Global Blood Therapeutics

Yep, your infected with that disease. If blacks are a minority and only 13% of the population, then please explain how you would end up with all black employees at your company hmmm?? A little bit mathematically impossible unless hiring strictly on race. No one said blacks didn’t deserve jobs or weren’t competent, that must be how you feel since you brought it up, so try looking at your own racist comments.

It’s always interesting. When companies hire majority white employees and executives, blacks shit themselves complaining about racism even though the percentages usually reflect the population as a whole. When blacks dominate at a company or, better yet, in state and federal agencies, white employees are told they are racist if they comment about it. Back in college, I bartended a holiday party for the Chicago Department of Housing and Development. More than 600 people in attendance. Fewer than ten were white. But that’s OK right? Same shit going on here.

Because they over hired to begin with. I interviewed for a leadership role and told them that I thought they were over hiring and they obviously didn't want to hear it. Plus, some of who they hired were simply not that strong.
Yes that is the problem. They listened to ZS as usual. Some territories were not viable. Still they way they handled it was not professional. No warning, no write ups etc just terminated.

Because they over hired to begin with. I interviewed for a leadership role and told them that I thought they were over hiring and they obviously didn't want to hear it. Plus, some of who they hired were simply not that strong.
Servant leadership? Lol. Heads need to roll in mgt starting with the VP of sales. Stock tanked sales tanked in quarter. Run like primary care. Bye to RDs also.

Servant leadership? Lol. Heads need to roll in mgt starting with the VP of sales. Stock tanked sales tanked in quarter. Run like primary care. Bye to RDs also.

After viewing the kind of leadership at GBT I knew they were going to fail. The people don't have the experience, or track record of success. They focused on hiring by color rather than talent. Look like I was correct! I mean an almost all black cast, come on. Investors won't be happy! Woke hurts

After viewing the kind of leadership at GBT I knew they were going to fail. The people don't have the experience, or track record of success. They focused on hiring by color rather than talent. Look like I was correct! I mean an almost all black cast, come on. Investors won't be happy! Woke hurts

What's the current state of the GBT sales force? Are they still laying off?

WOW lol all these comments about GBT being a "Black company" "do they hire whites?" "affirmative action" blah blah blah. A bunch of whiney cry babies. GBT is about the ONLY diverse biotech/pharma company and yet and still, you idiots complain. Guess only whites can run a company and consistently hire majority white employees. And yes pharma and biotech companies fail EVERYDAY. I've never heard anyone attribute their failure to the fact that they are run by whites. GBT will be just fine. As a matter of fact they may get acquired for a nice chunk of change. Don't write their obituary just yet. SMDH

WOW lol all these comments about GBT being a "Black company" "do they hire whites?" "affirmative action" blah blah blah. A bunch of whiney cry babies. GBT is about the ONLY diverse biotech/pharma company and yet and still, you idiots complain. Guess only whites can run a company and consistently hire majority white employees. And yes pharma and biotech companies fail EVERYDAY. I've never heard anyone attribute their failure to the fact that they are run by whites. GBT will be just fine. As a matter of fact they may get acquired for a nice chunk of change. Don't write their obituary just yet. SMDH

It's not the idea that only those companies run by whites are or can be successful. It's prioritizing the relentless pursuit of diversity at the expense of everything else including financial success. We should and must have a diverse work force but that cannot be priority one or we will suffer in other critical areas. Diversity, culture and financial performance must intersect or we will fail.

This place is officially sunk! VP of Sales released today. So who will take over, you ask? The VP of Marketing, who has never led a sales team at any level and has yet to put forth a strategy to deal with our biggest segments (pediatric hematologists and patients themselves) that are absolutely killing us, will be the VP of Sales and Marketing. VP of Ops stays in place, even though her team couldn't forecast rain during a hurricane and has the personality of a porcupine. They both report to the Chief Commercial Officer, who is from Idaho and has the connection to Sickle Cell Disease of, well, a person from Idaho. The inept, sycophantic West Zone Director got promoted on a day when all of these changes were made due to lack of performance. What do all of these buffoons have in common, you ask? They came from Gilead and brought their toxic culture with them. Wake me when the stock starts to rise and Oxbryta starts to get used. Gonna be a loooong nap! Or maybe I should spend some time working on my interview story about why I stayed around this dumpster fire for so long.