
The HQ move to CT is a done deal. This silly beef with the county gives BH a reason to do it and also leverage his virtue signaling to its max. Once the non competes become unenforceable, he'll use the same playbook to claim that reps left due to "misaligned culture". BH is out of his depth as CEO, but he's made a career out of making lemonade from lemons.

I’m shocked! A white, small Midwestern and racist town is in uproar? I’ll alert the news as this was totally unexpected!

Racist town? You must be part of the corporate jet class who in your free time has nothing better to do than wine about your "white guilt".

Go look in the mirror, hero. The true racist is you!

I’m shocked! A white, small Midwestern and racist town is in uproar? I’ll alert the news as this was totally unexpected!

the issue is the fact that our “leader” the CEO of a public company just called the entire town that he DOES NOT live in racists. yet he felt as though it was okay to give the county and ultimatum… whether that was his intentions or not that is what the community read into his letter. Hanson has chosen to choose bullying the county instead of working with the county that his company is based in. shame on him.

I’m shocked! A white, small Midwestern and racist town is in uproar? I’ll alert the news as this was totally unexpected!

So, what is worse? A rich white CEO forcing his hand to say white people are bad, or a small Midwestern town that doesn’t want his brand of racism. I’m sure the people of Bogota will love his rhetoric. Cant have it both ways...

I’m shocked! A white, small Midwestern and racist town is in uproar? I’ll alert the news as this was totally unexpected!

How can you possibly call the town racist just because they don't accept your CRT trash? Just because people are white doesn't mean they're racist!

Hate is wrong and CRT does nothing but teach hate you fool.

the issue is the fact that our “leader” the CEO of a public company just called the entire town that he DOES NOT live in racists. yet he felt as though it was okay to give the county and ultimatum… whether that was his intentions or not that is what the community read into his letter. Hanson has chosen to choose bullying the county instead of working with the county that his company is based in. shame on him.

Given that most orthopedic reps and surgeons are conservative, it is probably the most self-centered, damn the customer’s comment he has made thusfar. When this gets out in social media it could haunt him if he has eyes to see and ears to hear.

Given that most orthopedic reps and surgeons are conservative, it is probably the most self-centered, damn the customer’s comment he has made thusfar. When this gets out in social media it could haunt him if he has eyes to see and ears to hear.

Very dramatic. Nothing is going to happen. I know you think you’re important, but you’re just a rep. You make your number they care a little. You beat your number they care a lot. You miss your number they don’t care and could give two shits about your opinion.

Its called projection.

“Well we were pieces of shit growing up, treated minorities poorly and we’re white so by stupid math that means every white person did the same!”
-guess who

Know that every time BH speaks to you in Warsaw, he thinks you're a racist simpleton and he (and especially his wife) hate you and your family. There are other companies in Warsaw. They're hiring.