Dear GC, the writing is on the wall. You know it. I know. Our customers know it. Our competitors know it. Why take us through the misery of, quite literally, death by a thousand cuts? Why go on “stage” and tell us everything is fine only to blindside us in 6 months? Why fill our and your mind with wishful thinking that will never come to fruition? Hope isn’t a strategy. If you take decisive and swift action today, we can save Oncology. If someone has to “knock on your door” in 6 months, to tell you what you need to do, it won’t be fun for anyone. You won’t have any credibly left as a leader At Genentech. I guess if your plan is to retire or become ceo or coo of smallco biotech, then that could make sense, for you. If you care about Genentech, our people and plan to stay, get your head out of your a** and do what you need to. Sometimes to save the body, one needs to amputate. There isn’t much time. Act!