Fleet Cars

Top quartile companies treat their sales people as assetts and usually provide the following:
Top line fleet options.
Cover internet and landline monthly costs.
All sales associates (direct hire and contract) have a corporate charge card.
The week between Christmas and New Years is a year end reward of paid time off.
Provide health benefits at a reasonable cost.
Celebrate company milestones and individual performance with stock option awards.
Set team sales goals whereby quota attainment enables all who surpass their yearly goals inclusion on a President's Club trip. The focus is on inclusion vs exclusion to build collaboration and teamwork.
Top companies do not change the rules in the middle of the game, I.e. raising quotas at quarter's end.
They honor commitments to compensate employees for extra training and certifications.
Any other suggestions for improving the corporate culture and making this a top quartile pharmaceutical company?

Don't let the sanofi refuse take over.

Oops! Too late.

I heard from a good source that there will be no more fleet cars. You will get an allowance of 400 a month and you will need to use your own car. So you better hope that 100k car last, because you will need to buy your own

That better be pure BS. $400 a month for car payment, insurance and upkeep? Impossible today. Most car payments are over that and that's not including insurance.

They had better offer fleet cars or a lot of people will be leaving. The competitive companies that allow use of own vehicles now pay. 1000 per month plus a gas card. A fleet car better be offered or many will walk.

You will get fleet cars, call reporting, more admin, less money for programs. Welcome back to big pharma. Everything you got away from you got it back.

If that is the case, and really at this point who really knows, all the Cadence reps will quit. One thing that is clear is that the Cadence reps have phenomenal and successful experience and have the experience to take Mallickrodt to the next level in the hospital environment. They are all very marketable to other top positions. So it's very simple, if Mallinckrodt doesn't offer a highly competitive package, everyone will quit. All the Cadence reps that I know are working with recruiters anyway, just in case the package sucks. It will be Mallinckrodt's mistake and demise if they don't treat the Cadence representatives well. We want fleet cars, great healthcare package, and 401k match. If the promotional spending goes bye bye and they initiate call reporting, everyone will leave for better pastures. It's really that simple.