Getting Any Better

Sorry, dad.

I really enjoy seeing the Endochoice fanboys reply to criticism of the company with snarky comments and insults, but never with fact based, logical counter arguments on why the criticism is wrong.

1. Endochoice is a sinking ship
2. Fuse has fallen way short of expectations.
3. Endochoice leadership is responsible for points 1 and 2.

Now, I am waiting for the typical reply from an Endochoice defender.

I really enjoy seeing the Endochoice fanboys reply to criticism of the company with snarky comments and insults, but never with fact based, logical counter arguments on why the criticism is wrong.

1. Endochoice is a sinking ship
2. Fuse has fallen way short of expectations.
3. Endochoice leadership is responsible for points 1 and 2.

Now, I am waiting for the typical reply from an Endochoice defender.

I am also waiting for a response as to why the constant bashing of a company by people who don't work for EC. Does it bother you that much you don't get the response you hope for from someone defending EC? What kind of reply are on hoping for?

By reading this thread, you would think EC is the only med device company with problems.

Is this the typical response you were waiting for?

I really enjoy seeing the Endochoice fanboys reply to criticism of the company with snarky comments and insults, but never with fact based, logical counter arguments on why the criticism is wrong.

1. Endochoice is a sinking ship
2. Fuse has fallen way short of expectations.
3. Endochoice leadership is responsible for points 1 and 2.

Now, I am waiting for the typical reply from an Endochoice defender.

I am also waiting for a response as to why the constant bashing of a company by people who don't work for EC. Does it bother you that much you don't get the response you hope for from someone defending EC? What kind of reply are on hoping for?

By reading this thread, you would think EC is the only med device company with problems.

Is this the typical response you were waiting for?

I am also waiting for a response as to why the constant bashing of a company by people who don't work for EC. Does it bother you that much you don't get the response you hope for from someone defending EC? What kind of reply are on hoping for?

By reading this thread, you would think EC is the only med device company with problems.

Is this the typical response you were waiting for?

Not sure what type of response this person is looking for, but it is funny how criticism of EC is called "bashing."

EC is certainly not the only company, medical device or otherwise, that has problems. The people who make critical posts on here either have worked or still work there. They have seen first hand the arrogance of MG and the top leadership, the bait and switch with reps, and the clicks that have a different level accountability from those not in the click.

Seeing some of these people have to eat some humble pie and making comments about it is what brings people here. Sorry that you think people are "bashing" EC. The truth hurts, and it is much easier to go after critical poster on a personal level than it is to counter their posts with solid arguments.

I am also waiting for a response as to why the constant bashing of a company by people who don't work for EC. Does it bother you that much you don't get the response you hope for from someone defending EC? What kind of reply are on hoping for?

By reading this thread, you would think EC is the only med device company with problems.

Is this the typical response you were waiting for?

Not sure what type of response this person is looking for, but it is funny how criticism of EC is called "bashing."

EC is certainly not the only company, medical device or otherwise, that has problems. The people who make critical posts on here either have worked or still work there. They have seen first hand the arrogance of MG and the top leadership, the bait and switch with reps, and the clicks that have a different level accountability from those not in the click.

Seeing some of these people have to eat some humble pie and making comments about it is what brings people here. Sorry that you think people are "bashing" EC. The truth hurts, and it is much easier to go after critical poster on a personal level than it is to counter their posts with solid arguments.

Face it people, the ship is sinking, and sinking fast. Funny how when you listen to Gilreath, you would think there was not a problem in the world! Don't worry, he'll come out of this smelling like a rose even though he drove this company, once with such great potential, into the ground.

Not trying to be hateful here, but trading volume today was 5k shares. This stock is as dead as the message board.

Not being hateful but...

Just a little perspective...again. I know there are plenty of people against us. That's fine. GI did 6500 in volume today. Olympus did 10,000 in volume. Is that stock dead?

Not trying to be hateful or supportive, but...

Also, from the Olympus CF board today-

How are the reps in URO/GYN enjoying your 50% haircut on commissions?
Jesus this place blows. I can't wait to see the implosion at the end of 149P. Profits down, GI is off their number, and the lawsuits just keep rolling in. Its going to be a total meltdown.
Olympus has got to be the worst medical device company in the history of medical device.
Hiro rolls into CV last week and absolutely no changes are made. Unreal.
There should have been a shitload of management terminations.

You're right. I bet investors (suckers) who bought in at $15 are thrilled.

Everyone who buys a stock at the high is not happy, so there is really no new news there. However, they must be shipping some units lately because the stock has come up 15% higher than where it was a week ago. Volume is still very light, but I think they might actually have a good quarter when they announce results in November.

Everyone who buys a stock at the high is not happy, so there is really no new news there. However, they must be shipping some units lately because the stock has come up 15% higher than where it was a week ago. Volume is still very light, but I think they might actually have a good quarter when they announce results in November.

A good quarter for EndoChoice does not necessarily mean a good quarter for investors. They can sell and ship more Fuse units than they did last quarter (which was dismal) and still fall well short of expectations.

Everyone who buys a stock at the high is not happy, so there is really no new news there. However, they must be shipping some units lately because the stock has come up 15% higher than where it was a week ago. Volume is still very light, but I think they might actually have a good quarter when they announce results in November.

Would you like to buy some ocean front property in Arizona?

Everyone who buys a stock at the high is not happy, so there is really no new news there. However, they must be shipping some units lately because the stock has come up 15% higher than where it was a week ago. Volume is still very light, but I think they might actually have a good quarter when they announce results in November.

And when you say it's up 15%, you mean 20 cents? Right?

And when you say it's up 15%, you mean 20 cents? Right?

It was up 10% 45 cents today. It was light volume, but still, that is pretty damn good. They must be selling units & someone knows about it. If they have another call in November like the one they had in August, it won't matter because the stock will immediately drop below $3, but I would say that they must be selling units for the price to be moving like this. Otherwise, why would anyone be buying the stock?

It was up 10% 45 cents today. It was light volume, but still, that is pretty damn good. They must be selling units & someone knows about it. If they have another call in November like the one they had in August, it won't matter because the stock will immediately drop below $3, but I would say that they must be selling units for the price to be moving like this. Otherwise, why would anyone be buying the stock?

It depends. We had a similar bump in March because of some traffic/buying of the stock but the individuals buying it were the board members and our CEO.

If history is any guide, more than likely not. I can't wait to hear Gilreath list all the excuses for why they had another terrible quarter. How can that guy still have a job?