the freakin answers, let me set it straight. I’m Irish and Scottish. Repression and being beaten down by the British was common place for my ancestors. Whatever, it’s part of the past as is slavery. We (Americans regardless of race, creed or gender) have the opportunity to improve our lives and find the boot straps to pull ourselves up on our own. I’ve lived on food stamps and WIC and figured it out so don’t lump all Caucasian’s into one pot. Your anger and miserable attitude should be saved for an organized protest for your communist/socialist brethren in BLM. Screw you miserable douche

Since you have all the freakin answers, let me set it straight. I’m Irish and Scottish. Repression and being beaten down by the British was common place for my ancestors. Whatever, it’s part of the past as is slavery. We (Americans regardless of race, creed or gender) have the opportunity to improve our lives and find the boot straps to pull ourselves up on our own. I’ve lived on food stamps and WIC and figured it out so don’t lump all Caucasian’s into one pot. Your anger and miserable attitude should be saved for an organized protest for your communist/socialist brethren in BLM. Screw you miserable douche
You're too shallow to ever understand or get it.

Since you have all the freakin answers, let me set it straight. I’m Irish and Scottish. Repression and being beaten down by the British was common place for my ancestors. Whatever, it’s part of the past as is slavery. We (Americans regardless of race, creed or gender) have the opportunity to improve our lives and find the boot straps to pull ourselves up on our own. I’ve lived on food stamps and WIC and figured it out so don’t lump all Caucasian’s into one pot. Your anger and miserable attitude should be saved for an organized protest for your communist/socialist brethren in BLM. Screw you miserable douche

You clearly are in your feelings regarding your denial of the power of white skin. What your Irish and Scottish ancestors faced was nowhere near the legalized chattel slavery of innocent Africans in the US. Your comparison is weak and ridiculous so I won’t elaborate further. It further proves my point of the denial and discomfort whites feel when discussing race and acknowledgment of the unearned benefits white skin awards. But keep on believing the lie you simply work harder than any slave or their descendants. Your white skin affords you the luxury of feeling you’re simply better because….well you’re white.