Good luck in getting out of RC

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. He was my area's manager and all I know is our area and most of our regions always hit goals. Can't be said for the West. He completely changed the focus from spewing technical info which no one cares about. Unfortunately our current brain trust wants to go back to that. Hmm...and now numbers suck again. Brilliant!

Agreed. It's amazing how those RMs in West are still here. Some of them have never hit a goal and are horrible leaders. The drunk in Nevada must have "the goods" on someone. I see area manager in his future at this hole.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. He was my area's manager and all I know is our area and most of our regions always hit goals. Can't be said for the West. He completely changed the focus from spewing technical info which no one cares about. Unfortunately our current brain trust wants to go back to that. Hmm...and now numbers suck again. Brilliant!

You thought he was good?

Absolutely from a business standpoint. We need people that can sell. Not just give literature to receptionists which is what we have now. Our vet business is in trouble but no one wants to admit it. Retail hasn't done anything in years and breeder should just go away. New competition is coming and the leadership here is useless.

He gave us a chance to use our brains and no one gets it! In roads were made in capturing market share. We now coupon everywhere - such a thing was unnecessary and absolute taboo not long ago. These 'me too' tactics will not move $ or clinics our direction. Hills used to take notice and REACT to what we did but no more. It's their market….still and forever.

You're probably right about interviewing but actually I learned a while ago after my manager was let go it's better to do nothing than to actually work. It's pointless to ask new manager anything because has no idea. I sometimes think he may have another job or has passed away. As long as my check keeps coming who gives a f$&@!

This place is such a joke! Seriously-does anyone have clue? I am so tired of the incompetence and the favoritism given to drunks and people that never even leave their house!

This place is such a joke! Seriously-does anyone have clue? I am so tired of the incompetence and the favoritism given to drunks and people that never even leave their house!

It is amazing how certain DMs and RMs can be totally incompetent and not work at all, where some of the others, not on the favorites list, can work their butts off, do a great job and then be treated like dirt, or worse. This company really is a joke.

Yep. If you are a minority or sleep with your boss or DMs like the piece of crap RM in the west you got no worries. Don't understand why other RMs and DMs are afraid of losing their jobs but others who have never performed are safe. Being a minority or a scumbag has its privileges I guess.

Oh geez. I threw up in my mouth a little. This pool is certainly lacking in the looks department. Especially the RMs. Do they get promoted based on their dress size? Doubt I'll be here long enough for a cute RM to step into place. But if it happens... Good times. Easy territory, clueless boss, no leadership - and me on cruise control.

He gave us a chance to use our brains and no one gets it! In roads were made in capturing market share. We now coupon everywhere - such a thing was unnecessary and absolute taboo not long ago. These 'me too' tactics will not move $ or clinics our direction. Hills used to take notice and REACT to what we did but no more. It's their market….still and forever.

This is obviously post padding by WK. Walt did not have the authority to direct pricing changes. His role was to manage the sales force and oversee and develop his RMs. The part that got him burned was his affair with his secretary and the sexual harassment that was going on amongst his RMs. He created that culture and his ego got his ass burned. Upon investigation MARS realized what a liability their sales team were and out the door they went.

The real problem with RC is you're selling in an economy where household incomes are down and vets are under pressure to not pass excessive costs to its customers. Couple that with some territories being more mature and saturated with RC and others that have barely been worked. Now reps going on plans, and performance management in place. This happens everywhere but ask yourself- is it really worth sticking around HERE for that kind of treatment? I say no.

Another thing- since I have been here it's like Groundhog Day. Derm, SO, GI focus each ur with some wrinkles like Calm thrown in. BORING!!!

This crap doesn't even get you close to 100k comp so to me the job sucks and is strictly entry level and nothing more.

Disagree. The company got burned by a lazy DM 'ho that did the same thing at a previous job. If you're not female, a minority, or lead an alternative lifestyle, forget about getting promoted regardless of competence. Many of us that are still here call previous RMs because our new RMs are still clueless 2yrs later. What I find even funnier is that clinics do the same. This place is an abor$#on.

Disagree. The company got burned by a lazy DM 'ho that did the same thing at a previous job. If you're not female, a minority, or lead an alternative lifestyle, forget about getting promoted regardless of competence. Many of us that are still here call previous RMs because our new RMs are still clueless 2yrs later. What I find even funnier is that clinics do the same. This place is an abor$#on.

Wrong wrong wrong. The problem was the RMs and their supervisor who did things they should not have done, and were reported. What they did was deserving of what happened to them.
And, how would anyone ever know what a person did in a previous job?
However, I do agree that we are at a very bad place right now.

Fortunately I got out of this place but was there when this happened. Fact is there was accountability then-like real sales organizations. Not a bunch of su#* ups that don't do anything and pass the buck. Glad to hear the place is a mess.

In a "bad place"??? It can't get much worse. Nobody even wants to work but we don't know what we're supposed to do. All we know is we better be careful of what we say. Sadly my region is stuck with the little round AM who came from retail. The babble that comes from him is hysterical. We are still trying to figure out the meaning of our last meeting. Hard to believe a company is allowed to run this way.

Completely agree. All these managers have learned all this corporate speak that no one even understands. They like to hear themselves talk. Have you ever had to communicate to the Banfield guy? I thought college degrees were required??? I question whether that guy even has GED. Want to get even sicker? That fool makes @ 150K and does nothing! Makes me want to get up every morning and earn my 55K. Not!