
So zimvie spinoff has been a dumpster fire. Loses >30% of its value in first days of trading. Should have just sold the POS divisions for $600m and skipped the spinoff silliness and cost. No one was going to pay $1B...ever. But then BH wouldn't get his RSUs related to the spinoff?

So zimvie spinoff has been a dumpster fire. Loses >30% of its value in first days of trading. Should have just sold the POS divisions for $600m and skipped the spinoff silliness and cost. No one was going to pay $1B...ever. But then BH wouldn't get his RSUs related to the spinoff?
So you think ZB didn’t try/BEG someone (anyone!) to buy these divisions?? Of course they did. The ZimVie public trading is just a reflection of what the market has always thought of these pitiful units. What does BH care as long as they are both finally of ZB’s books?

So you think ZB didn’t try/BEG someone (anyone!) to buy these divisions?? Of course they did. The ZimVie public trading is just a reflection of what the market has always thought of these pitiful units. What does BH care as long as they are both finally of ZB’s books?

Hanson would do anything to get his daddy medtronic to take a sniff.

Jet fuel is up to $6/gallon, so those commutes from Waterbury-Oxford Airport to Miami International Airport in the G550 are going to get really expensive with a burn rate of 400 gallons/hour. This is cutting into my dividends! Is there anything us shareholders can do about this? Can we have the board look into this?

Jet fuel is up to $6/gallon, so those commutes from Waterbury-Oxford Airport to Miami International Airport in the G550 are going to get really expensive with a burn rate of 400 gallons/hour. This is cutting into my dividends! Is there anything us shareholders can do about this? Can we have the board look into this?

shareholder lol. Not gonna get any easier for you as its a disaster behind the scenes at Zimmer. Cook the books!

BH spent Spring Break in Europe, specifically London, Madrid, South of France, etc. The dude is a legitimate high rolling playboy CEO for sure! We should all aspire to be like him!