FLL’s First Line Losers. Who is the worst FLL in the VBU?

John Powers quote of the day#2:
“You know Bob, Sarah, Will, Mike, George, Emma, Jennifer? Yeah, I hired them all years ago… I pretty much hired everyone here in this national sales meeting room….”

John Powers Quote of the day #2
“Hey do you know Mike, Sarah, Bon, Will, Stacy, Emma, Jennifer and Joe? Yeah, I hired all of them. Pretty much everyone here at this national sales meeting got their jobs because of me…”

Powers quote of the day #5
“You can look anywhere, GSK has some of the greatest benefits out there. There might be other pharma companies out there with great benefits, but GSK is hard to beat”

Sophie is up to her same old crap. Threatening us to keep her job and telling us HR has her back.
I think someone needs to look into HR and get rid of some of those people.
Put them on a PIP.
Sounds like someone is putting the heat on Sophie…finally! Don’t take her threats..call HR! If you all call and document her awful practices they will do something.

Sophie is dirty dirty dirty.
If you are looking for a career with GSK in Vaccines under her, STAY AWAY.
She should have been given a package to leave 3 years ago or just should have been fired for throwing her reps under the bus.