when you do contact hr or wheels with your strong opinions be careful not to sound to much like you do on this site. as you know posting here about any company issues or policies is against policy. you may find yourself without a fusion and a job. if asked if you have posted on websites such as would you answer?
So, let me get this straight: When I call and complain and it sounds a bit like it does here they are going to say, "You sound just like the bitch on Cafepharma, you're fired!" LMAO - really? They look over this stuff and it does make an impact in what corporate does . . . sometimes. You think I am stupid enough to say, "I learned this on Cafepharma"? NO!
As far as making a complaint, I don't give a flying fck if I sound just like someone here. So what? I am on my home computer and on my own router. What are they going to prove - NOTHING!!!! You are too paranoid. Plus, the other poster is right, the job is a joke most of the time. It is hard to come up with anything of value when all of our studies are 10 years old.
. . .and you're assuming I have told you the truth about my profile. LOL