What an absolute mess this company has become. Angela likely made scapegoat for it, but the Covid forecast and the utter failure to build a plan using the billions in sales falls to the entire leadership team, with AB at the top of the stinking pile. The fiduciary responsibility is to grow shareholder value. Not self enrichment. Not media tours. Not social campaigns. Understand and run the business or get a job neutering strays at the shelter. Disastrous performance from a once decent company

The bonus for the ELT next year must be ZERO

Just look at PFE this morning 12/13. Down another 10%! Absolutely disgraceful. How much longer can this go on?!

What an absolute mess this company has become. Angela likely made scapegoat for it, but the Covid forecast and the utter failure to build a plan using the billions in sales falls to the entire leadership team, with AB at the top of the stinking pile. The fiduciary responsibility is to grow shareholder value. Not self enrichment. Not media tours. Not social campaigns. Understand and run the business or get a job neutering strays at the shelter. Disastrous performance from a once decent company

The bonus for the ELT next year must be ZERO
The ELT bonuses will be the largest bonuses ever awarded this year. You just wait and see. They will even be larger than they were during the COVID boom years! Just wait and see. The ELT will just strip this company of all profits and then they will exit.

Just look at PFE this morning 12/13. Down another 10%! Absolutely disgraceful. How much longer can this go on?!

Yup and it’s the worst performing stock in the entire S&P 500! As I type this I’m picturing Albert slumped in his chair, twiddling his fingers as he laughs about upcoming lay-offs. What a fuckin joke.

There are many problems and none solved easily now. At least two of them could have been avoided.

First, AB, Gottlieb and others allowed the narrative around mRNA to run unchecked. No one was clearly defining how the vaccine worked in laymen’s terms. Even HCPs could not clearly describe how it works for individual protection, how it primes an individual’s immune response and was developed “so quickly”. In our efforts to be moon shot heroes, we let fear and anti vaccine narrative take over. Not just Covid, but other vaccination rates suffer today. Moon shot mentality is self aggrandizing and not with the patient in mind.

Second, we completely misread the market and failed to react quickly enough to reset expectations about vaccination rates and sales in 2023-24. My actual guess is that appropriate forecasts were developed by knowledgeable professionals and summarily dismissed by leadership. We trumpet “Science Will Win” but dismiss fact based forecasts to prove we are bold thinkers. It’s ignorant to pay talented forecasters and ignore their insights. If you choose to do it, at least admit the mistake and adjust expectations soon. Hubris is poison.

Finally, our record is abysmal with buying companies or products and making them something greater. Our record with acquisition is not adding value, it is simply paying a premium price for the sum of the parts. This is embedded in our history and investors have good memories

All of these point to failures in top leadership. Cost cutting needs to start at that level to inspire confidence in workers and investors. Otherwise the march downward will continue

There are many problems and none solved easily now. At least two of them could have been avoided.

First, AB, Gottlieb and others allowed the narrative around mRNA to run unchecked. No one was clearly defining how the vaccine worked in laymen’s terms. Even HCPs could not clearly describe how it works for individual protection, how it primes an individual’s immune response and was developed “so quickly”. In our efforts to be moon shot heroes, we let fear and anti vaccine narrative take over. Not just Covid, but other vaccination rates suffer today. Moon shot mentality is self aggrandizing and not with the patient in mind.

Second, we completely misread the market and failed to react quickly enough to reset expectations about vaccination rates and sales in 2023-24. My actual guess is that appropriate forecasts were developed by knowledgeable professionals and summarily dismissed by leadership. We trumpet “Science Will Win” but dismiss fact based forecasts to prove we are bold thinkers. It’s ignorant to pay talented forecasters and ignore their insights. If you choose to do it, at least admit the mistake and adjust expectations soon. Hubris is poison.

Finally, our record is abysmal with buying companies or products and making them something greater. Our record with acquisition is not adding value, it is simply paying a premium price for the sum of the parts. This is embedded in our history and investors have good memories

All of these point to failures in top leadership. Cost cutting needs to start at that level to inspire confidence in workers and investors. Otherwise the march downward will continue

Spot on. Say this loud and often.

Yeah, I heard him too. I think he said “what is this terminology ‘run the damn business’! It’s all Greek to me”

The company was lucky to get the call from Biontech to partner on the vaccine. That was a once in a lifetime lottery ticket...a Willy Wonka Golden Ticket. The windfall from the Covid business should have set the company on a different trajectory than the one it is on now. Truly sad...

In an interview earlier this week AB announced another 500 mil in cuts, on top of the 3.5 bit bit already announced. Must want to make sure he and the other exec's still get good bonuses this year.

In an interview earlier this week AB announced another 500 mil in cuts, on top of the 3.5 bit bit already announced. Must want to make sure he and the other exec's still get good bonuses this year.

just think about all the money they could have saved on other things, The new corporate headquarters alone cost billions.

From STAT on Dec 19

“Pfizer is this year’s anti-Eli Lilly. If David Ricks is the best biopharma CEO of 2023, then Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is, unfortunately, the worst.

My annual Worst Biopharma CEO list is typically populated with blockheads and scoundrels. That’s not why Bourla is here. The reason is accountability. Strategic missteps, financial miscalculations, and scientific setbacks have plunged Pfizer into a deep crisis. Bourla is the man at the top, so the responsibility lies with him.”

Finally AB earns an appropriate spot on a bio pharma list. Unfortunately it is a “worst of” list and is a completely earned position. Hope the board takes some time to reflect on a 50% loss of value, stock at a decade low and their CEO recognized as the worst in bio pharma.


From STAT on Dec 19

“Pfizer is this year’s anti-Eli Lilly. If David Ricks is the best biopharma CEO of 2023, then Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla is, unfortunately, the worst.

My annual Worst Biopharma CEO list is typically populated with blockheads and scoundrels. That’s not why Bourla is here. The reason is accountability. Strategic missteps, financial miscalculations, and scientific setbacks have plunged Pfizer into a deep crisis. Bourla is the man at the top, so the responsibility lies with him.”

Finally AB earns an appropriate spot on a bio pharma list. Unfortunately it is a “worst of” list and is a completely earned position. Hope the board takes some time to reflect on a 50% loss of value, stock at a decade low and their CEO recognized as the worst in bio pharma.

Kindler started the avalanche. Bourla just happened to be at the bottom of the mountain.

Kindler was bad, no doubt. His arrogance did him in.
Read did ok, nothing stellar.
Bourla is next level bad compared to either. Truly awful and that will do him in
Albert loves attention, sought out the spotlight. All the TV appearances, constantly posting and boasting on social media...that bright light he so desperately sought is now shining on his failures

Kindler was bad, no doubt. His arrogance did him in.
Read did ok, nothing stellar.
Bourla is next level bad compared to either. Truly awful and that will do him in
No. McKinnell is the one that got this company started down the current path. That's why he got shown the door (and a 185 million dollar severance) after a short reign.

Albert loves attention, sought out the spotlight. All the TV appearances, constantly posting and boasting on social media...that bright light he so desperately sought is now shining on his failures

will be interesting to see his LinkedIn post on being recognized as the worst bio pharma CEO.
Next book is Rim Shot How to be the Best of the Worst