Getting Any Better

Do you work here? If so, you have the right to say what you want about the company. Like it or not, there are actually people here that believe in what we are doing with Fuse. We are trying to change GI and there is no argument about how great the technology is.

If you don't work here, why continue to bash the company? What satisfaction does it give you?

As a competitor that's posted here before, I follow this thread because I've seen (and heard) the EC rep in my territory lie his way into a FUSE demo and each and every time, that demo is unsuccessful. I feel bad for the guy. Olympus eats his lunch every day. Let's get one thing straight, FUSE WILL NOT AND IS NOT CHANGING GI. Just because it has three cameras, EC didn't invent endoscopy (such as their claim). The MD's that speak for EC are the same ones that are speaking for Boston and Cook and Medtronic. The MD's aren't dumb but the GI world sees that and it loses credibility from a clinical point of view. Then the thing loses what credibility it had remaining during the demo when you see how hard it is to use compared to other scopes. I never hope a company folds and people lose jobs but when (not if) EC closes its doors, I won't shed a tear for the management that made it happen. Poor choices on top of poor choices and the rep is left to hold the weight of the poop on his shoulders. What a dirt bag organization!

As a competitor that's posted here before, I follow this thread because I've seen (and heard) the EC rep in my territory lie his way into a FUSE demo and each and every time, that demo is unsuccessful. I feel bad for the guy. Olympus eats his lunch every day. Let's get one thing straight, FUSE WILL NOT AND IS NOT CHANGING GI. Just because it has three cameras, EC didn't invent endoscopy (such as their claim). The MD's that speak for EC are the same ones that are speaking for Boston and Cook and Medtronic. The MD's aren't dumb but the GI world sees that and it loses credibility from a clinical point of view. Then the thing loses what credibility it had remaining during the demo when you see how hard it is to use compared to other scopes. I never hope a company folds and people lose jobs but when (not if) EC closes its doors, I won't shed a tear for the management that made it happen. Poor choices on top of poor choices and the rep is left to hold the weight of the poop on his shoulders. What a dirt bag organization!

Other than this disclaimer, your post is honestly too dumb to respond to.

I love the endochoice rep checking cafepharma in the middle of a Tuesday to defend their organization. I get it; you have LOTS of time on you hands.

You mean the same amount of time that everybody else has that posts on this cess pool website? If you mean that, then yes, I think its possible to waste five minutes to defend our company.

As a competitor that's posted here before, I follow this thread because I've seen (and heard) the EC rep in my territory lie his way into a FUSE demo and each and every time, that demo is unsuccessful. I feel bad for the guy. Olympus eats his lunch every day. Let's get one thing straight, FUSE WILL NOT AND IS NOT CHANGING GI. Just because it has three cameras, EC didn't invent endoscopy (such as their claim). The MD's that speak for EC are the same ones that are speaking for Boston and Cook and Medtronic. The MD's aren't dumb but the GI world sees that and it loses credibility from a clinical point of view. Then the thing loses what credibility it had remaining during the demo when you see how hard it is to use compared to other scopes. I never hope a company folds and people lose jobs but when (not if) EC closes its doors, I won't shed a tear for the management that made it happen. Poor choices on top of poor choices and the rep is left to hold the weight of the poop on his shoulders. What a dirt bag organization!

Ahem, Olympus person? I don't mean to change the subject, but after ripping apart EC mgmt (well deserved I would agree), would you care to comment on OLY mgmt? Especially in light of the news recently published of the many deaths caused by the un-cleanable scopes your company made?
And, would you care to compare the moral fiber of your company to that of EC? What is the number of innocent people that you get to kill before you call out your own company on their lies, deception, and fraud? Did you "shed a tear" for any of those people or their families? "Poor choices on top of poor choices and the rep is left to hold the weight of the poop on his shoulders. What a dirt bag organization!" Isn't your quote above re EC transferable to OLY? I think it's even more appropriate for your org. Tell us more about losing credibility please?
Thanks, a friend

Ahem, Olympus person? I don't mean to change the subject, but after ripping apart EC mgmt (well deserved I would agree), would you care to comment on OLY mgmt? Especially in light of the news recently published of the many deaths caused by the un-cleanable scopes your company made?
And, would you care to compare the moral fiber of your company to that of EC? What is the number of innocent people that you get to kill before you call out your own company on their lies, deception, and fraud? Did you "shed a tear" for any of those people or their families? "Poor choices on top of poor choices and the rep is left to hold the weight of the poop on his shoulders. What a dirt bag organization!" Isn't your quote above re EC transferable to OLY? I think it's even more appropriate for your org. Tell us more about losing credibility please?
Thanks, a friend

I really don't think that was an Olympus rep posting the comment you referenced. I think you are kidding yourself if you think very many Olympus reps post here at all. More Fuji & Pentax reps would be more likely. EC is not taking any market share from Olympus, no matter what your CEO says on the quarterly calls. Bashing another company & linking to an article about some liberal democrat congressman from California trying to extort money is counterproductive.

Ahem, Olympus person? I don't mean to change the subject, but after ripping apart EC mgmt (well deserved I would agree), would you care to comment on OLY mgmt? Especially in light of the news recently published of the many deaths caused by the un-cleanable scopes your company made?
And, would you care to compare the moral fiber of your company to that of EC? What is the number of innocent people that you get to kill before you call out your own company on their lies, deception, and fraud? Did you "shed a tear" for any of those people or their families? "Poor choices on top of poor choices and the rep is left to hold the weight of the poop on his shoulders. What a dirt bag organization!" Isn't your quote above re EC transferable to OLY? I think it's even more appropriate for your org. Tell us more about losing credibility please?
Thanks, a friend

Thanks for helping me point out the distinctions, because I gladly will. Olympus did $6.7 Billion (with a B) in sales last year and has mad a P-R-O-F-I-T in the 100's of millions for many years. A company of this magnitude can afford a few slip ups, thats what happens when you are the 800 pound gorilla and everyone is gunning for you. We've made mistakes, sure, but we have not only survived but thrived. Endochoice acts as if they have made tons of money, yet they are losing every month. You guys spiked the ball before the touchdown, which is surviving on your own and not other people's investment dollars you flush down the toilet every month!

Thanks for helping me point out the distinctions, because I gladly will. Olympus did $6.7 Billion (with a B) in sales last year and has mad a P-R-O-F-I-T in the 100's of millions for many years. A company of this magnitude can afford a few slip ups, thats what happens when you are the 800 pound gorilla and everyone is gunning for you. We've made mistakes, sure, but we have not only survived but thrived. Endochoice acts as if they have made tons of money, yet they are losing every month. You guys spiked the ball before the touchdown, which is surviving on your own and not other people's investment dollars you flush down the toilet every month!

Thanks for helping me point out the distinctions, because I gladly will. Olympus did $6.7 Billion (with a B) in sales last year and has mad a P-R-O-F-I-T in the 100's of millions for many years. A company of this magnitude can afford a few slip ups, thats what happens when you are the 800 pound gorilla and everyone is gunning for you. We've made mistakes, sure, but we have not only survived but thrived. Endochoice acts as if they have made tons of money, yet they are losing every month. You guys spiked the ball before the touchdown, which is surviving on your own and not other people's investment dollars you flush down the toilet every month!
I think what you are missing here is that Olympus has made some horrible decisions that have hurt or killed patients. Revenue or profits have nothing to do with it. These planned "slip ups" have killed people. Olympus has corrupt corporate culture.

Think EC management will crap a brick if I send the lawyer that has a class action lawsuit a copy of all the complaints I sent in when the system was falling apart. Or the emails when they pulled that series of scope with the distal tip falling off. All those things they didn't report to wall street.

I kept copies.

Think EC management will crap a brick if I send the lawyer that has a class action lawsuit a copy of all the complaints I sent in when the system was falling apart. Or the emails when they pulled that series of scope with the distal tip falling off. All those things they didn't report to wall street.

I kept copies.

Hahahaha! What would you expect to gain from this? You also sound like a butt-hurt ex-employee. I kept copies...hahahahahahahahaha

I think what you are missing here is that Olympus has made some horrible decisions that have hurt or killed patients. Revenue or profits have nothing to do with it. These planned "slip ups" have killed people. Olympus has corrupt corporate culture.

^^ This. Oly says "slip ups" ... means "kills people." But we have profits baby!!! Gross.

Think EC management will crap a brick if I send the lawyer that has a class action lawsuit a copy of all the complaints I sent in when the system was falling apart. Or the emails when they pulled that series of scope with the distal tip falling off. All those things they didn't report to wall street.

I kept copies.

Oh good! Tell me when Wall Street started regulating medical devices and collecting MDRs. Idiot.

^^ This. Oly says "slip ups" ... means "kills people." But we have profits baby!!! Gross.

The Olympus people are just like the gun rights people. They keep making their products as long as they produce profits. Don't worry about killing the people who society doesn't deem important as long as you make that dollar!

The Olympus people are just like the gun rights people. They keep making their products as long as they produce profits. Don't worry about killing the people who society doesn't deem important as long as you make that dollar!

Well that's a policy problem, not a gun problem. Might as well tell Coke & Pepsi to stop making diabetes in a can too.

Let's get back on topic here, folks.

Is it getting any better @ EC?

27 units sold in Q2 '15
25 units sold in Q2 '16

No, it's not getting better.

"We're going to sell Fuse at $350,000 per system. Got that? If there's anybody in this room that doesn't think we can sell it for $350,000 you may as well just leave now." o_O

I think the biggest surprise of this EndoChoice experience is the complete negligence by the VC firms and institutional investors. I get that it's a game for those guys. For every 5 bets they back, they know 3 will lose, 1 will break even and 1 will win big. They're looking for 5-10X bets and have the opportunity to double down.

We've had some very unintelligent TMs over the last 2 years that have spotted within a few weeks that this company is a fraud. How some of these VC "principals" went in for rounds 2 plus is beyond me. It's complete negligence.

You'd think those dudes are super smart but their intelligence obviously only applies to spreadsheets and formulas and not to the eye test of sound leadership- about the only proven concept in successful companies.

It's too bad that a few of the good ones who came through here exited rather quickly. I guess that explains why they were good in the first place. I asked one of them on his way out, "so you don't think it's possible for EndoChoice and Fuse to get off the ground?"

He said, "Oh, it's possible. Anything's possible but you need time, money, and leadership. And that's why I'm leaving."

"We're going to sell Fuse at $350,000 per system. Got that? If there's anybody in this room that doesn't think we can sell it for $350,000 you may as well just leave now." o_O

I think the biggest surprise of this EndoChoice experience is the complete negligence by the VC firms and institutional investors. I get that it's a game for those guys. For every 5 bets they back, they know 3 will lose, 1 will break even and 1 will win big. They're looking for 5-10X bets and have the opportunity to double down.

We've had some very unintelligent TMs over the last 2 years that have spotted within a few weeks that this company is a fraud. How some of these VC "principals" went in for rounds 2 plus is beyond me. It's complete negligence.

You'd think those dudes are super smart but their intelligence obviously only applies to spreadsheets and formulas and not to the eye test of sound leadership- about the only proven concept in successful companies.

It's too bad that a few of the good ones who came through here exited rather quickly. I guess that explains why they were good in the first place. I asked one of them on his way out, "so you don't think it's possible for EndoChoice and Fuse to get off the ground?"

He said, "Oh, it's possible. Anything's possible but you need time, money, and leadership. And that's why I'm leaving."

The point of your rambling was??

The point of your rambling was??

Dude. This is a message board where people say wtf they want. I think the guy had a few decent points to make, like the investors haven't done due diligence, the company has lost good talent over the years, and EC is running out of money and time to fix the issues.

What has been your value add here?

Dude. This is a message board where people say wtf they want. I think the guy had a few decent points to make, like the investors haven't done due diligence, the company has lost good talent over the years, and EC is running out of money and time to fix the issues.

What has been your value add here?

Sorry, dad.