Great time to be at Cardionet!

I love the equal distribution across all three months of the quarter too. Oh wait, that only happens at companies who give a shit about their employees. What the hell is so special about October that it needs to carry more weight than November and December? As if that really even needs a reply

It was very amusing hearing my RSD ramble on about quota disbursements. They had the gaul to ask each rep to organically grow the business by 3 rx's per physician due to non-approval for any new accounts. I think he along with Jack Daniels have been smoking something organically. Do they think we're really that dumb? Guaranteed majority of sales force began their holiday vacations today.

Why would someone blowing out a super low quota get significantly less increase (dollars) than someone NOT blowing out a very high dollar territory? 10% of 50K less than 10% 150k. You don't even need a calculator for that one.

there are so many statistics available on every single territory which tell the story of how different one is from another, but nobody takes the time to dig into it an create customized quotas - it's just easier to pull a number out of a hat and make everyone deal with it equally - the problem, as pointed out by the previous post, is that inequality is the name of the game. The other issue is that blowing out a quota or not does not affect your next quarterly forecast - if you read KN's email you will see the forecast was built on the Q3 forecast - not Q3 actual

Maybe after the recent take over in both the house and senate, the rat pack finally sobered up and realized this Obama want be was nothing but hot air. How she lasted this long doing nothing but wagg her finger at others is simply amazing. She brought nothing to the table in all her years except chaos.