Great time to be at Cardionet!

You are a fool - even though you are right about EPs, they are a very small percentage of the ones who order this kind of monitoring. Not everybody has a smart phone and not every APP is foolproof. We will be fine

You are a fool - even though you are right about EPs, they are a very small percentage of the ones who order this kind of monitoring. Not everybody has a smart phone and not every APP is foolproof. We will be fine

And you are an idiot who doesn't seem to know what's actually taking place in the market. Cardionet will not be fine. It's hemorrhaging cash in the wrong direction, losing market share to new devices and reimbursement to event and telemetry will drop again January 1. Unless there's an infusion of revenue through new products or market share gain this space will not be a pleasant one for CN. But you keep drinking the ignorant koolaid.

Dude if you were half as smart as you want to sound in your prophecy of doom you would get the hell out and probably should. There is no company in this market that hasn't faced challenges and we are no different. We have been doing this a long time and despite efforts to build a better mouse trap, nobody has knocked us off the top spot - we take care of our customers and patients better than anyone else in this space and we always will - that's what matters. We will have the patch soon enough and I assure you reimbursement for our services will not drop that much next year if it drops at all. ACA will help to ensure that services like ours remain viable because we keep patients out of hospitals and costs down. I am now going to go drink some more koolaid and look at some porn on my company laptop.

Taking bets on what the excuse will be this time for the forecast not coming out until next month. Maybe something like - the exec team was too busy helping to build new monitors that they forgot it was a new quarter already......

Taking bets on what the excuse will be this time for the forecast not coming out until next month. Maybe something like - the exec team was too busy helping to build new monitors that they forgot it was a new quarter already......

LOL! More like the exec team is too busy getting sauced to realize it was a new quarter! Would love to see what they expense in alcohol up there!!!

Taking bets on what the excuse will be this time for the forecast not coming out until next month. Maybe something like - the exec team was too busy helping to build new monitors that they forgot it was a new quarter already......

I'm pretty sure they are planning to use the Ebola scare as the excuse this time

This is a good time to be at CN or eCardio. I just heard LW is for sale and not doing so well. Reps are leaving and others let go. There will be another round of layoffs before January. The new owners from Europe have no clue how to run the business and just want to sell LW.

Yeah, let's buy another pig and not integrate it properly so we can run MORE companies inefficiently!!! With no strategy on how to sell for them!! Half-assed bandaid are not a strategy!

If you really took the time to look at the stock price prior to JC joining this hellhole, one would realize your return would be losing .45 on the dollar. Job well done. I'm sure the three amigos have seriously thought about venturing in with LW but as one commentator noted, they've all been worthless.
I'm curious to hear what the SAC committee has to say while in MelBORE. But then again, they're all crying on the 4th qtr's quotas. Oh wait, we still don't have them, but one can be sure that they all received reductions.

If everyone posting on this board is so unhappy, why do you stay? I would hate to go to work every day so defeated.

I am guessing that those griping on the board have limited possibilities to leave because they underperform. Jobs are out there if you want to leave. You just have to be qualified to get them.

If everyone posting on this board is so unhappy, why do you stay? I would hate to go to work every day so defeated.

I am guessing that those griping on the board have limited possibilities to leave because they underperform. Jobs are out there if you want to leave. You just have to be qualified to get them.

Seriously? Please name 5 positive things about this job.