Expansion plans?

Wouldn't it be nice if this company would tell the candidates that this is being put off till December? I have never experienced a more inappropriate handling in terms of lack of communication and follow up then this organization. You start interviewing in Sept, move on to F2F in October then hear nothing? Sad that Cafepharma is where I have to get an update. Thanks for posting this info.

Those getting offers in Dec were told of the delay, others were not told of the timeline. If the first choice accepts then your call will be shortly thereafter. Hope that helps.

Those getting offers in Dec were told of the delay, others were not told of the timeline. If the first choice accepts then your call will be shortly thereafter. Hope that helps.

I haven't heard one word so clearly I wasn't the choice, but to not evven get a thanks-but-no-thanks is unprofessional. I have from other candidates as well that have been told how great they did and that the feedback was excellent and then not a word. It is so easy to simply send an email saying you are going in a different direction vs. no feedback. Very disappointing. Thanks for letting me know so I can move on to other opportunities instead of waiting on this.

I haven't heard one word so clearly I wasn't the choice, but to not evven get a thanks-but-no-thanks is unprofessional. I have from other candidates as well that have been told how great they did and that the feedback was excellent and then not a word. It is so easy to simply send an email saying you are going in a different direction vs. no feedback. Very disappointing. Thanks for letting me know so I can move on to other opportunities instead of waiting on this.

Be patient little fella. If choice number 1 doesn't accept then maybe you get the call. Of course, I don't work for the company and I am posting on cafe pharma and I may or may not be full of crap! You shouldn't believe everything you read, but maybe I am totally being honest.

I would like to think that they would let the people know who aren't moving forward. If the first offer doesn't get accepted, they can always call the other person back. No need to keep people waiting another month if they are going to be rejected.

I haven't heard one word so clearly I wasn't the choice, but to not evven get a thanks-but-no-thanks is unprofessional. I have from other candidates as well that have been told how great they did and that the feedback was excellent and then not a word. It is so easy to simply send an email saying you are going in a different direction vs. no feedback. Very disappointing. Thanks for letting me know so I can move on to other opportunities instead of waiting on this.

Why don't you just call or send an email to ask the status? Might be a better way to spend your time instead of whining and bitching on an anonymous website that is not monitored by Alkermes.

I would like to think that they would let the people know who aren't moving forward. If the first offer doesn't get accepted, they can always call the other person back. No need to keep people waiting another month if they are going to be rejected.

I agree. Simply bad form. Unnecessary, unprofessional.

So we're to believe DBLs will be hired for a drug that the NDA hasn't been filed for yet? I heard DBLs were going to be hired in Jan; no wait Feb; or maybe Mar for positions that recruiters were contacting candidates for back in July? Come on; this operation is DOA-mark it!

So we're to believe DBLs will be hired for a drug that the NDA hasn't been filed for yet? I heard DBLs were going to be hired in Jan; no wait Feb; or maybe Mar for positions that recruiters were contacting candidates for back in July? Come on; this operation is DOA-mark it!

And now the truly clueless weigh in. NDA not filed?

Invega had sales of $583 million in 2013, up 6% from the prior year. Invega Sustenna performed much better, with revenue of $1.25 billion compared to $796 million last year. The two drugs made up 6.5% of the company’s total sales in fiscal year 2013.

People need to get the facts straight before sending "venom" to this site.
First of all potential DBL's to be hired were all communicated with regarding
the hiring information. Those individuals will be offered a position the week
of Dec.8th for a start date of Jan 19 and then head to Florida for the POA
The "delay" of an Aug approval date did push them back a month or so on offering
DBL spots out and rep positions will be posted in late February for a likely start
date in April.
The territories being referenced are just "blue prints" and the RD's and DBL's will
put more attention to those based with a vendor that helps outline territories
based on volume and other factors.
For those that were not communicated with- understand your frustration but the best
recommnedation on here was for you to reach out directly to the hiring director or the HR person that set you up for interviews in the first place. That shouldnt happen but what also
shouldnt happen is you coming into this forum to complain about it- it would appear to
me that you werent chosen for good reason. We monitor this site for a variety of reasons
but whats shocking to me is how candidates for DBL positions are on a site complaining and spreading nonsense is beyond me. Equally inappropriate so were all square!

People need to get the facts straight before sending "venom" to this site.
First of all potential DBL's to be hired were all communicated with regarding
the hiring information. Those individuals will be offered a position the week
of Dec.8th for a start date of Jan 19 and then head to Florida for the POA
The "delay" of an Aug approval date did push them back a month or so on offering
DBL spots out and rep positions will be posted in late February for a likely start
date in April.
The territories being referenced are just "blue prints" and the RD's and DBL's will
put more attention to those based with a vendor that helps outline territories
based on volume and other factors.
For those that were not communicated with- understand your frustration but the best
recommnedation on here was for you to reach out directly to the hiring director or the HR person that set you up for interviews in the first place. That shouldnt happen but what also
shouldnt happen is you coming into this forum to complain about it- it would appear to
me that you werent chosen for good reason. We monitor this site for a variety of reasons
but whats shocking to me is how candidates for DBL positions are on a site complaining and spreading nonsense is beyond me. Equally inappropriate so were all square!

I can say personally that I interviewed for a DBL role. Did extremely well (told this by RD, VP, asked if I would consider an inside position, etc.) yet I have NOT received a call or an email from HR with any direction. Last word I had was that I would know something by the last week in Oct and thank you for your patience AFTER I reached out to HR to get a status update.

Not getting the job is simply a fact of life (someone has more experience, connections, etc.) but simply never receiving a note saying "Thanks but we have gone in another direction" is simply unprofessional.

Yes, hiring a director from Sunovion who is being investigated for compliance violations.
If that's how things start don't expect things to change.
It's a highly regulated business with bad actors.

Yes, hiring a director from Sunovion who is being investigated for compliance violations.
If that's how things start don't expect things to change.
It's a highly regulated business with bad actors.

Here we go again! The lunatic that was fired from Sunovion trying to cause trouble on the Alkermes site. Move on "little boy"

I can say personally that I interviewed for a DBL role. Did extremely well (told this by RD, VP, asked if I would consider an inside position, etc.) yet I have NOT received a call or an email from HR with any direction. Last word I had was that I would know something by the last week in Oct and thank you for your patience AFTER I reached out to HR to get a status update.

Not getting the job is simply a fact of life (someone has more experience, connections, etc.) but simply never receiving a note saying "Thanks but we have gone in another direction" is simply unprofessional.

A special thanks goes out to whoever decided to pass on hiring this drama queen.