
I, not one who left, honor those who did. They left for a 160K base. Some may have stayed if they got a fair merit. Maybe now Frosty?
I echo your statement. However, although Frosty is the ultimate moneybags, it is CB and PS who decide and make recommendations on merit raises, etc. They are to blame for the exodus, plus the RSM, of course.

Congratulations to those who found a new gig! In typical Patty, Charlie, Frost fashion the response will be crickets. Here is a reminder of promises made, promises unkept.
Failure to pay presidents club bonus
Failure to make 401k match contributions
Failure to grant merit raises
Failure to improve the car situation

Patty, when you finish your Miami house hunting trip (incredibly bad idea BTW) immediately do what is in your power to keep the remaining people happy. People are tired of empty promises. Truth be told, everyone wants to GTFO!

Hey Patty, how about retention bonuses? Oh wait, I forgot. We haven’t even gotten our 401k match yet. Or merit raises. Remember, Charlie said they’d be retro to 1/1 so nobody would “lose any money.” Never mind. Just better to collapse territories and pile on more work and travel.

Hey Patty, how about retention bonuses? Oh wait, I forgot. We haven’t even gotten our 401k match yet. Or merit raises. Remember, Charlie said they’d be retro to 1/1 so nobody would “lose any money.” Never mind. Just better to collapse territories and pile on more work and travel.

it makes it easy for people to leave when they are treated like sh*t.

Congratulations to those who found a new gig! In typical Patty, Charlie, Frost fashion the response will be crickets. Here is a reminder of promises made, promises unkept.
Failure to pay presidents club bonus
Failure to make 401k match contributions
Failure to grant merit raises
Failure to improve the car situation

Patty, when you finish your Miami house hunting trip (incredibly bad idea BTW) immediately do what is in your power to keep the remaining people happy. People are tired of empty promises. Truth be told, everyone wants to GTFO!

So many unkept promises. If it wasn’t raises because of covid, it would have been another excuse. They need to change their ways because every single RSS’s that still remains is looking to get out.

So many unkept promises. If it wasn’t raises because of covid, it would have been another excuse. They need to change their ways because every single RSS’s that still remains is looking to get out.
I suspect that to be the plan exactly, for the RSS’s to leave, especially the old timers. That way, Patty can build an empire of new hires who will kowtow to her. Just like the internally promoted RSM’s. A bunch of puppet marionettes. Yuck.

Congratulations to those who found a new gig! In typical Patty, Charlie, Frost fashion the response will be crickets. Here is a reminder of promises made, promises unkept.
Failure to pay presidents club bonus
Failure to make 401k match contributions
Failure to grant merit raises
Failure to improve the car situation

Patty, when you finish your Miami house hunting trip (incredibly bad idea BTW) immediately do what is in your power to keep the remaining people happy. People are tired of empty promises. Truth be told, everyone wants to GTFO!
President’s Club “bonus”? Wrong! It’s officially a prize, not a bonus. The winners are exactly that, winners. They won a sales contest. Opko must be reminded about the contest law. Peter? When one announces and launches a contest, they are bound by law to award the prize. In this case, Opko is obligated to award the prize even if the winner resigns. The 2019 contest is over, the winners have been announced, 5+ months later and where’s the prize? Lawsuit!

Patty is not a good leader and because she came from big pharma that is all that she pretends to know. Read one of her emails? She can not even spell.
She is only pretending to be a NSD and BTW, she is not really looking for a house. Fake news. Just another ploy to make things appear normal. It is all a farce. Has any NSD lived in Miami? Only in the figments of their virtual imaginations.

Patty moving to Miami? Fake news! Has any NSD lived in Miami? Her house is not even on the market. What a joke you are Patty. Living the virtual dream. Go back to big pharma where you came from. You have decimated the sales force. We don’t like you.

Congratulations to those who found a new gig! In typical Patty, Charlie, Frost fashion the response will be crickets. Here is a reminder of promises made, promises unkept.
Failure to pay presidents club bonus
Failure to make 401k match contributions
Failure to grant merit raises
Failure to improve the car situation

Patty, when you finish your Miami house hunting trip (incredibly bad idea BTW) immediately do what is in your power to keep the remaining people happy. People are tired of empty promises. Truth be told, everyone wants to GTFO!

PREACH!!! Another wave coming soon...

President’s Club “bonus”? Wrong! It’s officially a prize, not a bonus. The winners are exactly that, winners. They won a sales contest. Opko must be reminded about the contest law. Peter? When one announces and launches a contest, they are bound by law to award the prize. In this case, Opko is obligated to award the prize even if the winner resigns. The 2019 contest is over, the winners have been announced, 5+ months later and where’s the prize? Lawsuit!
You left and you think you’ll still see presidents club money. Laughable. The reps still employed will be lucky if they ever see their money. Opko must be putting too much money towards the covid study and can’t afford to pay their employees bonuses, pay 401k’s and give raises. If I were y’all I’d run for the hills.

You're right, we only get $800 per month plus 32 cents per mile. That doesn't count, i guess. We should get $3,000 per month plus a gas card plus $1 per mile to make you happy. Geez.

You're right, we only get $800 per month plus 32 cents per mile. That doesn't count, i guess. We should get $3,000 per month plus a gas card plus $1 per mile to make you happy. Geez.
It is the lowest in the industry moron. Geeze right back at cha! Everything at opko is done on the cheap, EVERYTHING!. disgusting!.