Friendly question from rotech employees

HA HA HO HO! You are being terminated for violation of Lincares social media policy! See I told you to stay off these boards as you were instructed to do. Your posts are slanderous and unprofessional, an absolute violation of fore mentioned policy. I'm so sick of people that think the rules don't apply to them. BYE BYE NOW

HA HA HO HO! You are being terminated for violation of Lincares social media policy! See I told you to stay off these boards as you were instructed to do. Your posts are slanderous and unprofessional, an absolute violation of fore mentioned policy. I'm so sick of people that think the rules don't apply to them. BYE BYE NOW

I have not been terminated. They can't terminate me because I single handledly carry my area. 3 o 2 today at my center and we are quickly growing nhv with a limited staff. Suck it hater ex employees. I am showing we are better off without you.

You are a kook

Here we go again with more name calling. I truly hope your new job is going well and that your family is doing well. And you come here and slam me. Why do you hate me and your former employer so bad? What did I ever do to you? Excuse me but I am busy today working on my 3rd o2 setup and need to get an inr order corrected. I hope for your families sake you eventually lighten up.

Before you go on and on about name calling and slamming people. I again suggest that you re-read your own posts. No one said anything about hating you, not even close. Your just a little kooky and getting way too serious on an anonymous posting board which is bathroom humor at its best. Maybe you should lighten up a bit. Maybe you could make a New Years resolution and show your reps a little respect in 2016

Before you go on and on about name calling and slamming people. I again suggest that you re-read your own posts. No one said anything about hating you, not even close. Your just a little kooky and getting way too serious on an anonymous posting board which is bathroom humor at its best. Maybe you should lighten up a bit. Maybe you could make a New Years resolution and show your reps a little respect in 2016

I have no respect for most of you. The way I have witnessed many reps do business is unethical to say the least. You go where you want when you want and think you run the center. Wake up call you are NOT the cm. I am the cm. I call the shots. I manage the center. You are nothing but a slimey weasel.

I have no respect for most of you. The way I have witnessed many reps do business is unethical to say the least. You go where you want when you want and think you run the center. Wake up call you are NOT the cm. I am the cm. I call the shots. I manage the center. You are nothing but a slimey weasel.
You are a narcissistic idiot!!

Finish your degree you will need it!! And try and repeat high school English, your grammar us horrid!!

I have no respect for most of you. The way I have witnessed many reps do business is unethical to say the least. You go where you want when you want and think you run the center. Wake up call you are NOT the cm. I am the cm. I call the shots. I manage the center. You are nothing but a slimey weasel.
That's it you crazy bitch! Get out of here! These boards were never intended for warehouse managers that believe that they are health care professionals !!!! Unethical, lying, cheating slimy weasels ?? Guess it takes one to know one. I'm done, you cannot reason with CRAZY! Ugh

That's it you crazy bitch! Get out of here! These boards were never intended for warehouse managers that believe that they are health care professionals !!!! Unethical, lying, cheating slimy weasels ?? Guess it takes one to know one. I'm done, you cannot reason with CRAZY! Ugh

Here we go with the name calling continuing to happen from sales reps. Is this what the teach you at qp3? Guess what? You still work directly under a cm so deal with it. Your boss is a cm. nobody works under you because you have no management skills. My rm will see this and if you are in my region I feel sorry for you and the wrath you will soon receive. Maybe all sales reps just need to be fired to increase bonuses at the center level. That or put a GPS in your cars to make sure you aren't home taking naps when you should be out making sales calls.