Gina’s Oncology Restructuring

Update: I have it from a good source that Gina’s approach was to kick the can down the road and not make any decision regarding restructuring in the near-term. At the same time, she is cutting programs, including those that directly support patients, to hold margins.

This will buy the Oncology business at least 6 months to see how things play out and give people more time to find alternative jobs. Maybe biosimilars erosion will be less? Maybe we get lucky? We now hope and pray! Open roles won’t be back filled. Promotions will be limited. Bonuses will be squeezed. People will be asked to do more with less.

I wanted to provide this update so you could do what’s right for you. You may decide to take Gina’s approach: Hope strategy. Or you may start looking for a new job.

I say hope for the best and prepare for the worst!

Update: I have it from a good source that Gina’s approach was to kick the can down the road and not make any decision regarding restructuring in the near-term. At the same time, she is cutting programs, including those that directly support patients, to hold margins.

This will buy the Oncology business at least 6 months to see how things play out and give people more time to find alternative jobs. Maybe biosimilars erosion will be less? Maybe we get lucky? We now hope and pray! Open roles won’t be back filled. Promotions will be limited. Bonuses will be squeezed. People will be asked to do more with less.

I wanted to provide this update so you could do what’s right for you. You may decide to take Gina’s approach: Hope strategy. Or you may start looking for a new job.

I say hope for the best and prepare for the worst!

she isn’t backfilling Emily’s role. Needed to find some $$$ and that was the natural place to go. The entire team has no revenue and is purely an expense base!

There is restructuring coming for Oncology by yearend. I know this won’t come as a surprise but felt obligation to give people as much time as possible.

Headcount cuts of potentially 10-15% across the board. From leadership’s standpoint, there are too many people and not enough work to go around in Oncology. Legacy low-value functions will be merged or dissolved, simplifying and expanding breadth of existing roles and departments.

This will enable Genentech to maintain margins as biosimilars continue to erode the business and new products can’t make up the difference.

I wish you all the best.

I am the original poster of the coming restructuring. I can confirm the accuracy of what I shared, though there are important updates. ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE IMMINENT.

UPDATE: the first round of cuts will be across home office in SSF (GBO). AH was unsuccessful negotiating with BA. Bill continues to think there are too many people in the back office Genentech functions and opportunity to reduce non-customer facing and duplicative work in the US. Savings will help fund growth in Basel and medical. Headcount will be trimmed by 10-15% and potentially more over time. Your department leadership may initially paint a rosy picture - proceed with caution and don't drink the kool-aid. AH-BA have already agreed on headcount targets that JW was given and significant cuts will have to be made. People will be given formal notice in Dec or in Q1. There will be additional rounds of cuts, so you aren't "in the clear" if your department wasn't impacted by round 1.

I wish you all the best.

I am the original poster of the coming restructuring. I can confirm the accuracy of what I shared, though there are important updates. ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE IMMINENT.

UPDATE: the first round of cuts will be across home office in SSF (GBO). AH was unsuccessful negotiating with BA. Bill continues to think there are too many people in the back office Genentech functions and opportunity to reduce non-customer facing and duplicative work in the US. Savings will help fund growth in Basel and medical. Headcount will be trimmed by 10-15% and potentially more over time. Your department leadership may initially paint a rosy picture - proceed with caution and don't drink the kool-aid. AH-BA have already agreed on headcount targets that JW was given and significant cuts will have to be made. People will be given formal notice in Dec or in Q1. There will be additional rounds of cuts, so you aren't "in the clear" if your department wasn't impacted by round 1.

I wish you all the best.

Those imbeciles should of cut a while back. But better late than never. There’s is a lot of dead weight in the home office! The cuts should be more like 40%!

I am the original poster of the coming restructuring. I can confirm the accuracy of what I shared, though there are important updates. ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE IMMINENT.

UPDATE: the first round of cuts will be across home office in SSF (GBO). AH was unsuccessful negotiating with BA. Bill continues to think there are too many people in the back office Genentech functions and opportunity to reduce non-customer facing and duplicative work in the US. Savings will help fund growth in Basel and medical. Headcount will be trimmed by 10-15% and potentially more over time. Your department leadership may initially paint a rosy picture - proceed with caution and don't drink the kool-aid. AH-BA have already agreed on headcount targets that JW was given and significant cuts will have to be made. People will be given formal notice in Dec or in Q1. There will be additional rounds of cuts, so you aren't "in the clear" if your department wasn't impacted by round 1.

I wish you all the best.

I rarely agree with BA since he is absolutely incapable of understanding anything intangible or that is not attached to a number. For the first time he is doing something right. However, that should have been done long ago. In my opinion, the SSF fats should have been trimmed before creating these BS ecosystems. If these SSF morons did not create all these worthless pet projects to justify their jobs, perhaps the field could have been more productive generating demands. I don't think our customers will notice the difference if they cut 30%. If our own employees have to rely on consultants, let them go. I will say get rid of the consultants too.

I am the original poster of the coming restructuring. I can confirm the accuracy of what I shared, though there are important updates. ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE IMMINENT.

UPDATE: the first round of cuts will be across home office in SSF (GBO). AH was unsuccessful negotiating with BA. Bill continues to think there are too many people in the back office Genentech functions and opportunity to reduce non-customer facing and duplicative work in the US. Savings will help fund growth in Basel and medical. Headcount will be trimmed by 10-15% and potentially more over time. Your department leadership may initially paint a rosy picture - proceed with caution and don't drink the kool-aid. AH-BA have already agreed on headcount targets that JW was given and significant cuts will have to be made. People will be given formal notice in Dec or in Q1. There will be additional rounds of cuts, so you aren't "in the clear" if your department wasn't impacted by round 1.

I wish you all the best.
make no mistake. this was all about the $$$$$. why does Genentech leadership decide to do "death by a thousand cuts"???

Years ago DNA didn't need consultants. We had home-grown talent. Management and upper leadership were innovators and, for the most part, respected and supported their teams. When we turned ourselves over to 'paid' leadership the cream of the crop were gone and we boarded the Titanic.

I rarely agree with BA since he is absolutely incapable of understanding anything intangible or that is not attached to a number. For the first time he is doing something right. However, that should have been done long ago. In my opinion, the SSF fats should have been trimmed before creating these BS ecosystems. If these SSF morons did not create all these worthless pet projects to justify their jobs, perhaps the field could have been more productive generating demands. I don't think our customers will notice the difference if they cut 30%. If our own employees have to rely on consultants, let them go. I will say get rid of the consultants too.

Field generating demand? They cut most of who drove sales and kept those who stroke their egos and organize rainbow making team builders. BA, enjoy your lazy as shit reps who don’t know how to sell and haven’t worked all year.

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