Wow, did you misunderstand my intent. If the Merck sales force is really that vulgar and rude, no wonder they are in such a mess. I am need looking for sympathy nor care to give any to any of these vulgar posters who get laid off. No wonder our society is in such sad shape. If you have children, I certainly hope you don't act like you do here around them. What a disgrace. I'm done with being civil.

I am need...

you need a dictionary

Proud Merck Rep here and I look forward to a great future!! Note this Wall Street report: "Analysts cheer on Merck's comeback campaign, pumping up blockbuster forecasts"

February 27, 2014 | By John Carroll

Read more: Analysts cheer on Merck's comeback campaign, pumping up blockbuster forecasts - FierceBiotech http://www.fiercebiotech.com/story/...lockbuster-forecasts/2014-02-27#ixzz2ueRiC85F
Subscribe at FierceBiotech

To all the negative posters, FU!


A typical LER egg-sucker

You're the moron if you knew what I meant and still have to point out spelling mistakes when typing fast. Perhaps you should go from sales to grammar school teacher. I'll supply the red pen.

You are a classless,piece of work!I guess calling people names when you aren't intelligent enough to just listen to someone else's opinion,is the best you can do.Go ahead and call me another name because it really hurts my feelings.You are a true joke!