Fixing Heartware?

The same came be said for several products at a few other companies. While you gloat and revel in the demise of the division, be careful. Your company/product/reputation just might be next.

gloat? revel? try weep. This was a great company once. Medtronic had no idea what they were getting into an NN was an insult of a leader who was planning the shut down when he showed up day 1.

gloat? revel? try weep. This was a great company once. Medtronic had no idea what they were getting into an NN was an insult of a leader who was planning the shut down when he showed up day 1.

Quit your f**king whining and get out there and sell. Q3 wasn't pretty and we need to make it up in Q4 so that Geoff can afford his new Tesla.

What patients and the public want to understand is why it took 5 years from the issuance of the FDA warning letter to the device being pulled from the market. You can’t blame one person for everything. What went wrong here?

What patients and the public want to understand is why it took 5 years from the issuance of the FDA warning letter to the device being pulled from the market. You can’t blame one person for everything. What went wrong here?

Group think and anchoring bias -- they run very deep at Medtronic. Unfortunately, nobody is really held accountable and if action is taken it's usually to downsize and eliminate people who basically had nothing to do with the decisions or outcomes.

What patients and the public want to understand is why it took 5 years from the issuance of the FDA warning letter to the device being pulled from the market. You can’t blame one person for everything. What went wrong here?

It may have something to do with the fact that your CEO and SVP of Quality spend their work days posting woke comments on LinkedIn. There's no time in the day for addressing quality issues.

Quit your f**king whining and get out there and sell. Q3 wasn't pretty and we need to make it up in Q4 so that Geoff can afford his new Tesla.

sell? we've been shut down. All we do is apologize to the clinics for the latest stumble from NN and the skeleton crew left behind and try to stop them from punishing us in other CV lines.

sell? we've been shut down. All we do is apologize to the clinics for the latest stumble from NN and the skeleton crew left behind and try to stop them from punishing us in other CV lines.

he’s literally the worst. he will get the next opportunity and he will fail. patients are being failed right now. who is going to believe him the next division he runs “I know you have heard I shut down businesses but I don’t. trust me. look at my track record.”

he’s literally the worst. he will get the next opportunity and he will fail. patients are being failed right now. who is going to believe him the next division he runs “I know you have heard I shut down businesses but I don’t. trust me. look at my track record.”

He cannot show up for work in Framingham MA but shows right up when he can get a photo op down the street at Harvard???

He is absolutely a disgusting person. Our patients deserve better. Soon enough the protectionism that has gone on for him too long will be gone. Medtronic is better than choosing bad leaders like this.

doubt it. he'll be getting invites to Geoffs birthday parties for years to come. the goal posts will move to ensure he's rewarded for "how" he shut it down, ignoring it failed because he couldn't get things fixed fast enough.

doubt it. he'll be getting invites to Geoffs birthday parties for years to come. the goal posts will move to ensure he's rewarded for "how" he shut it down, ignoring it failed because he couldn't get things fixed fast enough.

now that congress is investingating NN and the FDA over this cluster that should keep him busy for a while. But we know Geoff will give his buddy another chance somewhere else.

It may have something to do with the fact that your CEO and SVP of Quality spend their work days posting woke comments on LinkedIn. There's no time in the day for addressing quality issues.

You clearly have not been paying attention to the job boards. A new team was created and hired to handle ‘Executive Communications.’

Motivation to get out there and keep selling to fund these salaries yeah?

He is absolutely a disgusting person. Our patients deserve better. Soon enough the protectionism that has gone on for him too long will be gone. Medtronic is better than choosing bad leaders like this.
Please provide one stitch of evidence MDT has better dissection than these leaders. NN joined MDT in the leadership program and has advanced quickly despite a demonstrable failure as a business leader. GM will keep his good and diverse buddy and the world will keep turning as MDT stays behind.

Please provide one stitch of evidence MDT has better dissection than these leaders. NN joined MDT in the leadership program and has advanced quickly despite a demonstrable failure as a business leader. GM will keep his good and diverse buddy and the world will keep turning as MDT stays behind.

You are all racist. How dare you judge him on his objective job performance only. Leadership is not analyzing data to make improvements, not making any decisions and not showing up at the business you lead. In addition, don’t meet any customers and wait to be told what to do. I’m shocked that with his credibility and credentials-he wasn’t chosen to turn around diabetes.

You are all racist. How dare you judge him on his objective job performance only. Leadership is not analyzing data to make improvements, not making any decisions and not showing up at the business you lead. In addition, don’t meet any customers and wait to be told what to do. I’m shocked that with his credibility and credentials-he wasn’t chosen to turn around diabetes.

"leaders rise to their own level of incompetence". Based on that, NN has a ways to go. how someone can smile while they run a buisness into the ground - but hey there is always time for a Harvard exec ed course with his buddy Geoff.

"leaders rise to their own level of incompetence". Based on that, NN has a ways to go. how someone can smile while they run a buisness into the ground - but hey there is always time for a Harvard exec ed course with his buddy Geoff.

You can relax. Nnamdi is off to Zimmer to help them run some of their buisnesses into the ground.