This company's going down in a ball of flames.
Quarterly trips gone. Budgets slashed. No new products. Nonexistent training department. Ineffective leadership. Future looks bright! Bright as a supernova as it flames out! Prometheus living up to it's namesake.
Why has Nestle' retained a Sales VP with no diagnostic sales experience? Smart play would be to ID and hire a senior VP from Quest or LabCorp. Do they want to succeed or are they looking for an exit statagy?
Why do you hate Alex so much? He is the executive mouth piece, some decision making ability, or able to pitch ideas, but very few final decisions are his. You are just killing the messanger.
Quarterly trips gone. Budgets slashed. No new products. Nonexistent training department. Ineffective leadership. Future looks bright! Bright as a supernova as it flames out! Prometheus living up to it's namesake.
Prometheus continues success as contract pharm firm. Transferring 25 GI reps in part to oncology to sale proleukin. Six year agreement with Novartis signed 2010. Extension options then available yearly for up to six more years on annual basis. Is this job security? I bet the current onc reps are happy to share their narrow market drug and payout bonuses. Will the onc reps start saling GI testing? Must be a great day to be a GI diagnostics rep. Look for layoffs and retooled compensation. The bringer of fire continues to burn!
"sale proleukin"? "saling GI testing"? I hope and pray that you aren't representing us out in the field.
STANDARD TREATMENT — Metastatic melanoma –
High-dose interleukin-2 (aldesleukin – Proleukin) has produced responses in 15-20% of patients with metastatic melanoma, but its use has been limited by severe toxicity and cumbersome administration requiring hospitalization for treatment. The anti- CTLA4 monoclonal antibody ipilimumab (Yervoy) has produced response rates similar to those with high-dose interleukin-2, with 20-26% of patients surviving beyond 3 years.2,3 Recently, pembrolizumab has produced a higher response rate and longer progression-free and overall survival than ipilimumab.4 A panel of experts has recommended that pembrolizumab should be considered a first-line option for treatment of metastatic melanoma.5
June 2015 Medical Letter
To all you new onc reps, looks like your drug is soaring, off a cliff!
You do realize they only have the hybrid reps promoting for renal cell carcinoma NOT metastatic melanoma right? But thanks for the info.