Fleet Cars

Moving forward the question is "what kind of cars are offered by inventiv on the Mallinckrodt contract?" Since all reps hired since October are employees of Inventiv.

Ventiv is waiting for Xartemis approval before ordering the Chevy Malibu LS for entire sales force.

The contract is contingent on the approval by the FDA before March 5.

MAL reps have fleet cars. In the past, it was a choice between the Subaru Forerster, Jeep Patriot, Ford Escape, and recently Chevy Equinox. Going forward, all vehicles will eventually be replaced by the Equinox. The criteria for replacement has changed to 100k miles or 4 years, the shittiest I've ever heard of in all my years of pharma.

New reps are Ventiv contract, and their fleet policy is different than Mallinckrodt's. They get Malibus, a much better choice than the Equinox IMO.

MAL reps have fleet cars. In the past, it was a choice between the Subaru Forerster, Jeep Patriot, Ford Escape, and recently Chevy Equinox. Going forward, all vehicles will eventually be replaced by the Equinox. The criteria for replacement has changed to 100k miles or 4 years, the shittiest I've ever heard of in all my years of pharma.

New reps are Ventiv contract, and their fleet policy is different than Mallinckrodt's. They get Malibus, a much better choice than the Equinox IMO.

Thank you for sharing! Appreciate it very much!

100K was because of the spin off. Normally the mileage limit is 75K, and it's been as low as 60-65K in the past.

Letting cars go to 100K was not intentional. It was one of many signs of what was to come.

So they now want 100k miles on the car? I had orders a car in April last year and my car had 92k by the time I received my new car. I will told the order cycle was delayed due to the upcoming "spin" in July. So it looks like this is the norm for the company.

I don't think the Inventiv reps will have the same issue. Just another "change" for direct hire reps; they are quickly becoming less and less valued. Many territories are large and rural being in a fleet vehicle with greater than 100k miles is not a safe situation but it saves them money.

If you remember SC said many times on stage in Orlando that we had to reduce the cost if doing business to keep the shareholders happy bus not once did she mention that the sells force was important in the process.

how many signs do we need that she doesn't care about people.
she is known across the industry for it and makes no apologies.

she will take away our individual rooms at meetings next.

how many signs do we need that she doesn't care about people.
she is known across the industry for it and makes no apologies.

she will take away our individual rooms at meetings next.

Be happy that you have individual rooms I only been with the company a few months and my previous companies never gave single rooms

spec pharma companies usually treat employees well.

if we want to be like a top quartile company we should treat our employees the same way.

Ask someone at one of the top spec companies how they are treated. Thats why they get results.

Top quartile companies treat their sales people as assetts and usually provide the following:
Top line fleet options.
Cover internet and landline monthly costs.
All sales associates (direct hire and contract) have a corporate charge card.
The week between Christmas and New Years is a year end reward of paid time off.
Provide health benefits at a reasonable cost.
Celebrate company milestones and individual performance with stock option awards.
Set team sales goals whereby quota attainment enables all who surpass their yearly goals inclusion on a President's Club trip. The focus is on inclusion vs exclusion to build collaboration and teamwork.
Top companies do not change the rules in the middle of the game, I.e. raising quotas at quarter's end.
They honor commitments to compensate employees for extra training and certifications.
Any other suggestions for improving the corporate culture and making this a top quartile pharmaceutical company?