Good luck in getting out of RC


I am one of the fortunate ones that left this place a year ago. I still have friends there, trying to get out, and I heard the sales meeting was awful. I wish you all luck in getting out. I have never been happier and realize I should have looked sooner, but I was comfortable for a while and actually liked my job. That changed when management changed. They need to weed out more bad management, from RMs right up to the top. There are good companies out there that value their employees. You, the DMs, all are too good for that place.

I am one of the fortunate ones that left this place a year ago. I still have friends there, trying to get out, and I heard the sales meeting was awful. I wish you all luck in getting out. I have never been happier and realize I should have looked sooner, but I was comfortable for a while and actually liked my job. That changed when management changed. They need to weed out more bad management, from RMs right up to the top. There are good companies out there that value their employees. You, the DMs, all are too good for that place.

No, you don't still have friends there, you are a gossip that keeps calling back to hear dirt, which makes you a ridiculous "hire" to the "new company" you are claiming you are with. If you "have never been happier", get off of the "unhappy, negative" site and move forward...ANYONE???

No, you don't still have friends there, you are a gossip that keeps calling back to hear dirt, which makes you a ridiculous "hire" to the "new company" you are claiming you are with. If you "have never been happier", get off of the "unhappy, negative" site and move forward...ANYONE???

You wouldn't know what it is like to have friends.

No, you don't still have friends there, you are a gossip that keeps calling back to hear dirt, which makes you a ridiculous "hire" to the "new company" you are claiming you are with. If you "have never been happier", get off of the "unhappy, negative" site and move forward...ANYONE???

Obviously an RM post.

You wouldn't know what it is like to have friends.

I stated a fact. You really need to move on. You tried to be mean and ugly, but you are making an assumption. Maybe I do and maybe I don't have friends, but still, the fact remains, you are on here living in the past and not really enjoying the "great new life " you have. I wonder if your wife/husband and kids sit next to you while you are typing these little "grasps" at keeping the negativity alive, or do you slam your laptop closed when you sense they are looking over your shoulder? I am embarrassed for you, please, please enjoy all the good things you have found in your new career and leave us alone. I love it here....ANYONE?????

Simmer down kibble freak. "ANYONE????? ANYONE????"
Notice the numbing silence when you ask for others to chime in about the love of that kibble career.....

I personally enjoy checking these boards from time to time, because as happy as I am now, I feel more happy knowing that things still suck. And all of the toxic management that made my life Hell? Gone. And the sales meetings? Still lame. And the Kool Aid drinkers? Still guzzling. I wouldn't say that some of the DMs are too good for this place, but many are. It just makes me smile, and feel the same superiority that I felt when I was forced to report to a bunch of nobs, and stare at butt-kissing kibble drones.

Thank you CP, for keeping this entertainment alive!

Sincerely: A very happy, free, and appropriately paid person who learned what NOT to settle for at RC.


What fool actually thinks that working for a pet food company looks great on a resume? Oh, I know, the RM that posted above loves it here. Is that the RM that got fired from his previous gig? Guess he is happy he has fooled the tools above him. He should love it here, the only job he could ever get. ANYONE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANYONE????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What fool actually thinks that working for a pet food company looks great on a resume? Oh, I know, the RM that posted above loves it here. Is that the RM that got fired from his previous gig? Guess he is happy he has fooled the tools above him. He should love it here, the only job he could ever get. ANYONE?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!