
Yeah staying relatively the same size makes sense. So we launch 812, still have TXR to 2021+, and OXR to 2026+ and our sales force remains the same. The open positions on our website for medical, marketing, sales, accounting, etc. are all for funsies duh. Yeah there’s no way we are going to be needing more reps and RD’s and ZD’s, or anyone for that matter. That’s nonsense to even think that we would be expanding the SF!

what a misled fool this one is - go home your drunk

This guy still thinks he’s getting a ZD job lol

There have been several acquisitions just over the last year in the 200M-300M price category. So there’s that.

Voicing actual concerns is one thing but spewing out random and untrue facts is just annoying so do us all a favor and stop being that guy

The Chad will often spew out random and untrue facts.

At this point, does anyone feel like there's anything that corporate can do to rally the troops and give us a little bit more faith in our company?

As a rep it's sad that I can no longer listen to what Rockville says. I just watch what they do, behavior never lies. As of late their behavior has been deceptive and erratic. I mean how many TIMES can you change the copay program in a 3 week period. I don't believe a word out of your mouth anymore.

Yeah staying relatively the same size makes sense. So we launch 812, still have TXR to 2021+, and OXR to 2026+ and our sales force remains the same. The open positions on our website for medical, marketing, sales, accounting, etc. are all for funsies duh. Yeah there’s no way we are going to be needing more reps and RD’s and ZD’s, or anyone for that matter. That’s nonsense to even think that we would be expanding the SF!

what a misled fool this one is - go home your drunk

If you think TXR is viable after next March you are soooo far gone there isn't much I can do to help you.

As a rep it's sad that I can no longer listen to what Rockville says. I just watch what they do, behavior never lies. As of late their behavior has been deceptive and erratic. I mean how many TIMES can you change the copay program in a 3 week period. I don't believe a word out of your mouth anymore.

I agree. There is a huge need for transparency these days. That would be a good to place to start.

TR needs to go. I would live to see JH promoted to that role. He could rally the troops.

I agree TR needs to go but I doubt JH is the next up. Assuming it’s GC and he’s a bigger moron than TR will ever be. Comes into the meeting every time saying something completely irrelevant to what we have been discussing as a company.

List them

Dewpoint therapeutics acquisition

Calporta therapeutics acquisition

Kyowa pharma acquisition

Aspen japan acquisition



Losec pharma acquisition

Sanofi & Lexicon deal

Boehringer license with lupin asset

Modis therapeutics acquisition

Cavion acquisition

Breath therapeutics acquisition

Jounce JTX-8064 acquisition

Amal therapeutics acquisition

Jazz with oncology drug from RedX acquisition


Dewpoint therapeutics acquisition

Calporta therapeutics acquisition

Kyowa pharma acquisition

Aspen japan acquisition



Losec pharma acquisition

Sanofi & Lexicon deal

Boehringer license with lupin asset

Modis therapeutics acquisition

Cavion acquisition

Breath therapeutics acquisition

Jounce JTX-8064 acquisition

Amal therapeutics acquisition

Jazz with oncology drug from RedX acquisition


Can you feel the smear of oily chad itching you between your cheeks? Some must have oozed out on your Chad.

Dewpoint therapeutics acquisition

Calporta therapeutics acquisition

Kyowa pharma acquisition

Aspen japan acquisition



Losec pharma acquisition

Sanofi & Lexicon deal

Boehringer license with lupin asset

Modis therapeutics acquisition

Cavion acquisition

Breath therapeutics acquisition

Jounce JTX-8064 acquisition

Amal therapeutics acquisition

Jazz with oncology drug from RedX acquisition


This is fantastic news!! It looks like there has been a lot of missed opportunities by Supernus. Now that you have confirmed the numerous acquisitions for 2-300M GO BUY SOMETHING!!!

This is fantastic news!! It looks like there has been a lot of missed opportunities by Supernus. Now that you have confirmed the numerous acquisitions for 2-300M GO BUY SOMETHING!!!

Im so glad you keyboard warriors aren’t running this company. Nearly all of those acquisitions are for research stage pipelines (meaning ~10 yrs from market). Not to mention most in oncology. What don’t you guys get about holding out for the right fit at the right price? Also why am I arguing with you? If you aren’t smart enough to understand that I shouldn’t care about your opinion.

Dewpoint therapeutics acquisition

Calporta therapeutics acquisition

Kyowa pharma acquisition

Aspen japan acquisition



Losec pharma acquisition

Sanofi & Lexicon deal

Boehringer license with lupin asset

Modis therapeutics acquisition

Cavion acquisition

Breath therapeutics acquisition

Jounce JTX-8064 acquisition

Amal therapeutics acquisition

Jazz with oncology drug from RedX acquisition


These are all CNS drugs with an NDA already submitted like I said we needed? I look up the first one and wait for it....they don’t even have a drug. Nobody said provide a list of 3rd rate companies with no products to speak of and no way to help us now

Im so glad you keyboard warriors aren’t running this company. Nearly all of those acquisitions are for research stage pipelines (meaning ~10 yrs from market). Not to mention most in oncology. What don’t you guys get about holding out for the right fit at the right price? Also why am I arguing with you? If you aren’t smart enough to understand that I shouldn’t care about your opinion.

You are pathetic

Im so glad you keyboard warriors aren’t running this company. Nearly all of those acquisitions are for research stage pipelines (meaning ~10 yrs from market). Not to mention most in oncology. What don’t you guys get about holding out for the right fit at the right price? Also why am I arguing with you? If you aren’t smart enough to understand that I shouldn’t care about your opinion.
oh we are holding......for January