Global Blood Therapeutics

From $88 a share in January 2020 to less than $26 a share today. A 71% drop in 19 short months. Billions in market cap value erased. Way to go GBT! All that focus on diversity really paid off.

It's not the idea that only those companies run by whites are or can be successful. It's prioritizing the relentless pursuit of diversity at the expense of everything else including financial success. We should and must have a diverse work force but that cannot be priority one or we will suffer in other critical areas. Diversity, culture and financial performance must intersect or we will fail.

Six months later the above statement rings true, loud and clear. Woke = Broke.

What am I missing half billion cash, beat the street, brand new company...why is this doomsday for GBT you’ve got the runway to succeed...yup stock sucks but the market is stupid right now...

What am I missing half billion cash, beat the street, brand new company...why is this doomsday for GBT you’ve got the runway to succeed...yup stock sucks but the market is stupid right now...

GBT is a company being run into the ground by whole culture warriors more interested in skin color than hiring the best and building the business. If you can’t see that, you don’t work here.

This place is officially sunk! VP of Sales released today. So who will take over, you ask? The VP of Marketing, who has never led a sales team at any level and has yet to put forth a strategy to deal with our biggest segments (pediatric hematologists and patients themselves) that are absolutely killing us, will be the VP of Sales and Marketing. VP of Ops stays in place, even though her team couldn't forecast rain during a hurricane and has the personality of a porcupine. They both report to the Chief Commercial Officer, who is from Idaho and has the connection to Sickle Cell Disease of, well, a person from Idaho. The inept, sycophantic West Zone Director got promoted on a day when all of these changes were made due to lack of performance. What do all of these buffoons have in common, you ask? They came from Gilead and brought their toxic culture with them. Wake me when the stock starts to rise and Oxbryta starts to get used. Gonna be a loooong nap! Or maybe I should spend some time working on my interview story about why I stayed around this dumpster fire for so long.

Left Gilead for GBT to get away from Gilead. Gilead all over again. Same stuff. Treating people like crap, primary care climate, no strategy, and affairs. That’s right. Just like Gilead. Check out the West Zone Director and the West RBD. Everyone knew they were sleeping together at Gilead and now they brought their indiscreet relationship to GBT. What a disaster.

What am I missing half billion cash, beat the street, brand new company...why is this doomsday for GBT you’ve got the runway to succeed...yup stock sucks but the market is stupid right now...

what a tool,
How about sales that are flat for launch product for 3 quarters in a row!!!!
say goodbye to your stock, you fool

Diversity is our strength !!!!

Stock down 75% , yes diversity is our strength

Mandatory rigorous focus on “diversity,” meaning “anything but white, straight and male, at the expense of profit, will destroy this company. Just look at all the companies in our industry now that have a Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer. It’s ridiculous. And it needs to stop. Woke = Broke.

Simple Formula:

Founder hires Big Pharma executive as Head of Commercial.

- Head of Commercial hires sales and market access leadership based on their own insecurities, bringing in less intelligent “yes men” who can be controlled and stoke the Executives’ ego.

- Market Access hired because they have a lot of contacts in the payer community, even though they have never been able to leverage these contacts to gain favorable payer status for any of their products and usually blame the sales teams for lack of product sales.

- Sales leadership is typically big pharma friends or former colleagues (loyalist and yes men) or relatively inexperienced “leaders” who are eager to please “puppies” to their master (VP or Head of Sales).

Founders and Scientists continue to buy the line of BS from the Presidents and VP of Commercial Leadership that they hire, unknowingly starting off with a “Big Pharma” culture instead of a Start-up culture. It’s easy to blame the Founders and Scientists for making this mistake but we all know they:

- Are arrogant and believe their medicine is so good that it will actually sell itself.

- Are awkward introverts in many instances and are easy to fool with a great line of BS.

- Are either 1) completely hands off from commercial and provide little oversight to ensure their company is going to be successful, or; 2) complete control freaks that micromanage every decision being made, not allowing any chance of creating a successful commercial culture of trust, transparency and teamwork that must take place in a start-up.

There are many reasons start-up continue to fail, even with phenomenal products. It has been very rare to find a successful start-up over the past couple of years AND YET THIS TREND CONTINUES.

SUCH A WASTE! Founders and Scientists who are looking to form a successful start-up commercial team - WAKE UP!!!!!!!