AZ drug testing for sales rep is hair/urine/blood?

it is hair- a girl i trained with had gotten high the day she was offered the job "in celebration", not realizing it was a hair test. she dyed her hair and put all kinds of product on it and passed the test. if you don't have enough hair for a sample they'll probably just do a blood test.

Hair. Just hired and it's only hair. That test goes back the longest.
And don't bother shaving - they can get "creative" if they need to be. (get your mind out of the gutter) they will take it from your pits, legs, etc.

I'm an avid runner and shave/trim most body hair to eliminate chaffing. My test was urine as hair wasn't long enough. Wasn't an issue for me as I'm not a drug user but thought I'd throw mt 2cents in.

The majority of what I have found online says its all hair testing, yet some people say it was only urine. I want to know what kind of drug test I can expect for an entry level pharma sales rep position. I smoked 2 months ago and know a hair test goes back 90 days, but I'd be ok with a urine test.

They did a hair sample on me.