Hair Drug Testing - Standard or Extended

you are spending more time, energy and anxiety on your drug habit--and hiding it-- than most people spend on there legit jobs and the responsibilities of that. Hope you make it with your job search. It's a bell curve thing.

I am 56 years old with a massive right-to-left combover consisting of about four strands of hair. I am washing these four strands vigourously three times/day prepping for the drug test. I'm hoping that the high ratio of shampoo to available hairs will wash out all of the drugs that i've been using since college. Let's hope.

That the funniest shit I ever did read...

I am confused. If you have ever smoked pot does it stay in your hair forever? I have shoulder length hair and quit smoking in February and was given a urine test in July which I passed. But if I was given a hair test would I have failed if they tested the ends of my hair--or do they always take hair close to the root?

You cannot really beat a hair test if you do illegal drugs or abuse Rx drugs. There are washes but you'd have to start totally damaging your hair with them and there is no promise you'll pass. There are thresholds that throw the spikes for drug use. If you are over one, you are probably not going to get the job. A rule of thumb is that if you smoke pot more than three times a month, you WILL fail the test. It also depends on what you're smoking. I seriously doubt taking three painkillers will spike anything. The test can tell even how much alcohol you drink. Frankly, I agree with the above poster who said you will need major drugs just to survive this company.

You cannot really beat a hair test if you do illegal drugs or abuse Rx drugs. There are washes but you'd have to start totally damaging your hair with them and there is no promise you'll pass. There are thresholds that throw the spikes for drug use. If you are over one, you are probably not going to get the job. A rule of thumb is that if you smoke pot more than three times a month, you WILL fail the test. It also depends on what you're smoking. I seriously doubt taking three painkillers will spike anything. The test can tell even how much alcohol you drink. Frankly, I agree with the above poster who said you will need major drugs just to survive this company.


AZ could care less about a few joints a month, I was hired and had been using pot as recently as a week before the test and passed. They even called me and told me I passed, which I thought was a telltale sign. They saw it and didn't care. They're looking for hard core drugs, not pot.


AZ could care less about a few joints a month, I was hired and had been using pot as recently as a week before the test and passed. They even called me and told me I passed, which I thought was a telltale sign. They saw it and didn't care. They're looking for hard core drugs, not pot.

I've always wondered about that, there are people working here who got hair tested that I know smoke weed and obviously got hired. When I was hair tested it was only one snip of hair and a urine test. Passed no problem.

Time is the best defense, just keep postponing the test, make the appointment as far out as you can, on the day it comes up tell them you had a family emergency and need to reschedule, etc. It's AZ policy to let you start working if you are waiting to get tested. Once you are three months clean you have an excellent chance of passing any hair test. But everyone is different, I know people who failed after 6 months and people who passed who smoked weed the week before.

Your best bet is to buy a home hair test from and test yourself. It's all tested at the same labs. Once your home test comes back clean, you know the AZ one will be fine.

One guy shaved his head underarms and pubic area. That didnt work cause they cut his finger nails and toe nails to get the test done. He failed.

I had my fingernails, toenails, nosehair, earhair, cock and balls and asshole shaves bare as a cueball.

But I was so wasted forgot and they took a sample from my head. Failed the test, the tech asked what happened to my fingernails. He never even saw my nutsack.

Even if you are hairless and have no fingernails, they will scrape you forearm skin and legs to get the dead cells and test them. I asked the tester, she said there is no way to cheat it unless you fail to show up.

Re: Hair Drug Testing - Talking valid scripts as instructed

I have been told to expect a job offer from Quintiles within two weeks, which of course would include a background check and drug test.

No problem! Then I realized I was put on Adderall after being diagnosed with ADHD about 3 years ago. I also take Klonopin and Ambien as needed for anxiety and sleep (I don't take them often).

My understanding is these substances come up in a drug test. I do not do any illegal drugs, and all these scripts are written by my primary care doctor and filled at the same pharmacy. Do I have my doctor fax over my prescription to the drug testing place? Will any of these substances create a "red flag" even though I know they are at the prescribed amounts?

And regarding hair tests, I do take Valium only on longer flights. I went on a cross country trip in July, and took 1 Valium on the flight there, and 1 Valium on the return flight. Do I need to disclose this as well if they do a hair test, even though it was months ago? How far do I go back?

I asked my doctor if I should stop taking these medications since I may have a drug test coming soon. He told me I absolutely should NOT stop these medications due to a drug test.

Has anyone else had an experience like this? And do they send Quintiles a list of what showed up on my test, even though they are legally prescribed amounts and the test should pass?

I have no experience in this, so it is making me nervous. Any advice would be appreciated. I would be working in an operations role....I will not be visiting trial locations and I doubt I would have access to drugs there. Not sure if that makes a difference in their decision to do hair or urine.

Advice needed, thanks so much!

They know what drug, whether it is illegal or Rx'ed and whether you are taking a prescribed dose or abusing. You need to chill out on your med list. If you are abusing your meds, you will get caught. If you abuse anything, they will know. I would not worry about any prescribed medication, it is fine.

They know what drug, whether it is illegal or Rx'ed and whether you are taking a prescribed dose or abusing. You need to chill out on your med list. If you are abusing your meds, you will get caught. If you abuse anything, they will know. I would not worry about any prescribed medication, it is fine.

To the OP Stoner, get clean and stay clean and you won't have a problem. Life is tough enough without having to contend with being baked all the time. Our motto here is "Just say YES to drugs"... as long as they are AZ drugs.

To the OP Stoner, get clean and stay clean and you won't have a problem. Life is tough enough without having to contend with being baked all the time. Our motto here is "Just say YES to drugs"... as long as they are AZ drugs.

Actually, I've been baked the entire 15 years that I've worked here--it's the only way to get through the day in this hellhole. Was able to pass the lame urinalysis they used to give out, then just sat back and relaxed.

Re: Hair Drug Testing - Talking valid scripts as instructed

I have been told to expect a job offer from Quintiles within two weeks, which of course would include a background check and drug test.

No problem! Then I realized I was put on Adderall after being diagnosed with ADHD about 3 years ago. I also take Klonopin and Ambien as needed for anxiety and sleep (I don't take them often).

My understanding is these substances come up in a drug test. I do not do any illegal drugs, and all these scripts are written by my primary care doctor and filled at the same pharmacy. Do I have my doctor fax over my prescription to the drug testing place? Will any of these substances create a "red flag" even though I know they are at the prescribed amounts?

And regarding hair tests, I do take Valium only on longer flights. I went on a cross country trip in July, and took 1 Valium on the flight there, and 1 Valium on the return flight. Do I need to disclose this as well if they do a hair test, even though it was months ago? How far do I go back?

I asked my doctor if I should stop taking these medications since I may have a drug test coming soon. He told me I absolutely should NOT stop these medications due to a drug test.

Has anyone else had an experience like this? And do they send Quintiles a list of what showed up on my test, even though they are legally prescribed amounts and the test should pass?

I have no experience in this, so it is making me nervous. Any advice would be appreciated. I would be working in an operations role....I will not be visiting trial locations and I doubt I would have access to drugs there. Not sure if that makes a difference in their decision to do hair or urine.

Advice needed, thanks so much!

Stop worrying; my test showed oxycodone, but I let them know ahead of time that I had a prescription for it (chronic back pain). Although people in some companies are actually fired for being on prescription drugs, AZ is okay with it.