
It’s called a career path. Hustle and positivity gets you there, not lifelines.

This is hilarious, he has had lackluster performance each step he has taken at Supernus. RT got his big break because he could tie multiple tie knots and home office thought it was cute.

Also someone please tell him to dress like a professional we aren't in Miami.

This marks 7 positions in 6 years. How many lifelines can you throw RT.

Another example of BAD judgment.
How bad can it be? He just has to regurgitate the same tired message to the RDs once every 3 months. Probably the best place for him.
All those reps looking for an RD position, here you go. One of you can move to Atlanta.
Funny how this hit the thread yesterday and we got the email this morning. And they say they don’t read CP, tsk tsk

Let me make sure I understand- there are a bunch of ignorant comments posted about people who have 0 information and no facts whatsoever and when they are proved to be ridiculously wrong hours later your conclusion is the home office reads these posts and crafts emails immediately? Really? Do you really believe this or is waking up each morning and running to this website to spew more ignorant dribble THAT big a part of your sorry existence. Go to work or leave- it’s that simple

This is hilarious, he has had lackluster performance each step he has taken at Supernus. RT got his big break because he could tie multiple tie knots and home office thought it was cute.

I believe he won Pclub and I believe Atlanta’s numbers have been right up at the top for multiple years now. But hey, don’t let the truth get in your way, keep on slandering the dude. It’s really funny and you are really cool. Are you this funny and cool when you aren’t speaking anonymously?

I believe he won Pclub and I believe Atlanta’s numbers have been right up at the top for multiple years now. But hey, don’t let the truth get in your way, keep on slandering the dude. It’s really funny and you are really cool. Are you this funny and cool when you aren’t speaking anonymously?

I don’t remember Roy going to PClub. On you must be counting the 3 months he was in a territory. Get out of here with that BS.

That’s probably because you haven’t been invited back to home office for a promotion training or to assist with IST. If you had you would see the pictures of all past pclub winners(He’s there). Not saying I’m the guys biggest fan either but he does work hard and care about the organization. Sorry, but you don’t just get to be wrong and not get called out.

That’s probably because you haven’t been invited back to home office for a promotion training or to assist with IST. If you had you would see the pictures of all past pclub winners(He’s there). Not saying I’m the guys biggest fan either but he does work hard and care about the organization. Sorry, but you don’t just get to be wrong and not get called out.

Let’s clear the fog. RT was a rep in the field for 3 months TOTAL. He went to PClub based off his performance in that 3 month window. That is unheard of!!

He is #2 with OXR and #3 with TXR, at the very top in all call metrics and has been to Pclub despite how those who have not (and never will). Nobody said you have to like it but questioning whether or not his performance justifies the promotion makes you sound childish and envious.

He is #2 with OXR and #3 with TXR, at the very top in all call metrics and has been to Pclub despite how those who have not (and never will). Nobody said you have to like it but questioning whether or not his performance justifies the promotion makes you sound childish and envious.

Unfortunately the vocal minority on this site IS the childish, envious, “the world is against me” types. Even more unfortunate, those of us trying to reason with them with logic and facts will never change their minds. They don’t lack the correct knowledge. They lack the correct mindset.

He is #2 with OXR and #3 with TXR, at the very top in all call metrics and has been to Pclub despite how those who have not (and never will). Nobody said you have to like it but questioning whether or not his performance justifies the promotion makes you sound childish and envious.

So you would send someone to PClub again after only being a rep for 3 months. And basing the decision to send them to PClub off 3 months of performance.

You are the problem with this company!!

So you would send someone to PClub again after only being a rep for 3 months. And basing the decision to send them to PClub off 3 months of performance.

You are the problem with this company!!

I hate that you are making me defend the guy but you are just wrong. Pclub was based on his performance in telso where he put up numbers in the Top 20%(including field territories). Then took a previously unworked field territory to Top 5 in the Nation. Was he promoted to a leadership position too soon? Probably. But you can’t say this position isn’t deserved.

Be mad, but don’t be wrong. Also why do you care so much?

I hate that you are making me defend the guy but you are just wrong. Pclub was based on his performance in telso where he put up numbers in the Top 20%(including field territories). Then took a previously unworked field territory to Top 5 in the Nation. Was he promoted to a leadership position too soon? Probably. But you can’t say this position isn’t deserved.

Be mad, but don’t be wrong. Also why do you care so much?

The fact you feel the need to defend the individual says everything.

He was in the field for less than 90 days (for his entire career at Supernus) and was promoted. Then was sent to PClub. Your decision was a joke then and its a joke now that you feel the need to defend that decision.