Expansion plans?

You're stretching it a bit by stating "best managers" went with MO, don't you think? MA, MP, & PF all stayed back, so he didn't take the best. Just the RBMs who wanted to leave Sunovion.

There are some good ones left for sure. At least two of the three mentioned above. What's interesting is that none would have left if MO was still there. 4 of 10 bailed once he left and CS took over. Enough said.

OK, point made that your ecstatic that MO left your company and you kept some quality managers. So, all should be brighter days ahead for you at Sunovion, right? Instead of spreading negative venom here it might be more productive to focus on your company before the rest of them see greener pasteurs.

So we would expect providers to provide access to all these important medicines for patients with schizophrenia. This is one of the six protected classes under the Affordable Care Act, and so we just hope that we have equal access and level playing field which is what we model and that our features will speak for themselves in a market that is growing significantly we expect to get our fair share of it.
