
Anyone know why JH is now a manager? JV is now associate manager. What is going on with Farmer? Is he leaving too?
I see 4 questions in your post.
1. JH was promoted to pacify him for losing to CH for the West RSM gig.
2. JV was promoted because Patty is kissing up to her for being #1 RSS.
3. Farmer is still drinking the kool-aid and is still quite delusional.
4. He will never leave Opko. This is his best gig yet! He’s protected.

President’s Club “bonus”? Wrong! It’s officially a prize, not a bonus. The winners are exactly that, winners. They won a sales contest. Opko must be reminded about the contest law. Peter? When one announces and launches a contest, they are bound by law to award the prize. In this case, Opko is obligated to award the prize even if the winner resigns. The 2019 contest is over, the winners have been announced, 5+ months later and where’s the prize? Lawsuit!