Friendly question from rotech employees

Attention looney CM: leave this board. You have made a big enough fool of yourself already. You are not a spokesperson for the company. You are acting a fool and we have already warned you to cease from you public comments on a public board. This is your final warning.

Excuse me but you are not my AM or my RM so I could care less what you think. You are probably a disgruntled ex employee for all I know making a food of yourself. I run a successful center and you have no right to talk to me like this. If you were my employee I would make your life hell.

Excuse me but you are not my AM or my RM so I could care less what you think. You are probably a disgruntled ex employee for all I know making a food of yourself. I run a successful center and you have no right to talk to me like this. If you were my employee I would make your life hell.

I sincerely hope that this person is truly not employed by Lincare. For some juvenile gratification often people post on public boards in the attempt to stir things up. I cannot understand the reasoning behind it & often wonder how people have so much time on their hands.

I sincerely hope that this person is truly not employed by Lincare. For some juvenile gratification often people post on public boards in the attempt to stir things up. I cannot understand the reasoning behind it & often wonder how people have so much time on their hands.

Its sad but unfortunately I believe this is a real Lincare CM.

Yes but what do you do to get it? Lie cheat steal? Walk on others in the process?? I'm a CM and yeah I consider my $60k annually good but I am humble. And I'm happy leading a successful center and helping patients in the process. I'm a patient advocate and a self renounced clinician at heart. I would not change what I do for the world. Would you?
Why do you believe that anyone other than a Lincare employee has to lie, cheat or steal to make more than a Lincare CM? Believe it or not, there are places where experienced RTs can go to make a much higher wage than Lincare could ever pay. And by the way, please brush up on your understanding of the English Language. It's embarrassing to your profession that you misused the word "renounced" to describe your dedication to your job....or was it intentional?

  1. re·nounce
    1. formally declare one's abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession):
"Isabella offered to renounce her son's claim to the French crown"
synonyms: reject · refuse to abide by · repudiate

Why do you believe that anyone other than a Lincare employee has to lie, cheat or steal to make more than a Lincare CM? Believe it or not, there are places where experienced RTs can go to make a much higher wage than Lincare could ever pay. And by the way, please brush up on your understanding of the English Language. It's embarrassing to your profession that you misused the word "renounced" to describe your dedication to your job....or was it intentional?

  1. re·nounce

    1. formally declare one's abandonment of (a claim, right, or possession):
"Isabella offered to renounce her son's claim to the French crown"
synonyms: reject · refuse to abide by · repudiate

I'm talking about the dishonest sales reps out there. Lie cheat and steal to make more than the cm's it is outlandish and I'm just beginning to forward my findings to compliance

I'm talking about the dishonest sales reps out there. Lie cheat and steal to make more than the cm's it is outlandish and I'm just beginning to forward my findings to compliance

If you are even a mediocre rep you SHOULD make more than a CM!!

Add paranoia to your list of psychological diagnoses dum dum. You should be thankful Lincare did not require a personality test prior to employment!!

I'm talking about the dishonest sales reps out there. Lie cheat and steal to make more than the cm's it is outlandish and I'm just beginning to forward my findings to compliance

You are a kook. The best thing you can do is continue to run that tight little center of yours and be quiet. In addition to being quiet, I highly recommend not putting your thoughts in writing. I'm sure you are a dedicated, hard working CM but you come across very poorly in the written word. I would expect more from someone being paid 60k. BTW, the customers are NOT YOUR PATIENTS!

You are a kook. The best thing you can do is continue to run that tight little center of yours and be quiet. In addition to being quiet, I highly recommend not putting your thoughts in writing. I'm sure you are a dedicated, hard working CM but you come across very poorly in the written word. I would expect more from someone being paid 60k. BTW, the customers are NOT YOUR PATIENTS!

There is no need for name calling I will be notifying my RM of the continued bullying happening on this website towards me. And they are my patients. That's what we call them in my area. I don't even know why I am responding unto any of you. As far as I know you a a group of my former employees.

There is no need for name calling I will be notifying my RM of the continued bullying happening on this website towards me. And they are my patients. That's what we call them in my area. I don't even know why I am responding unto any of you. As far as I know you a a group of my former employees.


You keep spouting and yapping with your name calling while I am documenting this harassment with my RM. I will war you my concerns get addressed because I produce. Can you say the same? Probably why you are the one that resigned your position from my office. Loser. Get a life.


Enough already! You are a lunatic. The only one here doing any harassing is you. Please "go tell" whoever you want. You have no idea who is posting here and YOU have already been instructed by Lincare to stay off the board.
The more you post, the crazier you sound. This will only come back to haunt you, no one else. Mark my words

You keep spouting and yapping with your name calling while I am documenting this harassment with my RM. I will war you my concerns get addressed because I produce. Can you say the same? Probably why you are the one that resigned your position from my office. Loser. Get a life.

Before you start fussing about "name calling" and harassment I suggest you re-read your own posts. You know the ones referring to reps as liars, cheaters and thieves? You best be careful as you are biting off more than you can chew, I promise!

You keep spouting and yapping with your name calling while I am documenting this harassment with my RM. I will war you my concerns get addressed because I produce. Can you say the same? Probably why you are the one that resigned your position from my office. Loser. Get a life.

No doubt she was crazy, but you are pretty darn close!!