Ford, Heath, Cole Read this!

Totally understand why you posted. Wraser is guilty of promoting off label for at least Cetraxal. I know this b/c I promote Cetraxal. Now the only way I think the FDA would be really interested in this fact is if patients that were being prescribed Cetraxal were starting to experience adverse reactions. There would have to be mounting adverse reactions I would think to get the FDA's attention. I am not saying it's right to promote off label, but you should always report adverse events to the proper personnel. If enough adverse events start occurring, then you will have the FDA's attention if you want to be a whistleblower!

Whats your point. there really is no similarity to wraser here. first off, this fine was a joke and anyone with any brains in this business knows it. 81 mil to jnj is like asking health and cole for a $20. its a joke. and go back and look at the timeline of the destruction of ortho mcneil. jnj lied to reps for two years and slowly dissolved that company and everything and everyone in it. it was brilliant on their part. lie to and screw over 1000s of the top reps in the industry, most of which were screwed out of benefits and pensions and destroy the company and all evidence. it was great foresight and planning on the part of jnj.

you're obviously reaching for loose associations of past events to make current reps in this little company anxious. get a job.

and one more thing, those women, ended up with a little over a mil each which is shit money and they're prob already broke... oh, and no pharma, or any other professional company, will ever hire them again.

Whats your point. there really is no similarity to wraser here. first off, this fine was a joke and anyone with any brains in this business knows it. 81 mil to jnj is like asking health and cole for a $20. its a joke. and go back and look at the timeline of the destruction of ortho mcneil. jnj lied to reps for two years and slowly dissolved that company and everything and everyone in it. it was brilliant on their part. lie to and screw over 1000s of the top reps in the industry, most of which were screwed out of benefits and pensions and destroy the company and all evidence. it was great foresight and planning on the part of jnj.

you're obviously reaching for loose associations of past events to make current reps in this little company anxious. get a job.

and one more thing, those women, ended up with a little over a mil each which is shit money and they're prob already broke... oh, and no pharma, or any other professional company, will ever hire them again.

What follows is what you SHOULD have taken away from the article.

"After a drug is approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration, a company cannot promote or sell it for any purpose other than those in its drug application."

Now I don't have a lot of time today so here's the other thing to keep in mind , remember the letter ya'll got in November from the FDA? Well I qoute

"Further, as explained in the warning letter dated (b)(4) ,2009 to (b)(4), the above drug products are adulterated, within the meaning of 21 USC 351(a)(2)(B), and thus your firm may not introduce or deliver them for introduction into interstate commerce, per 21 USC 331(a)." (BTW someone posted the entire letter on your site here-wasn't me- honest)

Now did you or did you not just ship a bunch of these vazo products across state lines when zyrtec et al was pulled from pharmacies about a month ago.

The insight you should have gained from this post was 'Hey we're already on the f*ckin' FDA radar, we better stop this off label promotion on antibiotics. NOT 'well you might have a case when AE's begin to be reported plus and we're just a tiny little company so quit pickin' on us'. Now your probably right - Nothin will probably come of any of this - but what you need to keep in mind is the FDA isn't the most highly thought of agency lately - busting a pharma company of any size is good for them - all you need is one disgruntled employee or an ambitious office in New Orleans and you may find yourself in an uncomfortable situation that could have been prevented. Business is tough enuff these days - why give people stuff to hold over you. 'Nuff Said. Gotta get back to my Hurricane.

Totally understand why you posted. Wraser is guilty of promoting off label for at least Cetraxal. I know this b/c I promote Cetraxal. Now the only way I think the FDA would be really interested in this fact is if patients that were being prescribed Cetraxal were starting to experience adverse reactions. There would have to be mounting adverse reactions I would think to get the FDA's attention. I am not saying it's right to promote off label, but you should always report adverse events to the proper personnel. If enough adverse events start occurring, then you will have the FDA's attention if you want to be a whistleblower!

Don't think you're immune to FDA scrutiny because you sell a smaller market product for a smaller company. Off label is off label, and if you get caught, you're going to be fined. The difference between J&J and WraSer is that a fine could shut WraSer's doors for good. With the FDA's new BadAd program, you're begging for trouble if you think you can promote off-label (no matter how innocent it may seem).

What follows is what you SHOULD have taken away from the article.

"After a drug is approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration, a company cannot promote or sell it for any purpose other than those in its drug application."

Now I don't have a lot of time today so here's the other thing to keep in mind , remember the letter ya'll got in November from the FDA? Well I qoute

"Further, as explained in the warning letter dated (b)(4) ,2009 to (b)(4), the above drug products are adulterated, within the meaning of 21 USC 351(a)(2)(B), and thus your firm may not introduce or deliver them for introduction into interstate commerce, per 21 USC 331(a)." (BTW someone posted the entire letter on your site here-wasn't me- honest)

Now did you or did you not just ship a bunch of these vazo products across state lines when zyrtec et al was pulled from pharmacies about a month ago.

The insight you should have gained from this post was 'Hey we're already on the f*ckin' FDA radar, we better stop this off label promotion on antibiotics. NOT 'well you might have a case when AE's begin to be reported plus and we're just a tiny little company so quit pickin' on us'. Now your probably right - Nothin will probably come of any of this - but what you need to keep in mind is the FDA isn't the most highly thought of agency lately - busting a pharma company of any size is good for them - all you need is one disgruntled employee or an ambitious office in New Orleans and you may find yourself in an uncomfortable situation that could have been prevented. Business is tough enuff these days - why give people stuff to hold over you. 'Nuff Said. Gotta get back to my Hurricane.

Look.the ones that use this board the most are reps and we are not blind. just looking for a little less negativity and frankly, there is nothing we can do about these issues. i seriously doubt heath and cole ever look at these boards for anything other than amusement if that. as reps we took this job hoping they know how to do theirs. all we can do is protect ourselves and do the best job we can day to day. and yes cover our asses and follow the law. reps at these small pharma companies are actually some of the best sales reps in the business because we have to fight that much harder to sell product in saturated markets. most of the time these boards just hurt morale and cause uncertainty. it has become too difficult to sift through all the BS and get any real useful information from them regarding upcoming events /info about company. go look at any other message boards here. they are all about the same. go find ortho mcneil's board,what a nightmare.

Don't think you're immune to FDA scrutiny because you sell a smaller market product for a smaller company. Off label is off label, and if you get caught, you're going to be fined. The difference between J&J and WraSer is that a fine could shut WraSer's doors for good. With the FDA's new BadAd program, you're begging for trouble if you think you can promote off-label (no matter how innocent it may seem).

This could all be cleared up easily if Wraser would pay to get more indications for Cetraxal. But their thinking is detail for "ear infections" and then when asked specifically for off label crap to say it's not contraindicated. So funny b/c they hate the fact the ciloxin is used off label for AOE!! Ooohh.....the FDA sent Alcon a warning letter about promoting it off label and to stop. will be getting the same letter if you don't stop promoting Cetraxal off label!!

Re: Heath, Cole

cole-heath, the blood from the layoffs is on your hands. what are you gonna do about it, you had time and did nothing? wheres the owner leadership?

Those two morons played their hand and you know what? They showed their leadership when they were the two drunkest idiots at the company meeting in was priceless to see and at the time wonder what TF and why?

It was at that point that anyone employed by them realized the company was headed to the shitter, so to speak, but it was after that time that the commissions started to be in question...FDA

Fuck heath and cole!!!! hope they get fucked the same way they fucked over their sales force...a good kick in the teeth will be perfect for those two fuckers!

Either that or make them go swim with BP in the gulf

Re: Heath, Cole

Those two morons played their hand and you know what? They showed their leadership when they were the two drunkest idiots at the company meeting in was priceless to see and at the time wonder what TF and why?

It was at that point that anyone employed by them realized the company was headed to the shitter, so to speak, but it was after that time that the commissions started to be in question...FDA

Fuck heath and cole!!!! hope they get fucked the same way they fucked over their sales force...a good kick in the teeth will be perfect for those two fuckers!

Either that or make them go swim with BP in the gulf


Re: Heath, Cole

cole-heath, the blood from the layoffs is on your hands. what are you gonna do about it, you had time and did nothing? wheres the owner leadership?

Owner leadership? Yeh right. Go hire more Hahns and Backels. Where the hell has that gotten us???????? tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock

They were the 2 drunkest idiots in Nashville too. Very unprofessional environment here. Can't believe I got sucked in here!! THey obviously don't know how to run a company and keep it afloat. They just know how to line their pockets. I hope this ship sinks fast with Ford at the bow.

You HOPE it sinks fast...HA HA it IS SINKING fast!!!! And I can't wait to sit back and laugh while watching this sinking ship!!! WraSer is a JOKE! H&C are ASSHOLES. I can promise that any "cheerleaders" on this board now are coming from corp. There is no way in hell anyone is standing up for this shit hole of a company anymore...past or present employees or managers! I hope the folks in Miss. are losing sleep over the way they have ran this company and treated their loyal employees who have stood up for them time and time again.

You HOPE it sinks fast...HA HA it IS SINKING fast!!!! And I can't wait to sit back and laugh while watching this sinking ship!!! WraSer is a JOKE! H&C are ASSHOLES. I can promise that any "cheerleaders" on this board now are coming from corp. There is no way in hell anyone is standing up for this shit hole of a company anymore...past or present employees or managers! I hope the folks in Miss. are losing sleep over the way they have ran this company and treated their loyal employees who have stood up for them time and time again.

You have to actually care about someone or something in order to lose sleep. Turst me, they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. Those fuckers are probably sleeping just fine because their pockets are plenty deep due to all the hard work the UNDERPAID AND UNAPPRECIATED reps have put in to selling their shitty products!

You HOPE it sinks fast...HA HA it IS SINKING fast!!!! And I can't wait to sit back and laugh while watching this sinking ship!!! WraSer is a JOKE! H&C are ASSHOLES. I can promise that any "cheerleaders" on this board now are coming from corp. There is no way in hell anyone is standing up for this shit hole of a company anymore...past or present employees or managers! I hope the folks in Miss. are losing sleep over the way they have ran this company and treated their loyal employees who have stood up for them time and time again.

I am totally with you on this. I am wondering how many reps were just let go? Sounds like every month there are going to be reps let go. I would hope no rep in their right mind would stand up for this company on this board. If they do they are just plain idiots! Well I know one rep who will stand up for them, he is in Louisana. Maybe cause his brother is a co-owner.

I am not a Wraser cheerleader, just a rep who does my job and does it well! For the poster who wrote"how then have ran this company" maybe you should revisit high school English class my friend! I know they have six new products coming out that are ndas and not me too products! This ship has not sailed and will continue on for years and years! I am responsible for my life and do not blame others for my misfortunes as you whiners are so apt to do! The lay-offs were the losers who gave nothing and were a liability for the company. If you don't pull your weight at a job then you are let go. Simple math! Leave Heath and Cole alone! At least they had the guts to start their own company and live the American dream. Unlike you who sit on your asses and throw darts!

Heath, Cole Read this!

I am not a Wraser cheerleader, just a rep who does my job and does it well! For the poster who wrote"how then have ran this company" maybe you should revisit high school English class my friend! I know they have six new products coming out that are ndas and not me too products! This ship has not sailed and will continue on for years and years! I am responsible for my life and do not blame others for my misfortunes as you whiners are so apt to do! The lay-offs were the losers who gave nothing and were a liability for the company. If you don't pull your weight at a job then you are let go. Simple math! Leave Heath and Cole alone! At least they had the guts to start their own company and live the American dream. Unlike you who sit on your asses and throw darts!

WOW! Living the dream with their thumb up their ass and zero communication to the reps or managers? You're serious right? They should be ashamed for the distance they have created. Happening on Heath's watch while Cole shows his ignorance. That buddy-buddy shit will be the iceburg that takes it down. Blind is as blind does.

I am not a Wraser cheerleader, just a rep who does my job and does it well! For the poster who wrote"how then have ran this company" maybe you should revisit high school English class my friend! I know they have six new products coming out that are ndas and not me too products! This ship has not sailed and will continue on for years and years! I am responsible for my life and do not blame others for my misfortunes as you whiners are so apt to do! The lay-offs were the losers who gave nothing and were a liability for the company. If you don't pull your weight at a job then you are let go. Simple math! Leave Heath and Cole alone! At least they had the guts to start their own company and live the American dream. Unlike you who sit on your asses and throw darts!

By the way the people that were let go were not underperforming. Wraser just wants you to think that. I know of at least 2 people that were let go that were the leaders in their districts. So how do you explain that? I also know reps that were and still are underperforming and still have their job. I was told by my manager they were let go b/c they couldn't get Cetraxal on most of the formularies that were big in their territories. All I know is that I do my job too but I want out b/c I don't trust anyone in this company.

I am not a Wraser cheerleader, just a rep who does my job and does it well! For the poster who wrote"how then have ran this company" maybe you should revisit high school English class my friend! I know they have six new products coming out that are ndas and not me too products! This ship has not sailed and will continue on for years and years! I am responsible for my life and do not blame others for my misfortunes as you whiners are so apt to do! The lay-offs were the losers who gave nothing and were a liability for the company. If you don't pull your weight at a job then you are let go. Simple math! Leave Heath and Cole alone! At least they had the guts to start their own company and live the American dream. Unlike you who sit on your asses and throw darts!

6 new products?? Your funny. They have been telling the primary care division since March they were working on something. If you know this you should name the products. The company doesn't have the financials to bring on 6 products. They are cutting and going to continue to cut and their under a hiring freeze. Buying 6 products, LOL!!!! You gave me a good laugh!!

Re: Heath, Cole Read this!

WOW! Living the dream with their thumb up their ass and zero communication to the reps or managers? You're serious right? They should be ashamed for the distance they have created. Happening on Heath's watch while Cole shows his ignorance. That buddy-buddy shit will be the iceburg that takes it down. Blind is as blind does.

Reality = sales people are no longer people. No matter where you work or what you sell. You are a hired gun and highly expendable. You can be #1, #5, #10, #100 and it wont matter, the company, any company, will find a way to use you in the most effective way possible as such - a hired gun - and then, should you become a less effective shot, drop you like yesterdays trash.

If you want to survive you MUST be an equally cold killer yourself. You must understand that YOU only matter to YOU so be prepared at all times for a war and to join whatever side offers you the best opportunity in the present moment.

This is not a necessary reflection on this company but the state of business these days especially sales nationwide and probably world wide. Kill or be killed, we are all essentially independant contractors anymore.

i am sorry for the most recent questionable decisions. makes it hard to be a cheerleader for anyone but then again, killers dont need cheerleaders