
Only took what, 6 months for zimvie to go from 40 dollars a share to 10 bucks a share. What a disgrace and failure that was to try and save face, now the talks of Medtronic taking over are back in full force as Spine and dental is what Medtronic said it was, baggage.

Only took what, 6 months for zimvie to go from 40 dollars a share to 10 bucks a share. What a disgrace and failure that was to try and save face, now the talks of Medtronic taking over are back in full force as Spine and dental is what Medtronic said it was, baggage.

MDT? Why would they want this shitshow?

MDT? Why would they want this shitshow?

Hanson was put in place for a reason. Divest dental and spine and pray his buddies bail him out for his bonus. I don’t think he understood what it really looked like under the covers here, and I don’t think Medtronic liked the smell after first whiff. We shall see what the grand finale is for Hanson, something’s gotta be coming soon or we are literally doomed.

Hanson was put in place for a reason. Divest dental and spine and pray his buddies bail him out for his bonus. I don’t think he understood what it really looked like under the covers here, and I don’t think Medtronic liked the smell after first whiff. We shall see what the grand finale is for Hanson, something’s gotta be coming soon or we are literally doomed.

grand finale dude? The show is just getting started.....remember he is the Chairman. Unfirable. So go to work and stfu

My colleague attended a meeting with Mr. Hanson recently. One of those "show up to dinner with me" events. All that I can say is that she claims that she has never seen someone so disconnected from a business. He is likely quitting or getting fired.

I have been to those events. All that I can say is UNREAL that this guy is still here. Total fake. Gives a damn about Warsaw. He is destroying the company and lying to everyone about the state of the business.

Warsaw crew still upset about losing their old jobs doing nothing and getting paid uh?
Spoken like true Zimmer leadership. This is the reason we are doomed, leadership at Zimmer completely disconnected from reality, blaming everyone for everything. We all know what the problem here is, at least shareholders finally understand what’s been going on, someone’s days are numbered.

But the esg scores and the China vbp… just in time for the earnings call!

Maybe we can make another excuse like “form factors” being wrong. Or maybe we can sell robots to asc who don’t want them.

Call another meeting in CT and get that rif machine running. Maybe we can get more advice from finance on how to slash inventory so that we can make another bogus number.

I cant wait till they tell us how awesome the engagement survey went. Look out for the Hanson video promoting himself (Mr. CEO of the year according to a magazine that nobody has ever heard of). He thinks he fools people doesnt he?