Hair Drug Testing - Standard or Extended

Okay guys, just to confirm, AZ only does a 5 panel hair test that doesn't test for percocet or vicodin. I had one dose of morphine last month and that didn't show up. I just got hired! Good luck:)

Who cares if you live in CO or WA !!! Yaa-hoo!

Wouldn't a national BEM in Denver be awesome? Maybe they would have water pipes at the welcome reception. AWESOME!

What a great way to use NULLIFICATION.

PS: For those that don't know what nullification is, do some research.
PSS: Above is sarcasm for those idgits that believe the path we are on is a good one.

Don't know exactly how nullification is relevant, despite doing a quick google search. Workplaces themselves can still implement ZERO TOLERANCE DRUG FREE policies, and anybody working for the gov't such as city or state employees are still subject to the same evaluations in place BEFORE anyone legalized marijuana and REGARDLESS if the state you live in has legalized it or not. FEDERAL law has not legalized it, therefore any workplace CAN/gov't workplaces WILL discriminate against users (even ones with "medical marijuana permits") as grounds for termination or ineligible for employment.

That being said, I think it should just be legal everywhere within moderation like alcohol, because putting people in jail for pot use is just silly and taking up resources that would better serve the rehabilitation of criminals that actually pose a threat to society.

I've been doing a little research on the subject and just wanted to enlighten those who may have been confused or misinformed.

I had a hair test and was freaking out about it. I have been on heavy duty painkillers for the last six months, think Fentanyl patch along with oral meds. I also take Xanax and Vyvanse. I really thought the narcotics would've appeared. The testing place did not ask me what meds I was on before the test and no one called me to discuss what prescriptions I had or to see the information from my pharmacy.

i know they're testing for abuse and illegal drugs. Having said that, I can't imagine they're vey strict about the levels of prescription drugs in your system. I also had edibles the month before and that didn't show (wasn't questioned) either.

I had a hair test and was freaking out about it. I have been on heavy duty painkillers for the last six months, think Fentanyl patch along with oral meds. I also take Xanax and Vyvanse. I really thought the narcotics would've appeared. The testing place did not ask me what meds I was on before the test and no one called me to discuss what prescriptions I had or to see the information from my pharmacy.

i know they're testing for abuse and illegal drugs. Having said that, I can't imagine they're vey strict about the levels of prescription drugs in your system. I also had edibles the month before and that didn't show (wasn't questioned) either.

This must be a joke ! Who the fuck would hire you. You are totally a mental case.

I am 56 years old with a massive right-to-left combover consisting of about four strands of hair. I am washing these four strands vigourously three times/day prepping for the drug test. I'm hoping that the high ratio of shampoo to available hairs will wash out all of the drugs that i've been using since college. Let's hope.

Thanks for the laugh!

Don't know exactly how nullification is relevant, despite doing a quick google search. Workplaces themselves can still implement ZERO TOLERANCE DRUG FREE policies, and anybody working for the gov't such as city or state employees are still subject to the same evaluations in place BEFORE anyone legalized marijuana and REGARDLESS if the state you live in has legalized it or not. FEDERAL law has not legalized it, therefore any workplace CAN/gov't workplaces WILL discriminate against users (even ones with "medical marijuana permits") as grounds for termination or ineligible for employment.

That being said, I think it should just be legal everywhere within moderation like alcohol, because putting people in jail for pot use is just silly and taking up resources that would better serve the rehabilitation of criminals that actually pose a threat to society.

I've been doing a little research on the subject and just wanted to enlighten those who may have been confused or misinformed.

So if you go to Colorado and smoke legal marijuana you can be denied employment? Wtf

No. 7, here's how to beat the hair test, from another CP thread:

"1)buy some dialysis tubing from a supplier or go back and visit your HS chemistry teacher and steal some from the lab.
2)Go to drug store and buy highest strength Selsun Blue shampoo
3) Fill dialysis bags with shampoo, and dialyze against at least 10 volumes of distilled water X 24 hours, changing the water at least 3X/24 hours.
4) Doing the above will yield highly concentrated selenium, the active ingredient in Selsun blue.
5) 24 hours pre hair test wash your hair with the highly concentrated shampoo at least 5x to allow selenium to seep into the hair shafts and follicles.
6) the selenium will mask any drugs you may have in the hair or hair root.
7) go confidently into the testing lab and offer up your hair."

Don't know exactly how nullification is relevant, despite doing a quick google search. Workplaces themselves can still implement ZERO TOLERANCE DRUG FREE policies, and anybody working for the gov't such as city or state employees are still subject to the same evaluations in place BEFORE anyone legalized marijuana and REGARDLESS if the state you live in has legalized it or not. FEDERAL law has not legalized it, therefore any workplace CAN/gov't workplaces WILL discriminate against users (even ones with "medical marijuana permits") as grounds for termination or ineligible for employment.

That being said, I think it should just be legal everywhere within moderation like alcohol, because putting people in jail for pot use is just silly and taking up resources that would better serve the rehabilitation of criminals that actually pose a threat to society.

I've been doing a little research on the subject and just wanted to enlighten those who may have been confused or misinformed.

Spoken like a true pothead. We're plenty informed on the issue and marijuana is a gateway drug that addicts up to 1/3 of its users. Many move on to the bigger and better stuff from the pot head phase.

Legalization also sends the wrong message to the nation's youth that pot is harmless which anyone grounded in reality know is nonsense.

Thanks Mom.

Bash the weed aficionados and go suck down your alcohol you moron.
Spoken like a true pothead. We're plenty informed on the issue and marijuana is a gateway drug that addicts up to 1/3 of its users. Many move on to the bigger and better stuff from the pot head phase.

Legalization also sends the wrong message to the nation's youth that pot is harmless which anyone grounded in reality know is nonsense.