Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyday

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Where else can we work 1 or maybe 2 days a week for this money? I don't look at my pay and think of it as a full time salary, that would be too upsetting. I look at it as look how much I make for 1 or 2 days work a week.

If you knew the pay when you accepted the job than why did you take it and why are you so bitter? You signed up for it and should be honest with yourself and what you do.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Hey folks I guess we can look at our jobs this way. A little pay is better than none. It is hard to accept how much less we all accepted. I hope this is not a reflection of how we rate ourselves as people. If you were to have told me that I would take a job paying 60 k I would have laughed in your face. Well I did, I hate it like all of you.. My self esteem is in the tank, I know I am frowned upon by all of my friends and old partners. Like so many of you I have talked with over the past few months I could not get anything else to come through. Now I am unable to even get interviews. Not one opportunity with the big companies has even turned into a phone screen. I would have to agree that this contract has destroyed my possbilities completely. Again I had nothing else to choose from. Nothing!!!!!

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

The big pharma companies only want newbies - they pay them lowly also. Experience is threatening to most newbie also low paid managers ... i say be happy if you can be a rep - the pay which has drifted downward is still decent as is the autonomy. Good Luck.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Hey folks I guess we can look at our jobs this way. A little pay is better than none. It is hard to accept how much less we all accepted. I hope this is not a reflection of how we rate ourselves as people. If you were to have told me that I would take a job paying 60 k I would have laughed in your face. Well I did, I hate it like all of you.. My self esteem is in the tank, I know I am frowned upon by all of my friends and old partners. Like so many of you I have talked with over the past few months I could not get anything else to come through. Now I am unable to even get interviews. Not one opportunity with the big companies has even turned into a phone screen. I would have to agree that this contract has destroyed my possbilities completely. Again I had nothing else to choose from. Nothing!!!!!

I wouldn't say contract has destroyed your chances for big pharma. Big pharma had cut back 100K jobs over the past two years and it's an employers market with all the reps out there. Opportunities are limited and with that being said they can be specific as to what experience they want. Therefore the competition is extensive. Unfortunately we are where we are and the industry is what it is and we can't change that. If if all of you are man/woman enough to post the negative things that you do can you answer the following questions honestly.

Why did you take the job with InVentiv to simply be miserable and act as though they intentionally stuck it to you? You did not have to take the job or is it that you are simply not secure enough to go outside the industry?

Every contract is different and specific to what the needs of the client are. Which includes types of cars, phone allowence, salary, bonus and monthly access funds. While in the inrerview process you need to ask more questions and decide if that contract works for you. If the salary range is 45-50, interview, make a good impression and when they offer you the job simply say that your salary requirements are more than that. Call your recruiter and tell them the same and ask them to keep you in mind for other opportunitues. You don't have to take the first on that is placed in front of you. As an employee it's a bit different. When a contract ends you have to take what they give you. I can see from that point where people would be bitter is salaries are reduced etc.

For the rest of you who are here for the first time stop acting so entitled and be happy you have an opportunity. Yes, the salary is less but it's not big pharma and you did not have to take the job. Big phama will never be what it once was and CSO's will be growing.

You took the job, have some self pride, self repsect and teach your kids how to be honest people with good character. If you don't like it have the balls to get out of pharma all together.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

I wouldn't say contract has destroyed your chances for big pharma. Big pharma had cut back 100K jobs over the past two years and it's an employers market with all the reps out there. Opportunities are limited and with that being said they can be specific as to what experience they want. Therefore the competition is extensive. Unfortunately we are where we are and the industry is what it is and we can't change that. If if all of you are man/woman enough to post the negative things that you do can you answer the following questions honestly.

Why did you take the job with InVentiv to simply be miserable and act as though they intentionally stuck it to you? You did not have to take the job or is it that you are simply not secure enough to go outside the industry?

Every contract is different and specific to what the needs of the client are. Which includes types of cars, phone allowence, salary, bonus and monthly access funds. While in the inrerview process you need to ask more questions and decide if that contract works for you. If the salary range is 45-50, interview, make a good impression and when they offer you the job simply say that your salary requirements are more than that. Call your recruiter and tell them the same and ask them to keep you in mind for other opportunitues. You don't have to take the first on that is placed in front of you. As an employee it's a bit different. When a contract ends you have to take what they give you. I can see from that point where people would be bitter is salaries are reduced etc.

For the rest of you who are here for the first time stop acting so entitled and be happy you have an opportunity. Yes, the salary is less but it's not big pharma and you did not have to take the job. Big phama will never be what it once was and CSO's will be growing.

You took the job, have some self pride, self repsect and teach your kids how to be honest people with good character. If you don't like it have the balls to get out of pharma all together.

Typical fired pussy man "happy" with his contract job making 50 thousand.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Typical fired pussy man "happy" with his contract job making 50 thousand.

You're way off from the truth and you have no idea where I work or how much I make. It's so evident that you're nothing more then a miserabe, angry person who rode the wave and milked the train of big pharma. It's sad that you hold on to the past and can't accept it for what it was. Truth be told, nothing last forever and the sooner you realize that the sooner you can be happy with your life and be indivudially responsible for yourself. It's ashame you rely on others the way you do. Im sure you setting a great expample for your kids. Let's grow up like daddy, cheat people and be dishonest. Let's be sure to rely on others for our well being. Most of all let's be pissed off and angry because we don't have the capacity to be strong enough to take control of our own desitny.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Dont feel like working again today. The great part is it doesn't even matter. No one knows and no one cares here. That is the one BONUS with my contract. I am Paid very little to do nothing. It works for both of us.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

You knew the salary before you took the job. Why are you complaining now? It's not the companies fault you accepted the opportunity. Like is about choices and it is your choice to work for InVentiv. Man up and do the right thing and stop acting as thought InVentiv intentionally stuck it to you. You didn't have to take the job and it's not InVentiv's fault you have a mortgage your can't afford.

You are missing the point. Pay little, get little is the consensus. Most look at this as a temporaty gig while they look for a real job that pays in line with their skills and education. Reps could care less. Even DMs are paid less, in their case as much as an entry level pharma rep! In the end the hiring company (big pharma) will see that CSOs are not the way to go.They get less in return than from a regular sales force. Mortgage comment is obsurd. Who could pay any mortgage over 30K on the salary being paid. The job is grocery money, period. Just hope the spouse makes a decent salary to pay the bills.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Typical fired pussy man "happy" with his contract job making 50 thousand.

Contract is perfect for those of us who just want a little extra money for the maid and the extras. That is all it could possible pay for I can't imagine calling this the main income.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Contract is perfect for those of us who just want a little extra money for the maid and the extras. That is all it could possible pay for I can't imagine calling this the main income.

You are correct! Those are the only individuals that can possibly afford to live on this money.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Cant imagine big pharma rep with grad degree making 95K base and 25-30K bonus taking this. Would quit as soon as they find a real job.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Where else can we work 1 or maybe 2 days a week for this money? I don't look at my pay and think of it as a full time salary, that would be too upsetting. I look at it as look how much I make for 1 or 2 days work a week.

I always read these comment and think it's bs. I work every day never a signature call later that 9:30. #2 in district and even with this my manager made a comment that there are times that I have days where my latest signature is at3:30. he made it clear he wants to see one between 4:30 and 5. I have 10 call average per day plus 2 pharmacies ( with the plan of 8) and he is still not happy. How is it possible that you work so little and don't have troubles. Is it your wishful thinking?

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

I always read these comment and think it's bs. I work every day never a signature call later that 9:30. #2 in district and even with this my manager made a comment that there are times that I have days where my latest signature is at3:30. he made it clear he wants to see one between 4:30 and 5. I have 10 call average per day plus 2 pharmacies ( with the plan of 8) and he is still not happy. How is it possible that you work so little and don't have troubles. Is it your wishful thinking?

That would be a manager who does not see the big picture. Sounds as though he is managing the group as one and not the indivudial. A good manager knows how to speperate the regular reps from the ones who over achieve. You should start to manage up and put your cards on the table. If you call him on it, he will back off.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Let's welcome the 1900 Abbott reps that were just laid off.

Exactly, another 1900 on the streets. So where else will people be getting pharma jobs outside of contract? Lets do the math. A 500 rep sales force equals basically 4 comlete sales forces which is how things were structured back in the day. Nobody hires and expands like that anymore. With that said, that would esentially be 3 reps for any open territory and that is from the Abbott count alone. So to the idiot who said only losers take contract jobs, fuck you.

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Exactly, another 1900 on the streets. So where else will people be getting pharma jobs outside of contract? Lets do the math. A 500 rep sales force equals basically 4 comlete sales forces which is how things were structured back in the day. Nobody hires and expands like that anymore. With that said, that would esentially be 3 reps for any open territory and that is from the Abbott count alone. So to the idiot who said only losers take contract jobs, fuck you.

Contract is for people that cannot get a real job! That sounds like a loser to me. just sayin

Re: Fuck You inVentiv For Paying us CSO's So Shitty! Most Of Us Spend All Day Everyda

Why would anyone in their right mind settle for one of these contract jobs? Holy shit the pay is nothing more than a job in retail, or restaurant work. Good god have a little self respect and a little ambition. If it is for extra cash I could see it, but some of you that talk like this is your career you really are a joke. You go from being fired to this. How much lower can you go?