Fing Johanna

She is not one to build loyalty or respect for people to embrace a common goal.
She does not have the team and caring approach as it is all about her, not the reps.
Zero feelings toward the field. We are disposable & she is just ruthless.

Lets face it. Executive leaders are either ones of Growth or Hatchet. They align toward 1 of these 2 area of expertise.
She is absolutely not a growth executive and rather a Hatchet person brought in to slice dice burn & churn to reduce- period nothing more.

If she was a Growth & Culture enhancement executive then she would still be at BMS!
She has now gotten Gilead lean doing her job what she is known for, now she needs to move on.
We need to replace with a Growth & Culture enhancer that motivates people to go to war with you and conquer with trust, loyalty & respect.
She did her job of cutting and downsizing, now it is time to replace with exec talent that can bring us together as strong growth driver for Gilead. A person that motivates & inspires with a personality of passion for people.
Not her

Yes she is just a ax women. Thats all she knows is downsizings & reduction. She is not a growth or inspirational President and she will know be replaced by a dynamic exciting person who will make us want to work hard & win.
The worse is over with her gut job, now 2022 boot her & get a rockstar Pres.

Are you all actually shocked you got layed off?
All you had to do is look at her bio when hired or better talk to management people with her previous companies.
Her skill is downing & consolidating.
She is not an embracing or kind person to create a growing loyal culture.
Execs are usually experts in one or another and rarely both.

If you didnt know it before, as of now you do.
Chop Chop Chop

Oh Slice & Dice Johanna hibachi style has fulfilled her role in downsizing the US from CV, Prep, to todays blood bath.
Now it is time to go Bye Bye to your next culinary venture.
Gilead needs to replace with a dynamic energetic aspirational President who will create a culture of excitement, loyalty, and GROWTH!

OMG her townhall is just glossing over the key elements.
She is so big pharma--- not biotech.
And announces hiring of her right hand person, also from BIG PHARMA - Novartis.

They dont get BIOTECH. Need to just clean execitives house (like they did the reps) then get true motivational leadership hired.

And this is who we have running US!
No wonder our stock price is down when markets are all time high.
So she brings in finance to explain stock prices as to spin the reason off of her leadership...............

She was brought in to lighten the ship and consolidate like her entire career. Hell look whats happened since she has been her not to mention how direct reports VPs she has ran off.
She is not warm, has no sense of unity or culture because she is not a leader. She is a simple project manager. Aa said earlier a leader motivates & inspires many toward a common goal wanting to go to war for you.
That is not her, she is good at her project management of downsizing divisions and organization. Thats her M O and why she is all about her not the reps or people. She is cold and we are only employee #.
Good thing is after 3 reorg under her, it is about over and a new Motivating Growth Oriented Sheriff should be in charge within 12 months.
Then we will get back to the fun exciting hard working culure we founded and grew our company with.

She just needs to go & take her sour asslo to another company that needs downsizing.
Gilead is as lean as we can get and still be a company and competitive player in our markets.
She did the job they brought her in for and for a slice dice gutting President, she accomplished just that. So time to use her axing skills someplace else.
Now we need a motivational growth driver, a leader who will make us fight for them and partner for greatness. Those are 180 degree different skills than Miss Jo has.
The blood bath last couple yrs is done, now lets grow & excel with a new Pres.
Time for change is now.

Ya’ll are Clowns. We hired way too many people over the years which was selfish. Pfizer model at its best. No vp’s were ran off. They ran to huge offerings elsewhere. The axe was coming a mile away