Future??? No worries!

Travel blog post removed. Suspect someone had their feelings hurt! I guess when you use the funds of a dying company to feed your travel addiction, you would be sensitive to management figuring it out! More VPing less travel blogging.

What was the post? Missed it? Dallas will be thrown together, wish they would just wait until September. I could careless about "meeting" the RD.

PLEASE cancel the meeting. You can save 3 reps jobs. The last two reps you let go could still be here, put the money toward your people not useless travel with rushed training that is a waste of time!!!

New business plan. Before Roxane enters the market, AA has decided we will quit selling, detailing or discussing lotronex. If an MD asks about lotronex, play dumb. Act as if you have never heard of the drug. In fact be prepared to argumentatively deny lotronex even exists. The currently meager sales volume will disappear. Hopefully, Roxane will notice this, decide entering the market with generic lotronex is a mistake and will cancel their launch. At the right moment AA, between trips, will hold a national press conference announcing the launch of lotronex. Roxane will be so embarrassed they will not dare attempt to duel with such a cunningly clever company. And you did not think AA was value added!

Post and threads disappearing right and left. My second favorite thread "JJ in ky" has vanished, Who is this powerful little Elve, A the VP of saLes, who sEems to be the common X factor? Is it tiny ego, personal shame, naked tiny self-inflicted introspective loathing? Please contain thy anger and allow my soaps to run their course!!

Anyone who has the ear of our illustrious VP of sales like JJ in KY does, must certainly have an "in" - wonder what their common denominator would be, hmmmmmm?

Greater than 50% reduction in gross revenue with loss of lotronex. Cash burn continues. Estimate 6-12 months of current cash flow till broke. 10-20% reduction optimistic. Look for massive layoffs in near term. Hope AA enjoys Mexico while we huddle in Dallas and pray for rain.

Greater than 50% reduction in gross revenue with loss of lotronex. Cash burn continues. Estimate 6-12 months of current cash flow till broke. 10-20% reduction optimistic. Look for massive layoffs in near term. Hope AA enjoys Mexico while we huddle in Dallas and pray for rain.

"Massive layoffs"? You're a rabble rouser.

Ah, prometheus, your p has become small. The day of the crabcake has come and gone. "When beggars die there are no comets in the sky. The heavens only announce the death of princes."

Goals to double on testing. Have you been leaving that any tests on the table? Unlike lotronex, each additional test may or may not add revenue. Lotronex scripts get paid or pharmacy doesn't t fill. Testing paid after test preformed. May or may not get paid. Doubling of goals unlikely to make up lost lotronex revenue even if we achieve them. Can't wait for McDonalds to increase minimum wage. At least it will be sustainable income, the death spiral continues. Dizzy yet?