
SMH. And I will bet that she told “her boss” that she was rescreening special QA studies required by inspectors, and that’s why those phantom cases did not show up in the count. No! They were at home with THEIR families every weekend.

My question is, what does LCA plan to do if these supervisors threaten to resign? Looks like they have LC over a barrel.

Who is going where in the middle of a pandemic? Home? It would have to be a bluff. They would give up a limb first.

Hope you sales people get your Covid-19 commissions. Going without a payday no joke. The company is strong. It will survive.

Most likely that furlough of the person with high seniority is meant to get that person turned over to unemployment without paying severance. That work for 4 weeks on and off deal sounds and smells fishy. That’s pretty creepy if you’d ask any one with some ethics.

Whatever brain came up with this idea is is evil. They cannot be trying to turn them over to unemployment. They are trying to prevent them from getting severance and unemployment benefits.And what’s worse, putting the company in the crosshairs for litigation. Especially if any of those being furloughed belong to a protected class. Didn’t HR explain the rules? This is serious business.

Whatever brain came up with this idea is is evil. They cannot be trying to turn them over to unemployment. They are trying to prevent them from getting severance and unemployment benefits.And what’s worse, putting the company in the crosshairs for litigation. Especially if any of those being furloughed belong to a protected class. Didn’t HR explain the rules? This is serious business.

What a time to be ruthless. When the world, in turmoil over these sorts of things, is watching, and taxpayers are giving huge bailouts to these big corporations so that inequalities like this won’t happen.

What a time to be ruthless. When the world, in turmoil over these sorts of things, is watching, and taxpayers are giving huge bailouts to these big corporations so that inequalities like this won’t happen.

Did you see that last Dave Chappelle’s last show, 8.46 ? In it, he talks about being followed around in a Korean store. I, personally, never go into Korean stores after having the same experience. They think we, Africans Americans, are all thieves . Who wants to be followed around and be made to feel that way? Who wants to endure the slander of a so-called manager. Especially, a pathological liar? Today we heard her slandering the character of a tech, complaining about “attitude.” This tech does not mind anybody else’s business, and has no work related problems. In fact, all of the techs are in 100% agreement when confronted with Work related issues. issues. If one has attitude issues, then all have attitude issues. But for some reason, it is only the African American’s attitudes that bother her. Ummmmm... Wonder what that reason could be.

Cytotechnologists are being furloughed as the workload is increasing.
That is, some are being furloughed into two groups: group 1 is out for 4 weeks and returns while group 2 is furloughed for the next 4 weeks, returns, and the cycle repeats.
Who came up with this ridiculous idea? If you are going to furlough people, go by seniority and furlough them or lay them off so they can get on with their lives. What sense does it make to need to file for unemployment every 4 weeks?How you can play with and manipulate people’s lives according to your prejudices, likes and dislikes is juvenile and disingenuous. Because, quite frankly, nobody likes you, but who cares? When you are a real professional, nobody knows who you dislike. It’s about the work.

Yes, you are reading correctly. The workload is increasing to almost normal, and they are furloughing techs. Go figure.

Tried to tell you, but since you refused to hear it, so everything has been laid bare. You have to be willfully ignorant not to see it.

Why would a so-called lab manager furlough cytotechs when the workload was obviously returning to normal?

Although one out of three cytotechs was called back to work, there are still two others on furlough. They have the least amount of seniority, but one is admired, because he is not afraid to speak the truth about working conditions when asked to do so. (And that’s a real no-no for these characters). Besides, a narcissist cannot abide attention to be “stolen” from her.

The backlog is so large that techs are working overtime this weekend. Yes, LCA is paying overtime to help relieve the easily predictable backlog, while 2 techs are on furlough.

Oh, I am sure she will say that she was ordered to do so by her boss, L.
L., who she won over by flattering her, is in her pocket. L. will take the blame (and get thrown under the bus). With a backlog, LCA will have to maintain the status quo, she won’t have to go back to reading Paps, and her job is safe.

So, in a nutshell, what has been laid bare?

Willfully ignorant. That’s a nice way of putting it. But here, we play the blame game. No one will take responsibility for anything going wrong. That’s the first thing you learn working here. Expecting something different is how Einstein defined insanity.

Did you see that last Dave Chappelle’s last show, 8.46 ? In it, he talks about being followed around in a Korean store. I, personally, never go into Korean stores after having the same experience. They think we, Africans Americans, are all thieves . Who wants to be followed around and be made to feel that way? Who wants to endure the slander of a so-called manager. Especially, a pathological liar? Today we heard her slandering the character of a tech, complaining about “attitude.” This tech does not mind anybody else’s business, and has no work related problems. In fact, all of the techs are in 100% agreement when confronted with Work related issues. issues. If one has attitude issues, then all have attitude issues. But for some reason, it is only the African American’s attitudes that bother her. Ummmmm... Wonder what that reason could be.

“All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to say nothing...” Martin Luther King.

All of it is true. The morning that she was on a corporate teleconference, she walks into client services, dripping with sarcasm announces “We’re going to have to treat everyone the same, no matter what color they are.” WTF. Why would anybody need to be told that? Why would the golden rule need to be explained?

“All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to say nothing...” Martin Luther King.

All of it is true. The morning that she was on a Corporate teleconference, she walks into client services, and dripping with sarcasm announces “We’re going to have to treat everyone the same, no matter what color they are.” Why would anybody need to be told that? Why would the golden rule need to be explained?

“All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to say nothing...” Martin Luther King.

All of it is true. The morning that she was on a Corporate teleconference, she walks into client services, and dripping with sarcasm announces “We’re going to have to treat everyone the same, no matter what color they are.” Why would anybody need to be told that? Why would the golden rule need to be explained?

Me too. We heard her phone someone who was presumed to be in LCA administration, and complained about her sitting idly at her desk or texting. Cytotechs are not bots. It might takes 20 minutes to screen a difficult case and it may take less than two minutes to screen a clean hysterectomy slide. It’s the luck of the draw in terms of what your workload is like. But that’s not the main point. It happened soon after Covid19 regulations. The workload had declined severely for everyone. Everyone was doing the same thing by finding something to occupy their spare time l. However, she does not care what anyone else does. Her focus is the on what the African American woman is doing. How sick is that? That’s just a sample. What a petty bitch.

Lately, she has been acting super coo-coo. She actually thinks she has a supernatural app on her phone that allows her to intercept text messages. Serious business. How scary is that?

“All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to say nothing...” Martin Luther King.

All of it is true. The morning that she was on a Corporate teleconference, she walks into client services, and dripping with sarcasm announces “We’re going to have to treat everyone the same, no matter what color they are.” Why would anybody need to be told that? Why would the golden rule need to be explained?

Me too. We heard her phone someone who was presumed to be in LCA administration, and complained about her sitting idly at her desk or texting. Cytotechs are not bots. It might takes 20 minutes to screen a difficult case and it may take less than two minutes to screen a clean hysterectomy slide. It’s the luck of the draw in terms of what your workload is like. But that’s not the main point. It happened soon after Covid19 regulations. The workload had declined severely for everyone. Everyone was doing the same thing by finding something to occupy their spare time l. However, she does not care what anyone else does. Her focus is the on what the African American woman is doing. How sick is that? That’s just a sample. What a petty bitch.

Lately, she has been acting super coo-coo. She actually thinks she has a supernatural app on her phone that allows her to intercept text messages. Serious business. How scary is that?

“All that is necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to say nothing...” Martin Luther King.

All of it is true. The morning that she was on a corporate teleconference, she walks into client services, dripping with sarcasm announces “We’re going to have to treat everyone the same, no matter what color they are.” WTF. Why would anybody need to be told that? Why would the golden rule need to be explained?

And yet our leadership wonders why there are so many attempts to form unions???

Yes. Where have you been living? Under a rock? Under new management, preferably replaced with a man or at least a mature mind, the place could be an ideal workplace. But We don’t hold out any hope for that.